Montel Williams Chokes up Talking About Potential of Civil War: ‘That’s Why I Put on the Uniform, to Protect This’

7 months ago

SIDNER: “— all these different things that he was, and McCain says, ‘Hold on. He’s a decent man. I just disagree with his policies.’”
WILLIAMS: “It‘s her tenor. The tenor is, ‘Let‘s unite, not divide.’ It‘s time to have more conversations, even like the ones we‘re having right here, though I disagree with what you‘ve said, we‘ve disagreed. We‘ve also kind of just slightly realized that we could turn that beach ball just a little bit and see a different panel, see a different point of view.”
SIDNER: “See a point of commonality.”
WILLIAMS: “She is really focused on trying to make America understand that what unites us is far greater than what divides us as a mass. And we ought to pay attention those people on the fringes who are taking away the wrong message, those people who have some form of mental illness, we‘re taking away a long message saying that, ‘If my side doesn‘t win, then burn the whole thing down.’ We can‘t do this. We‘ve got to remember, you know, folks like me, and we‘ve probably got 40 million veterans alive, the majority of them put their hand up in the air and said, ‘I do solemnly swear and affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic,’ period. That‘s what we believe in. That‘s why I put on the uniform, to protect this for your generation, your generation. Let‘s start focusing on how we protect this and stop firing up those idiots who really think that they can — because at the end of the day, what do you want? You want to eat out of the garbage can? Because that‘s what‘s going to happen. If we go to a civil war, remember, more deaths in the American Civil War than any other conflict since.”
SIDNER: “Brother against brother.”
WILLIAMS: “We gonna do it again? Sorry.”
SIDNER: “Don‘t be sorry. This is a serious — this is a really, really serious moment in our history.”

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