Prophet Julie Green-Proof Is Coming How Your Enemies Are Trying to Stop This Next Election-Captions

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In this prophecy, God reassures his children that their enemies will not succeed in causing chaos and fear to stop the next election. He warns that the enemies will try various attacks and distractions, but their defeat is inevitable. God promises that proof will come to expose the enemies' actions and bring about justice. He urges his children to stand firm, pray, and walk in love, as he is the one who brings judgment. Despite the challenges, God reminds his children that the Greater One lives inside of them and that the situation is not bigger than him.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 07-16-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

Today’s Scriptures:
1 John 4:4
Heb. 10:30, 35-36
Ps. 75:7
Hag. 2:6-9, 22
Jer. 1:10, 12
Isa. 55:11
Jer. 32:17
Heb. 10:23
Phil. 4:13
Ps. 33:8-11
Isa. 54:17
Prov. 28:1-5
James 4:7
Prov. 29:2
Isa. 9:6-7
Isa. 35:3-4
Isa. 40:8
Eph. 6:10
Heb. 13:8


COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX:www.prophecyindex.org



Good morning, everybody. Today is Tuesday, July 16th. Of 2024 and welcome today's live show and do something a little bit differently this morning I do believe that we need to pray in the beginning of this live show, but I also believe we need to pray at the end And I want to pray over not only president trump his family the rnc convention protection of that entire facility and every person in it and the lord has had it on my heart and the team's heart to be praying over that You Consistently while they are in that convention because we know that this is not the end of what the enemies are trying to do to this nation Or what they are trying to do against our rightful president and or his family And so what we have to do is that we are in this battle We're in the army of the lord and we have to hold that line We have to be the ones on that front line That are protecting the ones that God has chosen guys anointed guys appointed.

Well, how do we do that? How do we protect them? We protect them by standing by praying by pleading the blood of Jesus and by using God's word and using his Authority that he's given to us We know the most powerful weapon in the world is the name of Jesus the authority of that name and of course The written word of God and speaking that word out of our mouth because it is a weapon It is a sword of the spirit.

And so that's why we have to know and be diligent to get into our bibles every single day Start seeking God on a daily basis about what he wants you to say and what he wants you to do He has been giving us a lot of marching orders decrees and declarations Inside these prophetic words and also inside these teachings and he's been given to us again Go to our website at jgm international.

org Under our blog post or you can go to our where our teachings and our prophecies are because This is a time of warfare Yes, we see God save our rightful president in a day and he saves our nation in a day Just as he's been promising lately, but this is not a time to back off This is not a time to start, you know, just relaxing.

This is a time to press in and press forth and press through everything the enemies are trying to do to you. What they're trying to do to your nation, what they're trying to do to your family, what they're trying to do to your body or your mind. This is a time of pressing in, pressing in to seeing what God has to say and what God has to do.

God has made it very clear who the protector of this nation is. He's made it very clear who the protector of President Trump is. It's him. He's made it very clear to the body of Christ that he does answer our prayers and he's faithful to his word. So I want to pray right now. So Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name, first of all, I thank you that you do save a nation in a day.

That you do protect our rightful president and his family and every person around with him. And now his new vice president pick. Which is J. D. Vance. Father God, I thank you. Just like you told me yesterday, after he picked him, you put his, there are two names together, Trump and Vance. And it sounds like if you say it really fast, Trump advance.

So father God, I thank you that our president is advancing in your name, advancing in your power, advancing in your revelation knowledge of who he is. With you not alone, but who he is with you and I thank you for the same thing with JD Vance father God if he doesn't know you The way he should know you that he will know you that he will father God submit to your will and they don't do politics as usual They don't do things as normal.

They do things by your guidance and by your will and by your father, what you want done. I thank you that they are led and guided by you, father, God, and not the world or not normal people. Again, politics as usual. I thank you, father. God, there's a shift that has taken place in this nation. A shift has taken place in the body of Christ, a shift where people are realizing the miracle of almighty God and that you still love and you still save, you still deliver, and you are still here and you are the same God.

Yesterday today and forever people all over the world father. God, the enemy has been attacking Attacking their minds attacking their bodies attacking their peace Attacking their joy attacking their family attacking their finances. It's attack Onslaught of attack one after another but you God you are faithful to deliver You are faithful, Father God, to not only get us out of it, but get us through it, up and over any of the enemy's attacks.

Against us personally, against us as a nation, or in the body of Christ. We, Father God, we thank you for all that you have done for us. We thank you to all that you've done and all that we're seeing that you are doing through president Trump and his family, all you're seeing, what you're seeing, you're doing, what could you do with the RNC?

We saw father God, people praying in one accord, like never before. And that will continue to grow. We are proclaiming that father God, this is not business as usual, but the body of Christ is standing up. The body of Christ is praying. The body of Christ is using your authority. Father God, in every aspect of our life.

What a beautiful sight to see is people praying in your name. And so father God, I thank you that it will keep increasing, increasing after increase of your revelation knowledge. In a prayer and that people are seeking you and want to know you more because of what they just saw And I thank you father God because of what they just saw that virtually impossible was possible for you But opens their eyes and softens their heart To who you really are and what you have in store for us.

And we thank you for it. Jesus name. Amen. And amen. So again, God is moving. And as soon as like back a long time ago, this was back in 2015 when Trump had originally had announced Pence as his running mate. And all of a sudden I said Trump Pence really fast and it sounded like I said trumpets, but the trumpet sound trumpets are very, very, very important in the word.

So that's what it sounded like Trump Pence and then trumpets and all of a sudden yesterday when he announced the same thing happened when he announced J. D. Vance. I put the Lord, just put it in my mind, in my spirit, Trump and Vance, Trump advance. So, and that's, it's not just advance in his, you know, walk politically, but advance in his walk spiritually.

