getting "distracted" reading the labels

6 months ago

you are probably very strange if you watch this channel
we literally are taking a ride
that's the fair right over there, next exit down from my restaurant
fast food should be an obvious red flag
it works well w/ my brain n it's good for people like me to hold down a job
i'd rather just figure my shit out
restaurant people are typically potty mouths aside from maybe chic filet
achilles heel: chronic lateness
i enjoy the nature of the work but the people are really annoying
there are fat people everywhere
if i worked ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE SOUTH i'd still have to deal w/ fat people haha
i don't typically indulge in food aside from the occasional late night binge eating due to waiting all day to eat *still not good i know
i barely even eat to live
i have a very taxing relationship w/ food
i use food to motivate myself to do things i don't wanna do
catfish basket would be good
the real reason why i work where i do
i guess i have this interest in the eating habits of people in this country
natural curiosity for what nobody else seems to be interested in
a lotta people need proof that the world is bad
eating kraft mac&cheese w/ ease...CLASSIC ag childhood
gmos kinda spoil everything
everything is such a contest is it not
the general public doesn't take the time to consider murphy's law
it's a medium where people pretend to communicate
way more cons than pros so the pros really ain't worth it
technology has advanced becuz we have gone along w/ it thus far
i have always said that door dashers were shitheads so...
people don't seem to understand that their actions have consequences

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