Can You Call Upon The Dead in Islam?! A Conversation With Brother Mohammad and Shia

6 months ago

- **Respect for Ali 'Ra' **: The speaker acknowledges Ali, a revered figure in Islam, as a respected companion but emphasizes that he is not divine or omnipotent. Unlike some beliefs, Ali does not possess all knowledge or the ability to answer prayers as only Allah can.

- **Monotheism in Islam**: Emphasis is placed on the importance of maintaining pure monotheism (Tawheed). The speaker argues that calling upon figures like Ali or other deceased individuals for help is akin to Shirk (associating partners with Allah) and is contrary to the teachings of the Quran.

- **Quranic Guidance**: The speaker cites various Quranic verses to support the claim that prayers (Du'a) should only be directed to Allah. Verses from the Quran are used to argue that the dead cannot hear or respond to prayers and that such practices are considered a form of polytheism.

- **Criticism of 'Alawism**: The speaker criticizes the practices of 'Alawis, a sect of Shi'ism, arguing that their reliance on figures like Ali for guidance and aid contradicts Quranic teachings. The speaker suggests that such practices lead away from true Islamic monotheism.

- **Call to Follow the Quran**: The speaker urges adherence to the Quran and its guidance as the only way to ensure proper Islamic practice. They stress that despite longstanding traditions or sects, true adherence to Islam requires following the Quran's directives on worship and monotheism.

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