God is getting his attention. I remember there was a couple of different prophecies where he has said, Trump, do you hear me? And so I believe with all my heart, he is hearing God, he is listening, and especially that's got to be such an eye opener for him that God, and he saw how God spared his life and God saved him.

I saw somebody say, and then there's articles, he just kept saying, I should be dead. I should be dead, but it was God who gave him life. And so God is our protector. Again, he's a protector of our nation. He's protector of all of us. And so that's what we had to realize we saw a miracle take place and we can't just make light of it It was a big deal.

God is the protector of this nation He's a protector of you and I we can never lose sight That we are one nation under God We can never lose sight that God is the great I Am that he is our heavenly father and he's faithful to his word Millions of people are praying for this nation on a daily basis You Millions of people are praying all over the world for freedom, for their liberties.

And we saw God answer our prayers for protection of President Trump and protection of this country all at the same time. So as we go moving forward, the enemies aren't done. I'm actually going to give you a prophetic word that talks just about that. Again, this is not to fear. This is not a time for calamity or time to give up or quit.

This is not a time to give in. This is a time to press in, to move forward and advance. Advance in God's revelation. Advance in God's for his will to be done in your life, to receive more of his glory. To receive more, whatever you need from him, whatever you need, receive to say, God, I receive everything you have done for me.

I received what Jesus has done for me. I received that I'm redeemed from the curse. I received my healing. I received my peace. I received my joy. Whatever it is that you need, receive it. Let God work, be in agreement with God. And not your enemy. All right, let's go over this prophetic word here. This is the second one.

I told you I had three On sunday, this is the second one from sunday.

So july 14th of 2024 This is the second one and this prophecy is called Proof Is Coming How the Enemies Are Trying to Stop the Next Election... Proof Is Coming How the Enemies Are Trying to Stop the Next Election. And something really quick before I get to this one Lord's reminding me. Remember on that night on Saturday night where Manuel Johnson and I were praying and one of the things that God kept saying that word over and over expose, expose, expose.

Because the Lord, when I was praying, he knew it was an inside job. That's how he had me pray. We are seeing so much information coming out so quickly since Saturday of how this was an inside job. And like I told you yesterday, 20 year old could have not had done this on his own. He couldn't have gotten that lucky.

So we're just going to keep continually agreeing, declaring and decreeing. Expose, expose, expose. That's part of your marching orders that God wants you to declare. on a daily basis. Expose, expose, expose all the things that the enemies are doing. All right, let's get to this word. Proof Is Coming How the Enemies Are Trying to Stop the Next Election.

For I, the Lord, want to remind you, my children, of my words. Your enemies want a civil war. They want chaos, fear, and confusion running rampant. So you are too weak and afraid to fight back. They will *try* more against you. They will *try* more attacks on a larger scale. They will *try* to bombard your hearts and minds with deception, confusion, and fear.

But it will not work because I have strengthened you and prepared you for such a time as this.

*They will not get* the war they seek. *They will not get *the fear they so desire. *They will not get* the revolt they wanted to trap you in. No, because you, my children have learned to fight with me.

Your enemies will begin to be unmasked faster. Watch to see what happens to the party of the left, along with the establishment and their *supposed* commander in chief. As I say, "their puppet" ...Days of Haman... As they tried to kill my son, w atch and see my hand move against them.

The angel of death I have spoken of will be more obvious in this time They provoked me and mocked me and I'm avenging you my children. I've said in my word Vengeance is mine and the meting out of full justice rest with me. Full justice *will* be seen. Justice is coming My United States. Justice is coming, my David, and justice is coming for my children, saith the Lord, your Redeemer.

Drone strikes, false flag events, terrorist attacks, viruses, the crashing of your markets.... This failed attempt will start a cascade of unprecedented events to take place over the world to stop the return of my David, but I will say this again, *nothing will work*. I Am bigger than any war, any virus, any economic crash;

I Am bigger than any terrorist attack and any war they try.

My children, I Am the God who saves a nation in a day, and I Am the God, or I Am the Lord, the fourth man who shows up in the fiery furnace. And I Am still that same today, saith the Lord of hosts. My children, great distractions are coming for your enemies to try and deflect and for them to hide the truth.

A whistleblower is coming that will prove what had taken place in your country to try to stop this next election. I told you the handwriting was on the wall for your enemies to see. And it says, *defeated and you lose!* There is no way for them to win! Your enemies know this is now -they know this now more than ever, so they will try one plan after another. One major event after another.

Your enemies defeat is coming because I Am here and you will see it that they will all be removed by me says the Lord. An historic exposure is coming. A great fall of a government will take place. My Children, I have saved the best for last. Truth is coming, proof is coming, that will destroy their power in this hour.

Watergate? No, this is much bigger! Watch the Biden slip faster now. Watch what takes place in the White House. Washington, DC will begin to shake like never before. They will reveal themselves now, even more. Your enemy's tongues will be their worst enemy. It is time for their words to expose who they really are, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. Now, again, I know I showed you yesterday. All the clips, and that was just, well, I guess not all, all the ones I had. There are more of what the enemies have been saying for a very long time. Their narrative, and how they were literally trying to cause such great chaos and division.

They are trying to cause a civil war. God's been warning us about that for some time now. I actually saw a short TikTok clip of somebody going unhinged. This female went unhinged because Trump didn't die. What is that? That's not normal. First of all, that's demonic. Why would you be going crazy that somebody's life wasn't taken?

That's not a normal or natural response. So again, the enemies are showing their hand. The reason why they have the propaganda machines and they have their, you know, lamestream media out speaking all the time is to cause these types of reactions. But that's why God has been speaking to us on a continual basis.

