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FlyOver Conservatives-JULIE GREEN-Overcoming Depression-Hearing from God-Downfall of Biden-Captions
Julie Green shares her personal journey of struggling with illness and finding strength in her faith. She talks about how she learned to fight for herself and rely on God's power to sustain her through the darkest times. Despite her own struggles, she emphasizes the importance of fulfilling her assignment and serving the body of Christ, finding joy and empowerment in the process. The podcast also touches on the power of prayer, the role of faith in healing, and the importance of believing in God's goodness even in the midst of personal challenges.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from FlyOver Country! ‼️WAKE UP•SPEAK UP•SHOW UP‼️ The original video was posted on 07-12-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
Tonight at 8:30 pm CST, on the Flyover Conservatives show we are tackling the most important things going on RIGHT NOW from a Conservative Christian perspective!
Julie Green
Prayer List Movie:
Julie Green started preaching in 2010 and was an associate pastor at Faith Family Fellowship from 2013-2022, where her father is the Head Pastor. She has been married to her husband for over 20 years, and they have three sons.
Julie’s father and mother became born again and were filled with the Holy Spirit while her mother was pregnant with Julie. Her father went to Rhema Bible College, where she was first introduced to the message of faith. She gave her life to Christ at the age of 5, was filled with the Holy Spirit, and started laying hands on the sick.
Julie learned to live a life of faith through the Word and the teachings of many ministries. She also acknowledges that many powerful men and women of God have personally helped her in her spiritual walk.
Her faith foundation is built on the Word of God. She believes when we speak God’s Word, God moves and performs His Word with miracles, signs, and wonders.
The purpose of her ministry is to show people God’s love and encourage them with the Word of God. It is also to help people stand against adversity when all hope seems lost and know they’re not alone. JG ministry also strives to share the truth that each of us is special to Him and the knowledge that all God’s children have an essential role in the end-time harvest.
Welcome to Flyover Conservative Podcast with David and Stacey Whited where we break down current events and examine culture through the lens of conservative Christian values. Flyer family, I know for us personally and I know for for a lot of you over the last 3 years, 4 years, there's been a little bit of a shift in in in where you get information, w here you get news and I know for a lot of you we meet at at Reawaken Events in different places and I I hear this phrase from so many of you that your relationship with God. Your your dependency on hearing from him dir ectly not just hearing from your pastor, hearing from somebody or just hearing from the news. Your dependency on like what is God saying has has escalated dramatic and I know it it it has for us so many of you are even sharing with us that that you may have been in the church for 20 or 30 years, but you're reading the Bible at home alone for the first time in your life there's this increase gross growth and dependency on if if I don't hear from God in the midst of all of these other voices it really doesn't matter you know what is God saying what's he saying for me what's he saying for a nation what's he saying about our world and what's his his his heart for how I process the craziness going on in the world while he's still doing a work inside of my world, inside of inside of me and balancing that tension and for a lot of you, the word of of prophets and who are they and where are they in the scheme of things and how does that work is is a is an is a new thing. Maybe you weren't a part of the church or you were and that wasn't a valued part of the process and so we're kind of all in this journey together and I think we're we're you know this scheme of time we're we're alive for this minute. We're all trying to hear more from God on a daily basis. We're going to dive into that today all in. We dive into the deep into the pool of of the prophetic. What is God saying? What does he do and how does it work and and and asking questions about, hey, where is God in the midst of all the crazy things that are going on in the world today. I could not imagine a better guest to do that. You guys, watch your show hundreds of thousands of you a day. Watch today's guest, miss Julie Green. Yay. Welcome I just I'm so excited to be here. I'm so excited that we get to have this time together. I love seeing you guys at Reawaken and I I wasn't there last time. We missed you. I got to got to come today. Yeah. Thank you. And and typically you know we set up the the studio just off stage there. We're kind of getting a little quick hits from from speakers. We had a couple of virtual kind of little bit longer you know ones with you but we're excited because nothing like being in person. Mm hmm. You know and and and that process and kind of just no no time constraints. Just kind of get into a lot of these big topics. I know I've got I got more question and we're going to be able to get into today. Um anytime, you know, we had dinner last night. You you crack the dam with Stacy about about about a prophetic word and it's all of a sudden it's like you know, it's like it's like a sports junkie talking about their favorite team. It's that kind of enthusiasm. So, we're so thankful you took the time to come down here, come in studio, and and be able to to dive into the stuff. We love to geek out and I'm telling you, our our our viewers love the prophetic report and they love watching Stacey and I together when we were on. So, just over the prophecies because people are realizing it's not just one person saying anything and it's not it's God saying it through so many different people and confirming it and that's what gets people excited. They need that hope right now and that's why they're so it's that's why prophetic is so important right now. We we get into tech and suppression and censorship and all these kind of things you know in a little bit but right out of the the gate for people that are watching that maybe have seen you and somebody shared a video but they don't they don't like follow what you're doing. Where are the best places to find you and and where are you putting out? So, my main channel is Rumble and you can also go to all of our other channels. If you go to our website at JU International. org. If you go to JGM International. org on our front page, you'll see where all of our social media platforms are because there's a lot of intimidator or not intimidators impersonators out there so you can see you have the Facebook locals, Rumble, Telegram, TikTok, True Social, Twitter, and well, we do have a YouTube channel. Wow. But I'm not on live right now on We're just putting out teachings because you know, we have to. Cuz you've lost five so far, right? Is this your six one? Five. Okay. Yeah. Yes and then that one's called Mornings with Julie. Okay. Uh but there are people that put out live streaming that tap into my live stream what I'm doing live stream on Rumble and Facebook and X every day so. Yeah. We'll get into this more later but but but let's tell you right now. Listeners, if you ever get reached