Northland Watch deputation at Far North District Council 8th August 2024

2 months ago


✊ It's time to take a stand for our rights to not be medicated against our will via our water.
✊ It's time to protect our children's IQ and health by not allowing them to be poisoned via our water.
✊ It's time to use our democratic right, to use our voices and to be heard.

Make no mistake - Northland Watch has been trying, the nice way, to educate our Council, to work with them, to meet with them and discuss alternatives, to empower them push back on Central Government and to properly consult the people of Northland and... they have ignored us. I imagine that they believe us to be a ‘fringe group’ and 'not representative of the vast majority of the Northland population.

What do you think about that?

Are you ‘fringe’ or ‘extreme’ in your wish to not be poisoned? Have you been consulted about whether you want this toxin hydrofluroscillic acid (NOT the fluoride you might think it is) in your water? Have they been open and transparent about their plans to fluoridate? Have you had an opportunity to give your feedback?

Not that we can see - this public notice hidden away on their website is their idea of consulting the people of Northland of their plans to poison us and it's a COMPLETE COP OUT.

Their excuse that their hands are tied and they will be fined if they don't do it is rubbish and only proves that we do not have a democratic system that works and that our elected representatives have no real intention to represent our rights at all.

The fines they speak of are unlawful, the MoH Director General's lawyer “that there is no indication that the Director-General would take enforcement action in relation to the directions”. Justice Radich made clear in his ruling that there is no need for him to quash the directives as the D.G. Diana Sarfati, has indicated she does not intend to take enforcement action against any council that refuses to start fluoridation, and if she did the Council could simply seek an interim injunction against the DG. It appears unlikely that the DG will ever be able to provide a robust analysis of BORA where she can show that violating New Zealanders basic right to refuse to undergo medical treatment is in any way “demonstrably justifiable in a free and democratic society” as is required in section 5 of BORA. Moreover, it will ultimately be decided in the New Health NZ case when it finally goes to Court, not by the DG.

Northland Watch have been trying to get a private meeting with FNDC since December 2023 when Tracey Schubert spoke in her deputation. They have used delaying tactics ever since and are laughing at us basically and in doing so - they're laughing at us all! Enough is enough!


⏰ It's time to SHOW UP and show our numbers.
⏰It's time to SPEAK UP and use our collective voices.
⏰It's time to NOTIFY FNDC of their responsibilities and liabilities.
⏰It's time to INSTRUCT them to CEASE & DESIST NOW.

Fluoridation is budgeted in the Long Term Plans and they're drawing up the Infrastructure Designs for it as if it's a done deal (and they'll expect you ratepayers to pay for it to).

The Northland Team

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