So we respond the way he wants us to respond in prayer with his words in faith in peace in joy and In love now some people might say well, how do you say you're speaking in love when you're talking about the angel of death? Well, God is saying he's the one who brings judgment again People can't mock and provoke God and think that they're going to get away with it They won't.

God has given them time because he does love them. He's given them time to repent and they won't.

So what we have to do is pray for the ones who have a soft heart that God can get to them before it's too late. I do believe for some It's not too late for them. For others, they've hardened their heart and they've made their, their decision. But what we have to do is stand firm and walk in love. The enemy's gonna try to get you so angry at somebody or so offended or so you know, all these different emotions to get you off of what God's telling you.

The first thing that they wanted to do over the weekend was cause a great fear. That would have caused a civil war if that would have taken place. But God, God is answering our prayers and he will continue to answer our prayers. Now I want to go through a couple of scriptures here.

And it's, it's God, this is not anything, this situation is bigger than all of us. But the good thing is it's not bigger than God. And remember the greater one lives on the inside of us that he that's in the world.

Turn to Hebrews 10, you guys probably know where I'm going. Hebrews 10 and verse 30, this is what we have to understand that justice. Comes from God. So he's saying right here in 30. This is the amplified for we know him who said Vengeance is mine Retribution and the meting out of full Justice rests with me full justice rests with God not man.

It rests with God Then he says I will repay I will exact the compensation says the lord And again, the Lord will judge, and determine, solve, and settle the cause in the cases of His people. Well, speaking of the cases. Of God's people, there was a dismissal in that Jack Smith classified document case against president Trump.

Well, what God has been saying about dismissals, that's been prophecy. He also has been talking about the indictments were going to blow up and fall apart. Well, they have. There's not one that they'll be able to stand because not only the immunity case, but of course, God is the one who said he is the one who's judged.

And he is the one who had the final verdict and had the final say, and his gavel is the one who's come down. Because remember it says in psalm 75 and verse seven Psalm 75 in verse seven and it says that he is a judge over all the earth He takes down one and lifts up another so it's not the judges in this earth They're going to be able to make decisions if they go contrary to the word of God They will not be able to stand and it will not be able to stand in this land for sure So what God is telling us this day is that we have to realize that the full Justice Rest with God.

All right full justice rest with God. And then I want you guys to look down hebrews 10 in verse 35 Do not fling away therefore fling away your fearless confidence for it carries great and glorious compensation of reward Verse 36 for you have need of steadfast patience and endurance We have need of steadfast patience and endurance because we have in this last several years have had to be patience And be patient and we've had to have endurance to go through it all, to not give up, to not quit, to hold that line, to never surrender.

And one of the things that was so awesome after President Trump, that happened to him, the first thing he kept saying was fight, fight, fight. Not to ever surrender not to ever get up. Why because God is telling us we are at the very end Remember what he said that it's always the darkest before the dawning great persecution becomes before great promotion So you see what's going on?

God is strengthening us making us stronger Even though the enemies were trying to make us weaker that he means to try to destroy our nation in one day And one day the failed because by God. And so we have that need of steadfast patience and endurance that you may perform and fully accomplish the will of God that thus receives and carries away and enjoy the full, what is promised.

We have to have that endurance. To receive what is promised now, let's keep going because lord has a lot of scriptures. He gave me this morning go back to haggai again He keeps having me go back to that scripture Haggai too now again, I would say what happened the other day was also a type of shaking you realize when you come a millimeter or half a millimeter or whatever it was From President Trump and not surviving and or a half a millimeter or whatever it was to a complete Destruction and death of our country along with a civil war when you come that close.

I would say that is a shaking That's a shaking to wake people up to realize that it's not a man. It is God and God alone that delivers and that says, and God will not, no matter what the enemies have planned, God will deliver us out of it all. Because he promises that he says I hear the cries my people and I will deliver you out of it all

Let's keep reading. So go to Haggai 2 and verse 6 for that says the Lord of hosts yet Once more in a little while I will shake and make tremble the starry heavens the earth the sea in the dry land Then he says and I will shake all nations and the desires and the precious things of all nations shall come in and I will fill This house with splendor says the Lord of hosts verse 8 the silver is mine the gold is mine says the Lord of hosts You Verse 9 the latter glory of this house With this successor to which Jesus came shall be greater than the former says the Lord of hosts in this place Will I give you peace prosperity says the Lord of hosts so God is talking about a shaking of nations We are gonna see a greater shaking that's going to take place And if you go over and look at Haggai 2 in verse 22, and I will in the distant future Overthrow the throne of kings.

I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms Now the unGodly nations and I will overthrow their chariots and those who ride in them and those horses and their riders shall go down Everyone by the sword of his brother God is the one who's going to what right here? It says and I will in the distant future overthrow the throne of the kingdoms God is the one Who can overthrow?

Kingdoms God also we know can remove people from places of positions We know that because we've seen it We've seen it in the Bible. We've also seen it recently go to Jeremiah. He keeps having us go and read that too, but he's also giving us something to do. Jeremiah one in verse 10, see, I've appointed this day.

I see. I had this day appointed to you. To the oversight of the nations and on the kingdoms to root out pull down to destroy to overthrow to build and to plant How do we do all these things with the word of God and with his power and with his authority? That's how we do it. How do we overthrow kingdoms?

By being in agreement with almighty God. The people we see that are before us are not bigger than God. Their plans will not go as they want them to go. Just as we've seen the other day. Remember this was another JFK moment. This was another moment. Look over here. This is who did it when it was really not.

Because they want you, they have a fall man, they don't want you to see what was really going on. But God is saying to us, Look, you have that power and authority I have given to you, so what we have to do is be in agreement with Almighty God that God is the one who's going to overthrow kingdoms, God is the one who's going to remove people from their places of power, and it's not their choice, it's not our enemy's choice as to whether they get to stay in these positions or not.

Because it's not.

