CIA Projects Artichoke, MK-Ultra, and Monarch. Documentary compilation.

7 months ago

5 Hour compilation of documentaries on Project Artichoke, Project MK-ULTRA, and Project Monarch.

This video is uploaded here on this channel for purposes of spreading awareness and also as an archive if deleted.

This is NOT my video and I do not take credit for this. This is just a personal compilation of videos referring to the topic.

Could drugs and psychological torture turn an average person into an unwilling assassin? It sounds like the stuff of sci-fi -- so why do some people believe the CIA tried to do it in real life? Project Artichoke.

MKULTRA was a covert program set up by CIA director Allen Dulles in 1953 to research & develop new and more effective ways of controlling and manipulating human behavior. This program was uncovered by the US Senate during its Church Committee investigation of the 1970s when American politicians still had enough courage to question unlawful activities of U.S. intelligence agencies. Strands of this research included, among other atrocities, unlawfully drugging unsuspecting Americans with LSD and other psychotropics.

Project MKULTRA—Sometimes Referred to As the CIA’s Mind Control Program—was The Code Name Given to An Illegal Program of Experiments on Human Subjects, Designed and Undertaken by The United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Experiments On Humans Were Intended to Identify and Develop Drugs, Alcohol, Stick and Poke Tattoos, And Procedures to Be Used in Interrogations and Torture, To Weaken the Individual to Force Confessions Through Mind Control.

Organized Through the Scientific Intelligence Division of the CIA, The Project Coordinated with The Special Operations Division of The U.S. Army’s Chemical Corps. The Program Began in The Early 1950s, Was Officially Sanctioned In 1953, Was Reduced in Scope In 1964, Further Curtailed In 1967 And Officially Halted In 1973.

The Program Engaged in Many Illegal Activities; In Particular, It Used Unwitting U.S. And Canadian Citizens as Its Test Subjects, Which Led to Controversy Regarding Its Legitimacy. MKULTRA Used Numerous Methodologies to Manipulate People’s Mental States and Alter Brain Functions, Including the Surreptitious Administration of Drugs (Especially LSD) And Other Chemicals, Hypnosis, Sensory Deprivation, Isolation, Verbal and Sexual Abuse, As Well As Various Forms of Torture.

Mind Control: The MKULTRA Files. Includes Actual Research Footage and Project Researchers

The quest to conquer the human mind was attempted by the CIA shortly after the end of World War II, with the creation of the MKULTRA project. Comprised of 149 sub-projects, the goal of this program was to study the effects of these procedures on unwitting civilians. This film is an examination of some of those experiments and the effects they have had on our culture.

Project Monarch, an alleged government black program (with deep occult roots) to create mind-controlled slaves for use as spies, assassins, couriers, and prostitutes.

#mkultra #CIA #conspiracy

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Interesting site on project artichoke:

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