out to by Julie or mostly anybody in ministry asking for money wanting to know details or hey your vin number for your car. Anything. It's it's it's probably not really her. So we'll get into some more of that later but it is important to know okay what's the source of this content and who's who's creating it am I actually it's kind of a a weird time we live in. You know. Yeah. It looks like Julie she's on there talking. This must be from Julie. Yep. But this could be repurposed. Yeah and you know what? The sad thing is there's so many people that are out there that they're they're asking for money and that's one thing that ministry doesn't do. We don't ask for money and so if anybody's asking, it's it's not us. So, that's why that's a big. It's important. Yeah. Yeah. So, let's talk a little bit because they were showing your Rumble Channel. Let's talk a little bit about there's fun pictures of us from the Reawaken America event so much fun. Um let's talk about your show though because you do have a show every day. It's daily, Monday through Friday and you have teaching. You talk about the prophetic and it's on every day at 6: 30 AM. Is that right? Yes. Central Time. Central Central the lord wanted me to start out every morning with encouragement and that's what that's why I started off today was right after January 6th it was January 7th wow and I fought him for three years getting on I did not I still tell people today it's hard for people to realize that oh she's out there just for money and she's out there just for this and I'm like you don't understand I did not want to do social media and the reason why I fought him is because I knew how harsh it is and I just want people know at. It's if you're not called by God, it's not easy to be out here. I mean, even when you are called by God, it's still even more not easy. Yeah. But it's not worth the price you pay if you're only doing it for money. It truly, truly is not. You got to have the right heart and do it for God because if he calls you, he'll protect you even when it is hard and he'll make you stronger through it. Yeah. Let let's talk so I don't know if our Flyover family has heard your whole story. I would really like to kind of dive into that like you know, you live in Iowa but Um and you have grew up in a Christian family but kind of fill in the Flyer family that may not know a little bit about your past and your history. Okay so it started my actually mom was pregnant with me and she became born again and spare filled while she was pregnant with me. So I kind of my story starts actually in the room three days womb three days before I was born. And then so my dad was an associate pastor you know couple years after that and so I've been around this all my life. I was born again and baptized in the Holy Ghost when I was 5 years old. I started laying hands and praying for people when I was that little. So, you know, a ministry that God had in my heart really was a long long long time ago. Yeah. Uh people think oh you know you've been on ministry for like 3 years. No, it's actually been for at least 15 where I've been teaching and preaching on stage but really it started when I was like five years old. I I just I've always had the love for the lord. There is no junior holy spirit. No, that's always not. I mean, there's a power of God and so I went, I mean, I was a pastor's kid and my dad went to Rhema Bible College down in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The best people come out of Rhema. I love Rhema. Yeah. Yeah. I just love it and so I that was that was my childhood. I grew up with miracle signs and wonders. I grew up with people laying hands on and getting miracles. That's what I grew up in. I did go through a very very dark time for a while where I was very very sick. I had a back injury and it put my body through a ringer and everything that could go wrong with my body pretty much did and so it put me also in through depression. I it was a lot of every day. I was sick almost What what kind of age was that? Yeah. I started at fifteen. Wow. The injury was 15 years old. Yeah. You were young. I was very young. I was actually younger than my youngest son right now and I was a weightlifting injury and I just tore everything in my back on the right side. All the muscles, ligaments, tendons and. And back injuries are the worst because you use your back for everything. You're just laying in bed if you want to roll over. You're going to use your back. Um if you are standing up and you're going to pick something up. I mean, you're using your back breathing your back, everything. It destroyed everything. My digestive system within a couple months afterwards, I was having ulcers and digestive problems and nerve issues and oh yeah, it was a lot at one time. So, even though you love God, I believe in healing. I, there's never one time where I ever thought God couldn't do something or God wasn't a healer or God did that to me. I never once ever thought of it. I was a young kid, I made a mistake and I was paying for it kind of thing. Well then, the older I got and pregnancy that I had. I have three wonderful boys. I was told I was never going to be pregnant because the hormonal problems that that I had. I didn't know that. Because of the back injury? Yes. It affected also my hormones. Just spiraled into a lot of issues. Yeah. And they had no idea to the extent that it was but I almost lost every single one that I was pregnant with and I did have all three of my sons and they're all three miracles. Wow. Uh by God so that was great but it actually did harm on my body on each pregnancy and actually my middle son who is here right now and he's in over there watching. Yup. Uh I actually died, almost died with him several different times. Wow. Uh and it's a miracle that he's even alive today because of how bad my body was. So, I went to that time where you know, you know God is there. You know God loves you but it was a very dark time. Mm hmm. And so, the sicker I got, the the years that get cut passing by, the worse I was getting and my body was just depleting and and everything still thing you can think of and so I was very suicidal at times and I do believe my husband and my kids did keep me alive a prayer kept me alive a lot because I didn't tell anybody I was going through these things I kept it very very very silent noone knew I was suffering in silence I just I was I didn't want to burden anybody and I want them to think that you know I was crazy and send me into a loony bin but when you're telling doctors that you're this sick and they don't listen to you yeah you know you you lose hope in doctors sure you kind of lose hope in a lot of things one of the last times I was going through a very very debilitating time and this this is a course of you know 20 year probably. And the last time was about and I could go this could this could be like a three hour conversation just I'm just trying to put it up in a very short time. Um and around twenty twenty had nothing to do with COVID. I was sick. I could not function very well as a human being. It was very very hard for me to get up and just do the normal things on a daily basis. Was like people back pain that was it was back. It was stomach. It was intestines. It was my nerves. It was adrenal glands. It was everything you can possibly think of. I mean everything was wrong. And so when you when your body's that broken. Right. And you become very broken. You become very