Look what it says in verse 12. Jeremiah 1 in verse 12. Then said the Lord to me, you seen well, for I Am alert. And active watching over my word to perform it. God is watching over his word to perform it That's the reason why we have to be speaking The word of God if we speak the word of God God is faithful to perform his word Just like it says in isaiah 55 11 His words do not return to him void.

So when we're praying for ourselves personally, no matter what's going on in your life, if you're praying, make sure you use the scriptures and prayer. If you felt the, feel the unction to pray over this nation, make sure you use the scriptures, use the word of God, be in agreement with God, because God is faithful to perform his work, not to perform their words.

He's faithful to perform his words.

Okay. Okay. He's gone over the scripture quite a lot.

Hold on. He just showed me another one really quick. Jeremiah 32. I love how when I'm studying and I'm going through the word, there's sometimes where it's just like, he just. My fingers just keep doing the walking and then he just shows me exactly what scriptures I need to go to I'm not i'm not even kidding you.

Sometimes it's I think it's an accident. I'm like, no, that's God. All right So, jeremiah 32 and verse 17 jeremiah 32 and verse 17 Alas lord God behold you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm There is nothing too hard or too wonderful for you. There's nothing too hard for God There is nothing too hard for God.

Well, it looks like we're in a, some people say that phrase, we're in a pickle or some people say that we're, you know, this is a massive issue. We're in over our head. There is no there's we're not big enough, but there's nothing too big for God. There's nothing too big for God and that is what everyone in the body of Christ really needs to get that revelation Is there's nothing too big for God to handle and first John 4 for that He has me say all the time on a continual basis first John 4 for he's the greater one That lives on the inside of you then he that's in the world Remind yourself be God inside minded that God is bigger It's not us.

It's God in us. It's not us by ourselves. It's God in us. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. It's not by our might, it's by His might. And so when we realize that we have a great God, we have a God who's faithful, we have a God who's bigger than anything that we see, then it gives us a great a great confidence.

When we're in battle. Okay. I did not forget where I was going. Psalm 33.

He asked me to go over this one a lot.

And I think this is so profound, this scripture, and what we're facing and what we're seeing right now as a nation.

I'm gonna start with verse 33 and verse 8. 33 in verse 8, let all the earth fear the Lord, but all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For he spoke and it was done. He commanded and it stood fast. Verse 10, the Lord brings a council of the nations to nothing. He makes the plans of his people of no effect.

Verse 11, the council of the Lord stands forever. The plans of his heart to all generations. Blessed is a nation whose God is the Lord. And the people who have chosen his own inheritance, we can see what God is doing, the plans, the councils, the council, the nations, he brings a council of the nations to nothing, which we're going to see, and he brings their plans of no effect.

They had a plan the other day. They had a plan and it didn't go as planned, just as God said. There was a prophecy, I think, back in 2022 about this. I think it was 2022. Hold on.

I have it on my phone.

There was a prophecy back a while ago

regarding assassination, and it was, I thought I saw it. You guys will probably know. I thought I took a picture of it. Maybe I didn't. Let me go back and read that one. Let me go back and see if I can find it.

Because he's been warning us about this for a while.

Somebody had it up, I think, in the chat this morning. I don't know. If you guys know,

if I can't find it then,

for some reason, it doesn't want to pull up for me. And I know it's there. Anyway, I'm going to keep going. It was 8, it's 2022. I thought, I thought there was one in 2022.

Let's see here.

I don't want to take too much time on this. I got to keep going.

Alright, I know there's one, there's a few of them actually, but for some, August 20th, 2022. Alright. And put up that way because for some reason it won't put up pull up with the word

Do you know what the word let's see here? I'm gonna see if it's gonna pull up this way

It's my resolve bar is just not working very well today. I don't know why

Okay, I gotta keep going because I I know there's some so and you guys keep putting it in the chat here But I don't know the name of the title of the prophecy. So all right Let's keep going here because I don't want to

take too much time out because he has a lot more scriptures I'd go through but again, he's been warning us about assassinations And what they were going to try to do. And they're not done trying to do stuff against us. That's what he's been talking about. But again, this is what we had to call down.

We had to call down every plan. We have to call down every single attack of the enemy. Remember it says in God's word in Isaiah 54, 17, that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Bring in correction to your 2020 election. All right. See, I'm not a quitter. I have to go back to it.

All right. Thank you. You guys are awesome. Just, just let you guys know it, by the way, you guys are awesome.

Here it is. Thank you. So there was November 6th. There was one on that one too. Hmm. I don't remember this one that had it. Assassination in it.

Yeah, I don't see it.

Somebody set unless I put on the wrong one. All right. I gotta keep going. I'm not a quitter, so I'll, I'm gonna go back and look at it, . Okay. So let's keep reading. Go to Proverbs 28. This is the one of the ones that he was talking to me about yesterday. That I quoted, I did not go to that scripture yesterday, but I quoted it.

Proverbs 28 and verse 1. He was talking about how the wicked flee even when they're not being chased. And I knew the scripture, and so they took me right to it this morning. I knew it was in Proverbs, Proverbs 28 in verse one, the wicked flee when no man pursues them, but the uncompromisingly righteous or sorry, uncompromising righteous are bold as a lion.

So when our enemies are fleeing, we're supposed to be bold as a lion. So right now we're seeing confusion in the enemy's camp. We're seeing fear in the enemy's camp. We're seeing desperation in the enemy's camp. And so when we're seeing those things, we're supposed to be bold like a lion, because remember it says in James 4, 7 resists the devil and he what must flee.

So our enemies run in stark terror. Especially when they know if you're speaking the word of God and you're continuously saying the word of God There is nothing that they can do to stop the word of God from coming to pass Why can't they stop it because they cannot stop God from performing his word.

