Remastered HD Versions of Doom 1 and Doom 2 Coming to Modern Consoles on the Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4

5 months ago

Remastered HD Versions of Doom 1 and Doom 2 Coming to Modern Consoles on the Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4

Yep! Thats right guys,your eyes are not deceiving you Here,The Classic First 2 Installments of the Franchise that Defied the Ultra Violent First Person Shooters Genre of the 90s next to Both "Duke Nukum" and "Wolfeinsteine" are coming to Modern Consoles with New HD Remastered Versions!

ahhh Yes,DOom,the Franchise that really made you feel like a Man,with the hard rockin soundtrack with all the Humorous Ultra Violent gore as the Iconic "Doom Guy" blasts all those demons in Hell with Rocket Launchers,Plasma Guns,Chain Saw Guns,you name

I had the Sega 32X Version back in the Day as a kid,graphics in that version were awsome,but the Soundtrack Sucked,Even for Sega Genesis/32X but the good news is,there was a recent Defenitive Edition Rom hack version of the Sega 32X Version of Doom,which fixes all the flaws that version of the game had,including more levels and a better soundtrack!

and so,time to take a One way trip back to the Depths of Hell and Survive all the onslaughts of those Demons!

And yes,What I learned from Super Mario World,Yoshi said it best "DOom is defentially alot more Fun than Tennis" but Surviving an Onslaught of a wave of Demons that will Kick your ass in Hell THough? now does that sound like fun to you?.lol

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