depressed. You become very you know you just are you you get a hopeless like hopelessness and despair. You get a spiral. And that's why I was in I was in a very spiral darkness. And again I didn't show them that. I tried to keep you know a smile on my face. I didn't want to burden them with everything that was going on. So I kept silent about it. Well it's 2020 and I was really very very ill. And the doctors have tried to help me nothing was working and I said God I can't do this anymore I cannot drag my family down with me you know I'm a burden to them and that's what I felt like you know because I couldn't travel I couldn't do all these things I wasn't a normal mom I didn't feel like I was a normal wife I was a normal friend I wasn't a normal spouse you know in any way I could I just wasn't a normal person and I was you know bringing everybody else down this whole with me that I was in of despair and of darkness even though I was I was I was preaching at this time wow at least 10 years I was preaching that time. But you you you're strong for everybody else. Yeah. And during this time were you were you praying for the sick? Yes. Were you. Were you seeing miracles happen? Yes. Wow. So. How were you dealing with that? I was happy for everybody else. Yeah. I was. I really truly was and I I and the thing is I can fight for everybody else and it was hard for me to fight for myself. You know, I think that's what it is for a lot of people. Yeah. I mean, if I don't care how sick I was and how and I will get to that in a minute of how close to death I truly got just even recently last few months. I would pray for everybody, you know, and because you want, I have that compassion on the inside of me that I don't want anybody to go through the things that I went through. Mm hmm. And so even though I was preaching for 10 years, going through this, I was so strong for everybody else. I believed everything I was preaching but I just couldn't accept it for myself at times, you know, and so, not the fact I didn't believe it, it's just where I was, I was where I was and I felt like I was miss it's with with God somewhere because God's a good God you know and I just told him one time I was walking my dog I'll never forget this day and I said lord I'm done this is the second or third time I've said I'm done and I've almost died every single time I've said it within weeks of me saying it even days at times and I said I I'm I was giving up my will to live I said I I think that my husband and my kids are better off without me being here and I said they you know they're they're strong people they'll be okay and I remember walking the dog. I was at a certain part almost by his bridge and he gave me another perspective of life and he said, Julie, you are the string that holds your husband and your children to me. Well, you're gone and that string is gone and I'm thinking about this for a minute because I was thinking that I was burdening them and I was holding them back when I really was the one that was keeping them to God. Wow and so, that's how awesome God is and I could go through all the of all the surgeries or all the the you know test and the prodding and the poking and all the things and the doctors tell me this is your life and I'm 88 pounds and never giving me any hope. I mean I I mean my body was not digesting food properly and so you think about all these kind of things and I'm again I'm trying to do a 30-year span. Yeah. It gets a couple minutes segment and you're just all the things that you just lose hope on your own body. Mm hmm. And you realize Jesus died for. He suffered for you and I still believe that today but it's like my body kept saying, you're broken, you're broken, you're broken and so in twenty twenty, that's when I had that fight even greater and I cried out to him and I said, turn every test into a testimony and if I can just save one person by my testimony, I said then I will stay here and every single thing that I've had that I've gone through hell in my life whether it was hormonally or whether it was adrenal, whether it was digestive, whether it was you know, the suicide or the anxiety and the fear. I mean, I had anxiety and fear and panic attacks. I couldn't even leave my house. I mean, my husband even saw me for years I was a hermit. Wow. You know, because my adrenals were so bad and and my anxiety was just through the roof. So, I never left my home. So, again, it just kind of gives you this insight because people see this this person where I'm smiling all the time and I can smile behind a camera even though I'm suffering inside because I I wanted everybody else to be free. You know, you want people to I I have that compassion where you don't want anybody else to suffer like that and so I see that God and I've given testimonies of how bad my life was and I was never able to even be on a stage, that's a lot. Me being on an airplane, that was possible. Me traveling and being, you know, with thousands of people, that was unheard of for me. I couldn't even think about going to a restaurant. I couldn't think about walking down the street. I couldn't think about going to a store. Wow. You know, because I I would get so violently ill and I would have such panic attacks and paralyze you. So, you think about all these different things and having him, that's why I did not want to get on social media. To encourage everyone. So, were you still sick then when you started. Oh yeah. Yeah. You were still sick. Oh yeah. With all of this and this was so in 2020 what happened at that point I started seeing the country go down and I love this country and my grandfather fought for this country and brother fought for this country and I love God and I knew this country was for God and so I started seeing all this injustice and I'm a person of justice so you just kind of put yourself on the side and you just you're just driven by helping others and that's what I was driven by that's why I want to get up everyday when 2021 happened on January 6 Happenin and I saw that explosion when you know it was a lie. Mm hmm. And because I asked the lord when the lord goes, I want you to get on social media and not only I want you to get on social media, I want you to get on every day. I'm like, what am I supposed to talk about every day? January 7th was just like a light bulb for me. I got not only gotta keep people searching for God in this country but I want people in the body of Christ to keep looking to God. Mm hmm. And that's what drove me every day. No matter how sick I was, no matter how bad I was, I did my job and I loved it and I love helping people and I still love helping people today and so. Wow. Did you so did your health turn around? What ended up happening? Gradually and I I mean right now I'm still doing with certain things but the lord I've I've said so many testimonies like so many different testimonies that I have but even up to I would say January of this year. You know, I I I can pray for people for an hour and a half, 2 hour, three hour long. You know, you're preaching for an hour and a half before that and every time my team were literally carrying me almost to my hotel room. Wow. Because of exhaustion. My body just couldn't take it. There's sometimes it would take me out of prayer lines but I wouldn't stop because I could I would see people there. So no matter how my body was failing. No matter how my body was reacting. I still was there for everyone else. Mm hmm. Wow. Go in a little deeper like