They can't they don't have that kind of power

so then go to Well, let's keep reading verse 2. This is Proverbs 28 verse 2 when a land Transgresses it it has many rulers But when the ruler is a man of discernment and understanding and knowledge, his stability will long continue. Verse three, a poor man who opposes the poor is like a sweeping rain, which leaves no food in plundering them of their last morsels.

Those who forsake the law praise the wicked. But such as they keep the law, contend with them. Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand all. So again, there's people right now that do not understand justice because they're evil, because God's been saying this is a, not a, a battle of Republican versus Democrat at all, because there's, you know, good people on both sides.

There's also bad people on both sides. So it's not just a Democrat versus Republican, which a lot of people want to see a civil war Democrat versus Republican. No, it's not. And people can twist your words. And that's, that's what you say. And that's not what you say. It's not what God's saying. God is telling us this is a battle of good versus evil.

And when you have evil people, just like it says in Proverbs 29

verse two, when the righteous are an authority that people rejoice. But when the wicked man rules, the people groan. Well, there's a lot of people right now that are not living a good life right this second. They're, they're, they're groaning. People are just, like, they're trying to survive on a daily basis.

Why? Because you have evil people in power. But when the righteous are in power, the people rejoice. And that's why we have to thank God that God has us, that we have a righteous president, that we have a person that will submit to Almighty God and will be used by Almighty God. They'll be directed by Almighty God, not somebody who just can do whatever they want.

No, it's directed by Almighty God. That is when the people rejoice. Now there's more scriptures. You can read 28, Proverbs 28 and Proverbs 29, all of those, those, both those chapters in there are really good chapters to read. Go to Isaiah 9.

Isaiah nine.

And let's see here. I'm going to start with verse

six. This is another thing that's really important right now that we're going through too. Isaiah nine and verse six. Remember this for unto us a child is born and unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders. So where is the government? It's not on the evil person's shoulders.

They are the ones who are in command. Jesus is the head the government are upon his shoulder So and then it says and his name will be called wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father prince of peace Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end and upon the throne of david and over his kingdom to order it an establishment with judgment And justice from that time forward Even forever, the zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this.

How long will God's kingdom last? Forever. Where is the government? Upon His shoulders. The enemies don't have the power that it looks like they have. God allows them to do certain things. To think certain way for their destruction because they're walking right in to the traps That God has set for them.

Isaiah 35. I'm going to go back over this word again Isaiah 35 and verse 3 strengthen

the weak hands and make them firm and feeble and tottering knees verse 4 say to those who are fearful and hasty heart Be strong and fear not behold. Your God will come with vengeance With the recompense and God will come and save you. God promises that he will come with vengeance if necessary and he will come and he will save us.

It doesn't say that God might or God every once in a while does this. No, it says God will. He's willing and he will. He's faithful to perform his word, remember? If he promises to deliver you, he will deliver you. If he promises to save you, he will save you. He promises to heal you. He will heal you.

Hold on. There might be one more.

Okay. Isaiah 40, verse 8. The grass withers. The flower fades, but the word of God will stand forever. That's the reason why it's so important for you and I to have that relationship with our heavenly father, that fellowship with him, and to also to know his word. We need to know his word. All right, let's go back to this prophetic works.

I know he's going to have more scriptures. I'm sure he'll give, so hold on.

This is the first paragraph for, I, the Lord want to remind you, my children of my words. Your enemies want a civil war. Stop right there for a minute. They do want a civil war. They tried a civil war just the other day. If they would have been able to accomplish What they set out to do it would have started a civil war guys been warning us about this war for a long time But just because they wanted a civil war doesn't mean they get one So we have to call down every plot every plan and every scheme of a civil war They will not they even made a movie.

I was a netflix movie Some of you guys can tell me maybe it wasn't maybe I think it was in theaters I don't remember all I know is I saw it I could not believe it, because God had already spoken it prophetically, that they wanted a civil war, and all of a sudden I see a preview for a movie about a civil war in this country.

Now I'm definitely not going to watch it, but it's literally, it's seriously called Civil War. And I think it has like a, the picture of like a, the Statue of Liberty and something else next to it, I don't remember. Which It's interesting because that's another thing that Pastor Dave and I talked about, about the Statue of Liberty.

Watch something happen to that, because God's talked about that for the last several years. But again, they're not going to get the Civil War they want. They're going to try certain things. To bring on a civil war. But what do we do in that time? Just like the Lord has been warning us about assassination attempt on president Trump for a couple of years now, again, I'll go back, I'll find it and I'll show you you know what?

I might be able to even find it doing it this way.

I think it was the great white lion who actually put it up. So I'm looking

and thank you for that. I know he's, he's shared stuff on the prophecy of fulfill page. Here's here it is. Thank you. It was a great white lion. He was showing what was on the prophecy fulfilled page on telegram He's very diligent about putting this up for me every day. I appreciate that for all of us This is a word received on february 26th of 2022 So well over two years ago.

God's been warning us about stuff Why is he warned us that far in advance of things taking place? So then we speak against it. We declare and decree God's word. We call it down. And so that's why the plans of the enemy, God's always going to show us the plans of the enemy in order for us to be in agreement with God to tear down those plans apart.

Now, I believe there was other attempts. That was the one that was in front of us. I believe there was other attempts have been made.

I'm about to silence your enemies. That's fitting for a title. Word received February 26th, 2022. Another assassination attempt on the rightful president was just stopped by me. No one will touch the one I have put on this earth to complete the great exodus and to usher in the freedom that belongs to this nation and to the world.

Look what he says to president Trump back two years ago. Donald Trump, you are protected by me, says the Lord of hosts. That includes your family and all who are with you. Nothing will come from their plans against you. I Am giving you peace and rest. I will take care of your family in this hour You know what needs to be done, but your family won't be able to be with you through it But I the the great I Am I will shield them protect them and give them peace and joy Knowing you will be okay as well as this nation.

