Truth Pups spreading behind the scenes TRUTHS

2 months ago

Trump and Tulsi Gabbard talking behind the scenes and preparing for a big announcement in 2025

Lt. Colonial Tulsi Gabbard publicly EXPOSES the deep state and calls out OBAMA. CLINTONS and military as the deep state.

Right hand man of Obama Jaime Raskin admits the Democratic party is creating civil war/ plan to remove Trump & use 14 amendment to take control of the military

Behind the scenes>[; The high Military
Commanders are divided& know the arrest wars are coming

Q drops are confirmed of arrest wars and near civil war events coming ( he said this back in 2020 all these events would happen & lead to The Storm arrest wars.)

Behind the scenes>]: White hats captured most of the deep state operations/forcing the [ DS] to finish playing out their evil operations that will lead to world counts/Military operations

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