Lions Gate Messages & Activations

7 months ago

Every year I offer up a Lions Gate video - this year's triple 8 numerological energy is particularly powerful but also a catalyst to push through the darkest challenges and energy to the light.
Any portal where 'two or more are gathered in my name' is powerful - so join us..
Not an easy energetic run up - this is recorded on 5th August and the corridor between now and close of Lions Gate on around the 12th August is tricky.
Guidance for staying in the light, being the peaceful warrior, sacrificial energy to rebirth, harnessing the lion and lamb energies within - and messages from:
King Arthur Commander Ashtar
Archangel Metatron
Lemurian transmission
Higher Self
Includes teaching, activations and prayers.

I wish you and the world a good Lions Gate - no matter what light will always prevail.
@AmandaEllis #lionsgate #888 #portals

Oracle Decks:
The Art of Love Tarot by Toni Carmine Salerno,
The Lemurian Starchild Oracle by Leanne Carpenter & Michael Kroon

The Christ Consciousness Self Mastery Oracle By Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor

Healing & Connection Sprays
King Arthur The Holy Grail Return of Camelot

Archangel Metatron Connection Higher Self Spray

Commander Ashtar Galactic Command Platinum Ray

Grounding Candle

'Leo' Lion Artwork - Facebook ArtbyMary7

To donate (thank you)

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Music Intro: - - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

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