I will give back everything that has been taken from you I will give you more than you could ask me for every lawsuit will be dropped This was two years ago. Every lawsuit will be dropped. Every person standing against you will fall by my hand. Says the Lord of hosts. I held you back in this hour to hide comfort, strengthen you.

You have listened to me and obeyed me, my son. So Donald, I will give you back all that has been stolen. And as we know. Yesterday, July 15, 2024, Trump case dismissed. Look at the timeline of the prophetic words. Here are the words, and then it goes on. So again, God talked about this two years ago. Prophecies don't always come to pass right away.

Sometimes they take time. Sometimes they can happen quite fast. And other times, it takes time. There's prophecies in the Word of God that haven't come to pass yet. It doesn't mean they're fake. It doesn't mean they're false. It doesn't mean they're, they're not true. This means it's not that time for the fulfillment of the prophecy.

Prophecies are in part. So again, God has talked about the shattered around the world. He talked about assassination attempts. He talked about their overreach. He talked about them trying to start a civil war. He's been talking, trying to warn us of all of these things for years. And this is proof that he's been warning us for years about what has happened and what they were going to try to do But that's why he keeps giving us that scripture in psalm 33 in verse 10 He brings the council of the nations to nothing and their plans of no effect That's why we should be declaring and creating every day no matter what we've seen in the past God's obviously stopped him But no matter what we see in the future God is going to bring their plans of no effect Declare it decree it over your life Over your nation over the rightful president here in this nation Keep calling the council of the nations to nothing and their plans of no effect That's why God is continuously giving us that prophetic word.

So now okay, we know the enemies want a civil war So we call down right now by the blood of jesus and authority of that name We thank you that this plan of the enemy will come to nothing And that's what we should be declaring. They want chaos, fear, confusion, running rampant. This is the enemy's plan. So you are too weak and afraid to fight back.

They will try more against you. So they're trying to make you weak. Well, where we are weak, God has made us strong.

He has made us to soar like eagles. We're not supposed to be run and be weary. We're supposed to thrive. We're supposed to tap into the power of Almighty God. He talks about that in Ephesians 6 10.

Let's keep going. They want to try more against you. So that's the reason why God's saying right now they want to try more against you and we're gonna keep declaring and agreeing that God's bringing the counsel of the nation, the nations, the world to nothing and their plans have no effect. Declare, decree that on a daily basis, declare and decree, stand in agreement with almighty God, no matter what you see, don't give into that fear and don't give into that confusion.

They will try more attacks on a larger scale. They will try to bombard your hearts and your minds with deception, confusion, fear, but it will not work because I have strengthened you and prepared you for such a time as this. So the other day they were trying to bring They were trying to bring out a desperation in God's people that we would automatically go into a panic.

Do you see? I watched that clip. It's hard for it to watch it. But if you see, no one moved. People didn't run scared at that event. They stood still. They held their ground. They didn't move.

That, to me, that was God. It was God. I think everybody noticed that. They didn't run. Shots were fired, and everyone stood still. The enemies are trying to bring a great fear and a panic! But if we look at what happened even that day, they weren't panicked, they didn't run because if they would have ran, they would have, they would have hurt more people.

A stampede of people running, 30, 000 people. I've heard there was only one way in and one way out. So again, we have to stay calm and get revelation from God and get guidance from the Lord and His word and not from anything or anyone else. Because they want you in stark terror, they want you in panic, they want you afraid and in fear, because they're gonna start showing you things regarding a war, or they're gonna start showing you terrorist attacks that God said that they want.

Well, I believe Saturday was one of them. That was one thing the team and I were praying on Thursday, we were praying against a terrorist attack. I told you guys this before, we were praying about the nation, we were praying about President Trump, we were praying against terrorist attacks. Well, I believe that was a terrorist attack.

They tried to take out a president, it's a form of terrorism. But again, what do we do? We stand firm, we pray, and we keep our firm, focused foundation on the Father, which He keeps talking to us about. Now, let's keep going.

They want to try more against you. They will try more attacks on a larger scale. They want to bombard your hearts and minds with deception, confusion, fear that will not work because I have strengthened you and prepared you for such a time as this. Everyone was so, you know, getting irritated, probably, because things were taking so long.

People were growing weary. Do you know if these things would have happened two, three years ago, four years ago? People were not prepared for it. Not like they are now. Do you see what God has been doing? He's been preparing us. You know, we're, most people been probably complaining, God, God, why is it taking so long?

God, why is it taking so long? And now we see why it's taking so long. We weren't ready before. Sometimes we want to speed things up. And God's trying to slow us down. Because if we speed things up and we try to do things on our own, that's when we get in trouble. He's trying to avoid that in our life. So again, he's been strengthening us.

Let's go to this next paragraph. Now he says your enemies will begin to be unmasked faster. Now he's been telling us for years now that our enemies are going to be unmasked. I think since 2020, for sure, we've seen an even greater unmasking of our enemies and now they're not even hiding it. You know, like the Biden came out the other day and try to spin the word about basically saying he was on July 8th.

He said that Trump has a bull bull's eye on him. And they tried spinning. Oh, that's not what I meant. Really? Okay. We all know what you meant when people from all over that exact party has been demanding and decreeing assassination. And then you wonder why an assassination attempt happened. You wonder why also the secret, sir, I just found this out that president Trump had temp secret service agents.

Temp! I didn't know there was such a thing! Temp ones! And the other ones that he normally has went for Jill Biden and a thing that she was having, an event that she was having, and also in Pennsylvania. Trump's Secret Service, the money he usually has, were not there on that day. Don't think that's his plan?

