Aquarius Full Moon (Game Over)

1 month ago

On August 19th the full moon in Aquarius at 27 degrees will bring together the culmination of so many planetary anomaly's that when combined herald the release energy like a rubber band wound around Pluto as it leaves Aquarius and slows to a point where it can re enter the sign of Capricorn that we will never experience again in our lifetime on earth. This is where the line between Ai and the emergence of the technocratic god Ahriman will no longer be blurred and the satanic take over of the human soul migration into the Saturnian black cube of demonic control will be complete.

What this means in a practical sense for our species is that every spiritual or holistic group practising healing, energy clearing and prayer will be infiltrated by mindless demonic servants to usurp the divine energy of those souls present in the group. They will enter and wait for the alchemy to unfold and when the projenitor asks everyone to join hands and form a circle that space will be energetically inverted and the electrical impulse energy and resonance will be stolen and stored in a repository filled with human battery's. All spiritually inspired energy will be parasited and redirected to fuel the dark agenda of culling the herd and harvesting the soul energy to build the holographic projection of the 8th Sphere which is where Satan and Ahriman will reign over all in a dark harmonic convergence with those fallen souls.

These posessed dark fallen souls will never draw attention to themselves so if they are confronted as to why they are unwilling to have their third eye annointed with sacred water to consolidate the space they will immediately make an excuse to not participate and leave the circle. It will be possible for those who are cornered and annointed to expose the shape shifting parasite energy apparent as the flesh around the third eye will burn just as in a typical demonic exorcism. Each benevolent human will have the power to exorcise those infected with the mind control and the parasite worm of satan living in the graphene oxide infected in all humans.

The tool of warriorship will be the purity of water which is the most sacred and divine elemental source on earth today. To clear any space that has been infected by the demonic force is simply going to be to dowse the space with the water with set intentional action for the greater good.

The two factions that will emerge from this satanic culmination with be the disruptors on one side and the black cube brigade on the other. Unfortunately there will be great strength in the numbers of the black cubists and elohim worship cult as oposed to the smaller sleeper cells of the disruptors (4th wave of illuminated light bodies) as they look to amass and consolidate their numbers. Make no mistake the senory war inside the perceptual prison cell has begun in earnest and the timeline is very short and fixed to events already unfolding with each passing day.

P & C 2024 7th Sense Productions
all rights reserved worldwide in perpetuity

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