go from like 10, 000 feet to like 500 feet a little bit on on 2020 like a day in the life of and what did that look like because you're involved in at your local church with with your family. Mm hmm. Your your is your father the pastor? Yes. And so there's an expectation when you walk in the room and you're in a leadership role in a local body of Christ and so you got you know obviously Sundays are probably a big deal and there's this and that going on. What did it look like then during a week for you in private like mentally and emotionally because I know you were spending a lot of time with with with the lord and and you know people seem like movie war room and you know different things and like you're I don't know I don't I don't know what it look like for you but I know the importance of getting private and quiet yeah we've had conversations about this is is a part of your daily method of operation so to speak it's been that way for 15 years minimum of at least that time where I have to set around time and even you know 2020 I think was just easier at times just because you didn't really have anywhere to go I mean you didn't couldn't go anywhere because they had everything shut down but why I think I just I did I started fighting even harder because I did not want to see this country I mean this is it was like watching a movie and so you just put yourself on the back burner you put your your health your feelings everything that you're going through it kind of just gets drowned out and you're just focus on everything else and so my focus was on this nation my focus was on the body of Christ my focus was on people not losing hope that was just my my thing today I that's like what drives me on a daily basis I don't want people to give up hope no matter what's going on because God's a God of miracles and I know I've had miracles in my own life. I mean, I've I've watched my sons almost die and God bring him back. I mean, just right in front of my face. There's just so many things that God right then and there has watched, I've watched him do things and that's why I could not give up no matter how many times you get knocked down. I've been knocked down countless times. I've been in dark holes where you can't get out of and 2020 was a very dark cold for me but it had nothing to do with twenty like the pandemic. What was going on in the Covid. No. My health was just spiraling down. Uh just worse at that time. So when it and you're at that point you're strong. Every every all the effort I had for hope hope and encouragement I give it to someone else. Mhm. And then I have to get in my prayer closet for the Lord to encourage me to turn it back on me. And I would just ask him. What do you want me to watch? What do you want me to listen to? Because every ounce of energy I had I would give to somebody else. Not for myself. It's interesting spot. It's I I've seen people go through something and they'll kind of develop a theology around it to kind of help it make sense and let's get through a couple of examples. We were in in in Redding California the time Eric Johnson was on staff at the church there. He's he's another church now but Eric Johnson, hearing impaired whole life but everyone knew in that body the most miracles revolving around hearing issues came from Eric praying for people. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. In your life. Let he was hearing impaired but he could pray for people and they would be healed. And and so that's a that's a heads that's a head scratcher. You're like okay why would he have the most breakthrough and and praying for the thing that he's contending for himself. That's a that's an example. I've also heard people share a story like this and say there's some kind of a timeline. If like I was doing this and I was my life was out of control. I was doing everything to my company and making money and doing this and I got so sick and it's during this time that God just like pinned me to the bed and he made me that go through time and it's through there I learned to depend on him and they kind of will attribute like then God broke me so that I would sit still and hear him like in a way that maybe if you know my daughter's not listening to me I'd like break her legs and make her just sit in a chair until she would hear what I had to say. When you they put it into the natural words like that you're like oh my gosh that's abuse. And now while like why would God do that to us? Yeah. You know. You know that very well probably maybe their life was out of control and they did this and that or people have a you know you know a story but they'll they'll kind of to make sense. Mm hmm. You know, in the natural and and have these negotiations of what if God, if you do this, I'll do anything for you. Yeah. You know, God, if you save my marriage, God, if you help me with this financial, if you save my company, I'll give you all, you know, people tend to like to negotiates in the Bible and everybody kinda's done some kind of negotiating with God in these moments and so, how are you going through the Tuesdays and the Thursdays and the Fridays in that time and keeping, you know, Rhema, this like word of faith Mm hmm. And you're seeing that here but struggling yourself. How do you maintain it? Cuz I guarantee a lot of people listening right now that are on the front end or in or on the back end of some kind of a story like that in area of their life. You know, what what I do? I seriously would've get in the word of God and I'd ask him because like I saw myself as broken. I saw myself as a failure. I saw myself as weak. I saw myself as this individual that wasn't strong. You know, even though I was, I just didn't realize it until God showed me that and one of the things that he showed me in this very very dark time. Again, every test into a testimony and he said, you're, Julie, you're not strong or you're not weak. You're not weak. You're not broken and I said, but my body and I said this to him. I said, I'm so tired of my body being broken and he said, but it's not broken because my body was broken for you. You have your enemy lying to you. You have your enemy giving all these symptoms and telling you that you are this when you're not. He said, I know what it feels like. I know what your enemy is trying to do to you. Just hold on and so he shows you something that it looks like where I am weak. Yeah, I was weak on certain things but God made me strong. Mm hmm. In every single one of these examples where I would not, I never quit on God. I quit on myself but I never quit on God. No matter how hard life was, I never quit on God. I quit on myself and that's what I was I had self hatred. I didn't like myself at all. There was a lot of things I didn't like about myself and I pound myself into the ground because there was times where I taking all this medicine, what be nausea medicine, what be anxiety medicine to calm the nausea down, all these different things. Mm hmm. I was constantly living on medication and that's something that's very debilitating. Mm hmm. It's very frustrating but all the time I knew God is my healer and I'm not going to live this way forever and I'm not going to give up and I'm not going to quit and yes, I laid hands on somebody's back and they'd be healed or I lay hands on somebody's stomach or their intestines and they'd be healed when I was actually going in the opposite direction. I was actually getting worse instead of better but I never gave up