Guy's exposing all this. Again, a 20 year old is not going to get That lucky

he was given a more time than he should have been given. So again, God's talking to us and it'd be unmasked faster. Now, all the enemies are going to start being unmasked a lot quicker. Now watch to see what happens to the party, the left, along with the establishment and their supposed commander in chief, again, he knows that he's not the commander in chief.

But they're supposed, as I say, they're puppet. He calls the Biden, the puppet. Now he says days of payment. Remember what he said, how we were starting to fall. The Biden was going to be his cognitive functionality. Now it's going to get so bad that even the lamestream media was not going to be able to cover it up.

Well, we saw that. Well, I also heard that they're not putting his removal on hold. Distraction

over here. There's a looking over here right now. Because they want the attention taken off of them until they can figure out another plan.

But God says days of payment. As they try to kill my son, watch and see my hand move against them. How's God gonna do that? I don't know. Just like the children of Israel had no idea what God was gonna do with Pharaoh, and how he used the Red Sea that saved them, the same Red Sea that was that Pharaoh's last moment in his entire army's defeat, the Red Sea, saved God's people, and it was the enemy's defeat.

Their entire destruction. But God's people wouldn't have known that. They wouldn't have guessed that. It's like, we're not gonna know, and we're never gonna guess, and I don't want to. Then God says, in the next paragraph, Now he's talking about this before again, because he's talked about the angel of death, because he's talking about this, this is the greater exodus, And there was an angel of death that happened.

That was the last plague before God's people were let go.

The angel of death I have spoken of will be more obvious in this time. They provoked me and mocked me. Me and I'm avenging you my children I have said in my word vengeance is mine and the meting out a full justice rest with me now He just mentioned this and I also read it to you. That's Hebrews 10 in verse 30, and then he goes on to say full justice will be Seen full justice was seen by the Israelites standing right by the Red Sea.

They saw the full God's full justice. They says, justice is coming. My United States justice is coming. My David. So now he's saying justice is coming for also for president Trump. They says, and justice is coming for my children. Save the Lord, your redeemer. That means it's children all over the world.

Doesn't matter where you're at. This includes you. You are a child of God. It doesn't matter if you live in Canada. It doesn't matter if you live in Australia. It doesn't matter if you live in China. It doesn't matter if you live in anywhere, Africa. It doesn't matter where you live. You are a child of God.

You are going to see God's full justice for you.

I say this all the time. It's not just about the United States. Yes, you're going to see a lot going on in the United States of America, but if you're a child of God, this pertains to you.

Now look what he says what's going to happen. Now listen very carefully. This is what we have to call down. We can't stop everything, but we can stop the effect of it and their plan to not go as planned. Cause some things have to happen to wake people up. Drone strikes. Now watch drone strikes be in the news.

False flag events, terrorist attacks, viruses, the crashing of your markets. This, now listen, this is why he said this is gonna all take place. Cause you gotta think, the impeachments failed, the indictments failed, the assassination attempt failed, and Trump's still advancing. He's still moving forward. They can't stop it.

So now, you're gonna see all this other stuff. Drone strikes, false flag events, terrorist attacks, viruses, the crashing of markets. This failed attempt. He's talking about the assassination. This failed attempt will start a cascade of unprecedented events that take place all over the world to stop the return of my David.

Now is it going to work? No. What do we have to do? We have to call their, their, all their plans of no effect. We have to say their plans are going to fail. Father God, I thank you. Their drone strikes, their false flag events, their terrorist attacks, the viruses, the crashing, the markets, everything that they designed for our destruction will be their destruction.

That's how we war. And that's how we fight. Then God says, but I will say this again. Nothing will work. I Am bigger than any war. Any virus, any economic crash, I Am bigger than any terrorist attack, attack, and any war they try. Doesn't matter if it's a civil war, try World War III, it ain't gonna work.

Then he says, my children, I Am the God who saves a nation in a day. And I Am the Lord, the fourth man, who shows up in the fiery furnace. And I Am still the same today, sayeth the Lord of Hosts. He is the same. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And we as children of almighty God need to remind ourselves that on a daily basis, no matter what's going on all around the world, he is that fourth man.

He shows up in the fire. He shows up in a lion's den. He shows up in a nation like in Goshen and he saves them from that empire and from that kingdom and from that enemy, enemy in a day. So all these things that we're seeing guys reminding you and me. To not get panicked, not be in fear, to stand, and have that firm focus on him, and do not be moved.

My children, great distractions are coming. For your enemies to try and deflect, and for them to hide the truth. So they want you to look over here, while they're doing things over here, so then you're not paying attention. He says, a whistleblower, now, these are the days of the whistleblowers. Start watching stuff.

You're going to start seeing more. Just watch. God exposed what happened last Saturday. Call in the whistleblowers and call in the bullets of those whistleblowers to come out and then call down the people who were in that, that were in charge of it. A whistleblower is coming that will prove what happened, what had taken place in your country to try to stop this next election.

They tried to assassinate president Trump to stop the election. And we're going to pray. The proof comes out and this is exposed. I told you the handwriting was on the wall for your enemies to see and it says defeated and you lose. There's no way for them to win. Your enemies know this now more than ever.

So they will try one plan after another and one major event after another. Your enemy's defeat is coming because I Am here and you will see it and they will all be removed by me. Says the Lord. God is the one who removes. God is the one who restores. He takes down one, that's removal, and lifts up another, that's that restoration.

That's Psalm 75 verse 7. And he's been telling us that a lot because he's been reminding us that he is the ultimate judge. We've seen unjust judges lately, but God is the ultimate judge. And so that's why we put our faith and trust in God who's the judge over all the earth. Then, I thought this was interesting how he said this.

Historic exposure is coming. So we have to be in agreement with God, say, Lord, I don't know what this is exactly, but we thank you that in this historic exposure is coming. A great fall of a government will take place. My children, I have saved the best for last. Truth is coming. Proof is coming. That will destroy their power in this hour.

