7.1 Earthquake Hits Japan 08/08/24

2 months ago

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The Masonic Grand Central: The Oval Office

Washington DC is the a h*man tr•ff¡ck▪️︎ng capital of the world. The mere fact that they are on salary is cause for concern. Our Founding Fathers wanted our political figures to be paid per diem for hours worked. Nothing more. You ate not supposed to even be paid while on vacation.

How do you rectify knowing children were being taken under the oval office to be sexually abused by our congress as a politician and receive  payments that are supposed  to be an honorarium that you are not supposed to even receive after you leave the jurisdiction?

MS-13 members even admitted that they are used as foot soldiers to traffic children for our corrupt elected bureaucrats.  We all seen the footage of children being removed late at night who were wrapped in blankets and escorted off the property. And your congress knew the entire time.

This is why Donald Trump never accepted a salary while he was president because he knew it was blood money. Which was a moral righteous choice as he knew while serving kids were being rescued by US Military.

Child prostitutes visiting the Whitehouse is old news. On 29 June 1989, the front page of the Washington Times read:

"Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr ‘CALL BOYS’ Who Took Midnight Tours Of White House"

Do you know what made things peculiar and very suspicious about the 65,000 worth of fast food (hot dogs & pizza) Barrack Obama ordered from emails that was also sent to Ben Affleck that many suspect is code for little children?

That you are stipulated for security risk as a president to only order all of your food on site as a rule. Which means no outside deliveries to the White House. Unless you are doing it for staff or special guest as a gesture. An example would be D. Trump who bought fast food for those students. Aside from that as a policy all food must be prepared in-house using raw ingredients.

Listen many may not know this but it has to be brought up. This is regarding Fr*zzl* Drip. Which is footage of Hillary Clinton & Huma Abedin skinning the face of a young girl. People in the FBI along with NYPD officers who are clean and not compromised or corrupt attempted to bring charges to Clinton & Abedin but were prevented by higher-ups who were of higher rank.

Because those officials also knew that in Washington DC children were being held on transit cellars in local businesses in that area including restaurants. Remember the global shutdown of YouTube back in October 2018? That was said to be due from the footage of the little girl that was being tortured in the video.

Mainstream media giants launched a cover-up campaign that year against the leaked Podesta emails and related crimes, to muddy the waters and leave the general public confused about the truth. People have no idea how diabolical the situation is.

Did you all know that when those Podesta emails leaked that 100 H. Clinton staff members and associates ended up dead in quick succession? That is not including the 45 people listed under her body count. Just like the many witnesses to JFK'S assassination, and witnesses to Kevin Spacey's sexual assaults.

Pedogate was discredited as
'fake news' despite NBC's (11 June 2013) televised report regarding Hillary Clinton using her position as US Secretary of State to cease an investigation into child trafficking within the State Department. Despite the MSM mediablackout, Pedogate reached the public via social media.

Must Join: Barron Trump✅

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