on God though. Wow. Christian need to make sense of all these things. Did you just look at just the miracles of Jesus? It's hard to make sense of. Yeah. Okay, this guy's mud on your eyes. Go do your thing. Alright, someone else. Each person was different. That's what God had him do. It was really interesting. You know, never no healing was the same. No, like look at what the woman with the issue of blood. He keeps me having me go back to that when I was you know, really really struggling to stay alive at times. Like I said, this was even just a few months ago. One of the things that he showed me was he's like, go back and read the woman with the issue of blood. He said, it was her faith. That made her whole and one of the things he kept saying in the amplified version says she kept saying if I can only touch the hem of his garment I shall be made whole. We don't realize the power of our words and the power of our agreement with God. So I was agreeing that I was sick and I was tired and I was broken and that I haven't take medicine all the time to stay alive. When in the word of God says by Jesus stripes I'm healed and his body was broken so I am made whole. Mm hmm. But I was literally believing my own body of you know my body's just broken and I just had to deal with it and I just had to come somehow you're in that survival mode every single day and I was in that survival mode that I know that Jesus loved me yeah so I know that God love me but for some reason I just was in agreement with the symptoms I was in an agreement with what my body was telling me more than what the word of God said even though I believe the word of God and I teach the word of God and I believe it for everybody else you know and I saw the miracles but for me I was just like I know I just kind of put on the back burner I know all this deal with it another day all this deals another day. Like the house is on fire and I got a injured ankle but we're getting the kids out. I mean, we gotta put that aside because. Yeah. The house on fire. Body and spirit like CS Lewis said in a quote a lot. Uh it it like I am a spirit that has body. Mm hmm. Um you know, when we were first married with some clunky cars, you just kind of pray they would start and get you where you're going to go or not start on fire which actually happens. You buy you buy like $3 of gas, you know, this kind of stuff but you know, there there was no feeling of when I'm driving like I'm broken. I hope I get to work. It's like my car is not good. I great. Right. You know, talk about that a little bit. Okay. Cuz your your your body's giving you this but also in this at the same time, you're like spirit. You're like beefing up your spirit, man like like big time on a daily basis and then still dealing with the reality of your body wasn't doing what you're wanting it to. I I would cry out to God a lot because I was like, lord, I could do so much more for the kingdom than what I'm doing if I didn't have a body that was you know, broken or to have a body that was failing on me. Again, I was saying the wrong perspective but one of the doctors that you guys also know is now my doctor and one of the things that she gave me is actually another analogy about a vehicle and she said you know she's looking at my records and she said Julie if you were a vehicle you'd be on the side of the road you know how if you have a you know you're running on fumes with your gas and you're going on the side of the road and you're you're stopped she said you have no fumes left so that means not only did I not have any gas in my tank there was literally Nothing left. Hm. And what that showed me when I could have been discouraged about this. This is back in you know January. Mm hmm. I could have been discouraged about that because basically in other words your body is on the point of death. Mm hmm. Because if you're if your car is on the side of the road is it's dead. It's not working because you have nothing to feel it to keep going and so I was catching what she was saying. One of the things that you know I and I was at a prayer retreat when I heard this. Wow. Yeah. And I walk out I walked out of the room after my meeting with her because I knew I wasn't supposed to cancel it. Uh huh. And I walked on a meeting with her and I had tears in my eyes and the team was just like, what's going on? And I told them the big spectrum of how bad my body looked. Mm hmm. And I said and I started crying. They're like, are you okay? Are you okay? Are you are you frustrated? I said, God has sustained my life. Wow. When everything else was trying to take it away and Satan was trying to take my life away from me. I said, God was sustaining life on a daily basis and so what could have upset me again this is January what could have upset me and put somebody in a panic or fear actually started building up my faith and so even though I had no fumes in the tank and my body didn't have any anything left in there everything was wrong but God was giving me the ability to not because I was frustrated my body because I I actually had left an event in January and I preach three times, three different days. It was a Friday night, a Saturday morning, and a Saturday night and by that Saturday night, I was not only preaching but I was praying and laying hands on people every single night. By Saturday night, I could barely function and my team had to help me back to the hotel. Saturday and or Sunday and Monday, I could not function at all. I was kind of just like a just I was just kind of like a zombie. I was just kind of there and so I was frustrated with it. My body would just work. I wish my body would just work and when she gave me that doctor's report which wasn't good. I was like he did sustain my life. Mm. And he was making it work even though everything was not working. Wow. He made it work. And so that's what sustains me every day. I think about all the times I was that close to death. Several different times. I can't even tell you how many times. The doctors have told me that and just kind of gave up hope on me. So I just kind of given up hope at the same time. But then you have God saying no. I haven't given up. I have not given up on you. And I'm the real doctor. Yeah. I am the alpha, the omega at the beginning and of the end but I'm also Jehovah Rapha, I'm your healer. Yeah. And so, When everything is stacked against you, God is there for you and he can make you rise above every obstacle and that's how I see it. The devil likes to take people out if they don't like someone doesn't have to be a multimillionaire to teach biblical principles on finance you know and and and to to come from a place of strength like you don't you don't have to we start leading marriage ministry you know stuff sometimes we get in this crazy like arguments on the way too on the way there like exactly like oh my gosh we're going to go teach on this and look at us we're amazing all the time and then literally get in the car we're driving to the church church teaching a marriage workshop and on the way there like everything she would say we get filtered and be like by between our how in the church. It was just like how could this. I don't even want to look at you right now. I'm so mad and we're going to walk in and do this and and and the devil would come in and be like, who do you think you are? You you're going to. Yes. You're you're going to talk to them. Yeah. You talk to them. They're probably doing better than you are. You fought on the way to a church. Mm hmm. Yup. You're so holy. Right. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. You're so holy. And and and find these little things. Yeah. Yes. But but your ability to hold on to God's good. Mm hmm. And I don't have to me continuing to operate in faith isn't contingent upon him meeting my requirements or expectations on this certain thing and his level of goodness is not contingent upon how good things are going. Yeah. At a moment but that's a boy that that's holding a hot potato you know. Yeah. Like how long that's a very tough place to be without turning down the volume on something. Either your expectation and faith and what God can do in your life or the level of God's goodness or again like I mentioned earlier building a round of like, God's doing this to me to build more character in me or you know, that's a lot of mental chatter that can kind of get away from you there. Your thoughts. Mm hmm. The battlefield is in the mind. Yes. Now, I will tell you, you can sit in a couch on, you know, a daily basis and you can lose your battle because you're not dealing with that. I did not, even like I said, everything I preach, I believe every single word. I believe his word, I believe every single day I preach, I either sometimes where I'm preaching, I'm like, that just came out of my mouth, that's awesome and I'm learning as I am teaching. Wow. Because I don't know. So I I know I freaked Clay out on how many times getting on that stage because he never knows what I'm going to say even behind the camera and he's like you always freak me out. I'm like Claycount likes being freaked out. Yeah I do it. Yeah. I I was like you know I do freak you out. I'm sorry but I mean because I it's just God saying it. Yeah. And so I believe every single word and people's like how can you do that? Because I believe the love of God. Mm hmm. And I've seen so many things in my life. Again, I put myself in the back burner and I wasn't dealing with it. I have all these other things I'm doing in my life all these deals it's Mother Day. You know can I I'll just take my pills I need to take. I'll just take my medicine that God tells me I have to you know the doctors and say I have to take and I'm going to eat right and then do whatever I need to do. I'll just fight for myself later. My problem is I was fighting for everyone else because I know that is my job. I know that's my calling and I know it's what God wants me to do but it was fighting for myself and one of the team members and I love Marilyn. You guys know Mary Lou. Yup. And she's great. She said, Julie, how can you fight for everybody else? If you are not fighting for yourself. You have to start fighting for yourself because you're no good to anybody if you're broken and if she's one time she actually said, I want you to lay hands on yourself and I want you to pray and war for yourself like you would for anybody else and that was an eye opener for me. Yeah. Because I didn't war for myself like I did everybody. I I was actually going to ask you, you know, as we go through things in life, David and I will always ask, you know, each other like, you know, what did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about God? What did you learn about others? You know, when we go through Situations and was just kind of walk through this mental you know exercise. The question I would have for you and hearing your story, what did you learn about yourself and everything that you've gone through? I've learned that it's not me. I've learned this all him and that's why I think I've humbled myself under the hand of God because you know, you can lose your life any point of any day and I realized that my my purpose of my life, yes, I love my husband and yes, I love my kids. My purpose is I have to fulfill my assignment. That is my purpose. Every single day I wake up in the morning. I want to fulfill that assignment and I sometimes I felt like with my body being so broken at times or even my mind. I mean, people that realize before I got on stages, I would have to take medicine in order just to be up on that stage. Wow. You know, just so my body could sustain that a little bit more energy that I had to give out or a lot of energy that I had to give out and so, I realized on a daily basis, my it's my love for him but it's the love of his people. Mm hmm. It's the love of the body of Christ and then what he has for them and that's why even in the darkest darkest of time that's why I tell people and even in our own event. I remember it was the the funnest I've ever had. I I it's not even the right word. I really I had the best time with God at our event and I'm not just saying that because. That was the same day as the Reawaken America event, right? Yeah. Yeah. But you booked yours first. Yes, I did. I I told Claire I'm like, you copied me and I was being a picture people know what that was about. It it's. It was the Holy Ghost on fire. It was all about freedom and I told people, this was our event, you know, because it was it was Julie Green Ministries but it was God. It's like 3000 people. Yeah. Yeah and I and there was thousands of people watching online and the reason why it was 3000 is because we couldn't hold the venues packed. People standing around. And but God filled that up obviously. It wasn't us. It was him and it was his event and I told him. I told the speakers that were there. I told the band that was there. I said, look, I said anything God wants to do. I know there's a schedule and I'm throwing that schedule out. Wow. Whatever God wants us to do, we're going to do it but I remember Sunday, I I was supposed to preach. I only taught a little bit but I laid hands mostly on people and I had the most fun with God that I've ever had in my life. I had to look at my team and say, I'm having I'm having so much fun. This is so much fun. It's fun because I could actually feel the power of almighty God. I've experienced the power. I've never experienced it like that before in my life. Wow. Every person I touch went out. Every single person. If they didn't go out, this one lady said, the only older lady, please don't, I don't want to fall out under the spirit. Is it okay? And I'm like, yes, of course, it's okay but you're touching all these people and you're watching the power of God and you're feeling the power of God but it it energize me instead of draining me for the first time. Oh my gosh. I am enjoying this so much. We're going to jump right back in with Julie. Quick message. If you're new to the Flyer family and and you're not familiar with our content, we have a lot that goes out every single week. Oh my gosh. We have a nightly show. Individual pieces are cut up and put out medical stuff on financial, the prophetic. A lot of things. It's overwhelmed. It's overwhelming for me. There's so many things. We have a free newsletter that comes out every Friday. 