Trial by fire

7 months ago

As the invasion in Europe turns to open war in the streets. The market starts it’s Bull rush up again.
While move evidence of this all being a damn show. Spills into my lap. I believe we can handle anything. As long as it’s truth. I recall a video clip of Obama. The Antichrist as I call him. Talking to people telling them. As long as you tell people enough lies. You can control them. He also said we’re to stupid to make our own choices.
We will continue to fight. And to pray. Until this garbage is over. It has to end by or before November 5th elections. Or there will be many. Who will give up all together. Others will do some very bad things for very good reasons. Right now is what matters. Everything we are seeing and living through. Is our inspiration to not trust any government. That in turn, means we will create a better world to live in. My biggest hope. Is that it happens fast.
Never give in to the lies. Don’t let them control your emotions. Evil feeds off negativity.

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