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SN1428: Civil War Conditions, Persistent Poison & Across Seas Anarchy ⚠️

Streamed on:

[Audio Podcast Version: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/factionsoffreedom/2024/08/08/civil-war-conditions-persistent-poison-across-seas-anarchy]

[Episode Article: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdofree.com/2024/08/09/sn1428-civil-war-conditions-persistent-poison-across-seas-anarchy/]

With each passing week, realizing how far we’ve descended into absolute madness is becoming more and more clear. It’s all eyes on the UK after week-long protests have turned to riots after 3 young girls were stabbed to death outside of a Taylor Swift themed dance party. Native born Brits are rightfully raging against the attacker, only for large mobs of Muslim men armed with knives, hammers and bats to retaliate.

Before diving headfirst into the encroaching cultural clash turned civil war that we see being fomented in the UK, we look at how the persistent poison disguised as a cure is still wreaking havoc on the world. The sad part is the reality of 17-35 million people dying has become a footnote in comparison to all the other craziness we see taking place. That won’t stop us from humanizing and recognizing their existence here on this planet.

After paying our respects to the pharma fallen, we peel back the veil of propaganda surrounding the UK riots, and how it paints an ominous picture for every Western nation that’s accepted the Globalist gift. In this week’s transmission we really try to correlate how what we’re seeing across seas, is the beginning of “Activation Day”. These things and more make for a fast paced, hard hitting transmission that will leave you scratching your head and packing your ammo.

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