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That's awesome and I'm like, no matter the the test we came up to that was it was horrible attacks leading up to that horrible attacks after that but it's just a power of God. Everything you go through in life. That's what I tell people. Even though the darkness I've ever been through, the the the fear in my mind, the panic attacks, anxiety, the stress, the the sickness, and that you know, all the things my body was going through. It was all worth it. I I don't care whatever Satan tried to do to me, it would everything, if I can help all these people, I it it's to me it was worth it because all I want is for people to know how good God is and I still in my heart of heart, people can put me up on a lie detector test. I can put the you know, my hand on the Bible and I swear on it. I still believe in the goodness of God despite anything that I was going through and never move and my love for him. It only I knew he's good. It was me that needed fixing. It wasn't him and it wasn't his fault and I never thought he put me anything through that to to prove something. Teach you anything or yeah. No. That's a valuable lesson that you can like you can like it's a foundation. That's a rock foundation. God is absolutely good. We we've been in these places. I mean life's been crazy with nine states in a couple countries and been out of our skis many times and you know things are happening and I'm like okay I gotta kind of retreat back. Mm hmm. Take alright alright God's good for sure I know that okay and then start moving and building back from it that's always my like retreat home base back from there because then you you start cutting all these other branches off the tree all the decorations off the Christmas tree let's strip it down to just the trunk alright God is good yes now now now let's let's look at this situation yes and and and look at it again from that perspective because sometimes you get so into it then it's hard to tell I don't know if we understand the role that we play in this earth like I think a lot of times people feel like they're just going through life and whatever happens to them Happens to them. That's right. I don't think we realize how many the things that we affect in our world with the words that we speak, with the thoughts that we have, even like what you were saying there, I just kept thinking of the woman with the issue of blood, you know, I mean, she had spent everything she had with doctors trying to get this all figured out. She done everything but it was it was her faith. It was her, if I could just touch the hem of his garment, I will be healed. She knew it and she she I mean, she knew that she wouldn't even supposed to be there and and she still went there and I think understanding that every aspect of our life we are where we are because of decisions that we make because of things that we've done you said that I think that was really important what you said when you were 15 and you you know a consequence of what you did was a back injury that it wasn't oh look what the devil did to me it wasn't oh look what God did to me it was I did this and once we can realize that the things that are happen to us are because of things that we've decided a lot of the time Um then healing can really come. Mm hmm. Yeah and I'll tell you, words are extremely important. Mm hmm. Even that time, you know, when I last time in 2020 when I almost, you know, said, okay, I almost gave up my will to live. It was a couple months after that and we were in the Ozarks and that's when my son almost died and watching that take place was one of the most horrendous things that I've ever been through my life and I remember, this is the person, you know, I'm fearful. I'm anxious at times and I was get stressed out easily but watching life drain out of your own child in front of your face was one of the hardest things to do. But had to pick myself up and say, I have to believe God. I can't believe what I'm saying right now. I had to believe him and so, I did go over and lay hands on him and pray for him and I watched a life come back into him. Whoo. And the thing is and I remember thinking if I would have, you know, died a couple months before that, then, what would have happened to him? Right. And you think of all these different things of all these different scenarios of how your life would have been affecting you, affecting other people and you don't realize that and and my other son, a couple of times. My other son that was just is here. He he was had another instance where he almost did and I was in Florida and the Lord woke me up out of nowhere and said pray for him now. And I didn't know exactly what it was. But I remember it's just like you know 130 in the morning and I'm just yearning and I knew this was life and death situation. I didn't know what was going on with him. I mean I'm in Florida. He's in Iowa. And I remember I just could not stop praying until I had a peace in me. And then time to find out he almost did. Um and then even yesterday on my way here. Yeah. Something similar I don't know what it was but all I know is the team we got on and we started praying and I knew it was more for President Trump and something was happening in our country and so we couldn't stop praying until I had that relief and so we do go through life and death situations on a daily basis and that's why God needs us strong because that's why I think I've learned to sometimes put you know your feelings on a back burner and go you know what I will deal with that later Satan I'm not going to deal with that right now I have a job at hand that's where to pick on a yourself up. Yeah. And just kind of I can so be so strong in the spirit when I I'm just like I'm that really strong person. You know just like if somebody needs prayer and somebody's like life in that situation just let me have it. I'll just go you know like that little warrior. But at the same time when it comes to myself I wasn't fighting for myself like that. But I will fight for any other person. But now I'm learning I have to fight for myself. I can't do the job that God has called me to do. And the doctor that you're with she's somebody that does help with that. She is somebody it. I mean, we love and we trust completely and that's a big thing for her. Powerful in her brain, powerful in her spirit, powerful in her body. Exactly. She prays with me a lot. Yeah. It's amazing. This is one thing I love about it and I told her I said, I'm sorry but I kind of like I just gave up hope on doctors in general. I just stopped going because I was just like, all they would do is just tell me, there's nothing they can do for you and this is your life, you know, and so you're just like, okay, well, that's not what I accept but you know, but you do kind of just kind of turn yourself off. Mm hmm. When I found her she she definitely was different because one of the first things I had with her when she was telling me all these you know things and she's like I don't even know how at times you were doing your job unless it was God and I said wow it was him and but she prayed with me she's like and we're going to get you better and we're going to and I love how she she's fighting yeah and I love her so much do you mind saying her name because I know people are listening Doctor Sherwood yeah Doctor Michelle Sherwood in fact if if one of the producers could put up a movie of her life I think it's called Prayer List or something like that. Um it is very powerful. Have you seen the movie? Uh She's a movie on her life. Testimony man. It is so powerful. So, we'll get the name of it so everyone can can do that. We'll put the notes below but her story is very powerful. If you want the most competent person, you know, on the job, you know, when people get into that when you talk about DI hires and you know, this kind of stuff like if I'm going to surgery, I want like the most competent, you know, person but when it comes to somebody that's breathing advice into your life that's helping map out