And then, some people think because Watergate was so big back in the day when it came with Nixon, and then of course he, you know, resigned. And Watergate, God says, no, this is much bigger. And then he said, watch the Biden slip faster. Now we've seen him already decline very quickly. Well, God even said that was going to start happening.

He said that three years ago that we're going to start seeing the fall of him. And the sign of that was his cognitive ability. And now, it's speeding up.

Watch what takes place in the White House. I know what that is, but we will know it when we see it. So watch what takes place in the White House. Then he says, Washington D. C. will begin to shake like never before. They will reveal themselves now, even more. More so something's gonna happen in dc that they're going to reveal themselves even more who they really are Your enemy's tongues will be the worst enemy.

It's time for their words to expose who they really are Say it the lord your redeemer Now I do believe, even when I showed you yesterday and all those clips, they're exposing themselves with their words. They're not even hiding how evil they are. They're not even hiding what they truly desire and what they truly want, but God, and we've been standing firm.

We've been standing strong. We've been standing on the word of God and God is telling us to continue to hold that line. Don't ever surrender. Don't give up hope. Don't give in and don't quit. We are about to see an historic chain of events. Start to take place to reinstate our rightful president and for us as a nation and Us as the body of christ to receive the freedoms that jesus has bought and died and paid for So instead of us being in agreement with our enemy all the time of doom and gloom and everything that's going wrong We have to be in agreement with what God is saying so I want to pray Again, I know we prayed in the beginning But let's just pray that our mouths stay in agreement with Almighty God, no matter what we see.

No matter what's going on, that our mouths are in agreement with Almighty God. So Heavenly Father, right now in Jesus name, first of all, we thank you, Father God, that you bring the counsel of the nations to nothing, and their plans of no effect. So we declare and decree, Father God, any civil war, It will not go as planned.

Any war that they have started or want to start all over the world will not go as planned. We call the war down even to Israel right now, Father God, it is your mighty hand that protects. It's also your mighty hand that protects the nation of the United States of America. It's your hand that protects your people all over the world.

So no matter what the enemies have planned with our with false flags or viruses, or with our markets, or with our children, or with our bodies, or with our minds, or with our rightful president, we call all those plans, To nothing by the blood and by the authority of that name heavenly father It is your will and your plan and your purpose that will succeed and that will go Forward we thank you father God right now that we are advancing in revelation knowledge We are advancing in your glory We are advancing father God in taking back more of the territory from the evil from the kingdom of darkness Amen We're advancing in this war and this battle of taking back what rightfully belongs to us.

Father God, we know peace belongs to us. We know your joy belongs to us. We know freedoms belong to us. We know our rightful president belongs in that seat of the presidency. We know this and we declare and we decree, Father God. That you bring the council of the nations to nothing. We call it down just like the walls of Jericho.

We thank you father God for our protection, no matter of any drone strike, no matter of any virus, no matter of any false flag event that we are always at the right place. The right time. We are never, never at the wrong place at the wrong time. Father God, I thank you that your children are protected in, in airplanes.

They're protected in any form of transportation. And Heavenly Father, when things start coming to pass, and you said at some point, it'll be like the world stands still, that your people will be exactly where you want them to be. And I thank you, Father God, for growing them in your strength, for growing them in revelation knowledge.

And I thank you father God that they all have a greater hunger for your word and for your will I thank you that you are breakthrough You have a breakthrough at your breakthrough their breakthrough in their life because you are the guy of the breakthrough I thank you for moving on their behalf and father God again.

I lift up that family who lost Their dad and lost their husband. Oh, she lost her husband. I asked you father, God, that you give them that peace and you give them that strength and they don't know where it comes from, but it comes from you. And I thank you father, God, that you are protecting them and you're shielding them and I thank you and drawing them closer to you.

Heavenly father, I thank you right now for any of the victims that are in the hospitals. For a quick and smooth recovery. They come out of that hospital. Father God, no matter what happens, no matter what the doctors say, no matter what it looks like. We have proclaimed life that night when we were praying, we still proclaim life and not death.

Father God, I thank you for vengeance. Thank you for vengeance for the loss of that life. Thank you for vengeance, Father God, on the attempted assassination of our rightful president. You said vengeance is yours. We are proclaiming and decreeing right now, full justice rests with you. So we're calling down full justice.

We thank you for it and we declare it. And we decree it that we have our freedoms and that no man can take away Something that you have already provided for us and we thank you for it in jesus name. Amen And amen, let's hope this encourages you today. Now again, you actually will see me again today I'll be on once again at one o'clock today On these channels, so i'll be back on again at one o'clock with a special guest So you will see me again.

Usually you don't see me till you know the next day But I will be back on at one o'clock central time I will be sending out and the team will be sending out links about a half hour or so before the live stream they'll be back on again at one o'clock central time If you have any prayer requests or praise reports again, this is the time to stand together and not be doing things by yourself You Okay.

You don't have to fight these things by yourself. We have a very powerful prayer team and we love to pray for you. We pray for those prayer requests, whether they come in over our website or they come in by mail, we lay hands on them. We pray over them. We pray, reach every one of you. We love you. We appreciate you.

And just know that you have a team here at JGMI. That is standing and praying in agreement with you for your breakthrough So any of the information you need is in the description box below And if you do want any julie green ministries merchandise, you go to three sons threads. com Three sons threads.

com get that but God get that God wins get that make america pray again get whatever you need Get whatever you need that firm focus foundation on the father, whatever it is We're in the army God's army all those things to remind you on a daily basis That's not just apparel It reminds you on a daily basis that you are a child of God and he wants to remind you What to believe and to get your that focus on him and not your enemy So go to threesonsthreads.

com. So until then I just want to say God loves you I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day

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