4 months ago

Nicholas DeVincenzo
Published on Mar 22, 2015
(produced by Nicholas DeVincenzo & Kevin Brant)

Looks into the cult of Zionism and the Greater Israel (Rothschild) project...
Israel's Legitimacy? It Doesn't Exist...
The establishment of Israel, was as wrong as slavery, as wrong as the colonists war against Native Americans, or the Nazi's persecution of the Jews. As wrong as the Balfour Declaration upon which Israel's creation was predicated.

Israel's so called war of independence was no different then the above, it was a war of aggression an inhumane act, and an atrocity. The reason Israel has National Security concerns is because of the illegitimate way in which it was created.

Palestine was never a land without a people, for a people without a land, this notion is a myth. Just as the notion that Native Americans were savages, or the myth that blacks are inferior to whites.

Or that the Jewish people are evil, and can not be trusted, or that all Muslims are terrorists. No these non-truths grow out of greed, ignorance, and tribalism, out of trying to justify inhumane acts and human cruelty.

Like the rapist who claims, he was forced to rape, because the woman was dressed provocatively. On some level we are all guilty, we are all complicit or wilfully ignorant, and therefore share in the burden of trying to make things right.

What was done in the past cannot be made to disappear, but reparations could be made. What is presently happening to the Palestinian people, and the continual usurpation of their homeland, could be stopped now.
The international community must acknowledge that Israel has no legitimacy, and therefore must be treated as the apartheid state that it is, one built upon the wrongheaded notions of Zionism, and ethnocracy.

The distinction must be made between Judaism and Zionism, just as one must be made between Christianity, the Crusades and Manifest Destiny. Belief in a God does not give one the right to make war or claim land in his name.

There is a small percentage of very powerful and wealthy people that seek to control the world. They seek to keep you in the dark, about themselves and their exploits.

Keep this in mind as you watch the news, or read the papers, they control what you see and what you hear. In essence they frame your perceptions of reality. It is called perception management, and is epitomized in the way in which Israel's attacks on Gaza are presented.

For example the notion that the Israelis are forced to kill Palestinian children to save Israeli children. This is the same as telling you that black is white or that up is down.

The same as telling you that Israel has the right to exist, and or is a viable democracy and a legitimate state. When in realty it is Israel's legitimacy itself that doesn't exist...


More Than Conquerors
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

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