like there it is the prayer list right good job thank you prayer list that is a great movie Julie you have to see it no she had one oh yeah because she was supposed to go to the Olympics in taekwondo wow yeah and she has a no spoiler alerts yeah she's a very powerful powerful story yeah it's a great movie I only looks like The Rewaken so I reached out yeah she's valedictorian of her medical school she's an unbelievable story how she got there so yeah so but if you have a doctor that's going to that that can partner with you on the spiritual side of what's going and I'm not saying sacrifice you know the medical side but it's possible to have both and if all they're saying is like well you got this problem and here's you know a pill it's like well that that's a component there's a place for all of that but you know also say if you go visit a doctor and you leave with a prescription and they talk about how's your sleep how's your water intake what's your diet like what's this like you know fill out all these things there it's not a doctor, it's a drug dealer. Yeah. Right. And and then and when you get you know blood work and the whole you know hormones and history and like you need somebody that's partner within you that that you can move through this and get to great. One thing I love about their office. They got a a vase thing in there that's bigger than this table full of prescription bottles that their clients no longer need. Yes. It there has to be some sort of a goal of of getting you off of that not just continuing to add to the list of things you're going to need forever. You know. And prayer has to be a piece. Yes. Of your health care protocol. Mm hmm. I I truly believe that you know, God had sent her to me because there's a lot of things that she has, you know, help me with and I do have a testimony even about my back. I mean, my back was so bad. It was like a 26-degree curve and I twist in it. It was just, it was horrible and today, even my doctor will be like, I can't even believe this is the same back like my chiro. Oh wow. And so, I mean, even just from a few months ago, from where I am at now, she's like, she goes, this is not even the same back it was six months ago. That's amazing. And I said well that's God and so and I give and I yes she's a great chiropractor but I'm like I give all credit to God because I've been praying about this and that's I actually saying that I have a new spine I thank you lord I have a new back yes the muscles on my back are healthy however strong are exactly what you designed I thank you father God my back and so I'm in the same thing with my digestive system because if you if you were to look prior look at my digestive system history you'd be like you know this person's in trouble you know and not functional and it because I wasn't but at the same time on this like my doctor my doctor had given me you know those some pictures a long time ago from my colonoscopy and an anoscopy and it didn't look good it was horrible it was actually horrifying to look at those pictures it truly was and remember God saying Julie go get out pictures of a healthy colon and print them out I said okay what do you want me to do with that and then he said print it out so I print it out and I put it out on the desk in front of me he said call that and say this is exactly what mine looks like. Wow. And started laying hands on it and I started praying it. See even though in the midst of something that's supposed to break you. Uh huh. You didn't miss us on the said like because you know what if you would have looked at that you just said there's probably cancer there and that's a thought that was going through your mind yes because I've never and I've had colonoscopy since I was 15 years old 16 years old so and I've never had one look like that never in my life even remotely close to that and I remember going okay this is weird I've never had this happen and that's when he goes no you look to this and say my colon looks exactly like this my colon is healthy my colon is strong my colon digest my my colon digest food how it's supposed to and that's how he wanted me to see it because again, it's your right perspective. Mm hmm. You have to have the right perspective. So, God wants you to focus on what he says what you are and not what your enemy says you are. Mm hmm. And so even though you may have symptoms that you don't feel bit better because sometimes your back or sometimes your stomach or sometimes this, he said, no, you call yourself healed. I can sit there in in the midst of tears when I'm going through something where you know, my body's acting up and go, no, by Jesus stripes, I'm healed even though it doesn't feel like it, It doesn't seem like it. No, I am because Satan, I know that I'm healed because it says on God's word and by Jesus stripes, I am healed and you're trying to steal my healing from me and you're not going to steal my healing from me. The healing is mine. Amen. Oh, it just makes me think about when they went around the walls of Jericho that God did not allow them to talk at all because I know it was because he didn't want them saying between each other. This isn't going to work. What the heck are we doing here? This is terrible. You know, he didn't allow it because he understood the power. Yeah. Of agreement. He understood the power of the words and and what we focused on. So, they they weren't allowed to talk until it was time both shofars yell and then the walls came tumbling down. That's the reason why that the prophetic right now is is so important. Mm hmm. And you know, I get persecuted that more than any other thing in the world is you know, you're a woman, you're prophesying, you're prophesying, you're political, you're political but you're prophesying every day. I mean, I have a lot of strikes against me, you know. Even even not even not even just the religious community but you're talking like on big platforms like newspapers and. Yeah. Yeah, I mean like. Oh yeah. I'm just. Just cut against you. Apparently. Every time I see it I'm like oh that's so good. God's going to increase her platform. CNN Rolling Stones and a lot of of Christians. Yes. So and he's funny thing is is because and I ask the lord one time and it reason why he does it prophetic every day. He wants his people to be in agreement with he's saying. Yes. And now they're watching the media saying. Yeah. People are like well that's what the word of God's for. Yes but he needs to put it in the perspective of the world today. Mm hmm. So people can understand it. So, you have all these things going on. Well, then, the look in the Bible. Well, there's nothing in the Bible that says anything about there is. Mm hmm. So, it's almost like he puts it in layman's term for us. In order for us to be able to relate to what he's saying and then not only is he given the prophetic which I love. His word, I love how he gives the words and I'm sitting here thinking, oh this is so awesome. I'm like literally, I'm hearing the prophetic word and I'm just like writing this down. This is so, oh my God, that's so cool. I'm writing this out because you know those thoughts are so not yours so much bigger than you and then all of a sudden when I'm hearing the prophetic word then I'll dictate it later on on my computer and then I'm getting it ready you know for a live stream or whatever and then all of a sudden like okay what scriptures go with this yes an
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