The House Martin: Close Up HD Footage (Delichon urbicum)

5 months ago

House Martins are cool little birds you might spot zipping around buildings in the UK. They're part of the swallow family and love to build their nests on houses and other structures. These birds are pretty small, about the size of a sparrow, with a white belly and a blue-black back.
In spring, House Martins fly all the way from Africa to spend summer here. They're ace flyers and catch insects in the air for food. You'll often see them swooping and diving around, especially near water where there are lots of bugs.
Their nests are really clever - they make them out of mud pellets stuck under the eaves of buildings. Both mum and dad birds work together to build the nest and look after their chicks.
Sadly, House Martin numbers have been going down in recent years. This might be because there are fewer insects around or because modern buildings don't have as many good spots for nests. But lots of people are trying to help by putting up special nest boxes for them.

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