six degrees of separation

2 months ago

what are the odds that I would make a comment on a video I watched on YouTube on a subject that affects us all? 9/11. some of you know I am from Staten Island New York City originally. I grew up in the small area called Huguenot. the gentleman who commented on my original comment it's also (I believe he is) from Huguenot as well as someone else who commented. that makes a total of three people. what are the odds of making a comment and connecting with people from your small neck of the woods in a city of 8 million people 24 years after 9/11? I take this as a sign. someone's trying to tell me something and I don't know what yet. but never have I been shocked like this I mean my mind is blown away that I have reconnected possibly with people I know from my childhood? this video is about the comment I made and the responses I got. a huge City like New York on a channel about conspiracies and I'm connecting with two people from the same four square mile area of a suburb of New York City? are you fucking kidding me right now? that's a damn sign and I'm paying attention. I'm telling you God works in a very mysterious ways. let's add this mystery to the list. I'll let you know if anything pans out. I'm just sitting here in shock!

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