Ex. S. Congr. S.R.U.I. Decisio De Receptione Haereticorum Conversorum (20 Nov. 1878) #PROLATERANVS

2 months ago

Ex. S. Congr. S.R.U.I. Decisio De Receptione Haereticorum Conversorum (20 Nov. 1878) #PROLATERANVS


Decr. S. Officii, (sous Léon XIII), 20 novembre 1878

1848 Qu.: 'An baptismum sub condicione conferri debeat haereticis, qui se convertunt ad religionem catholicam, a quocumque loco proveniant et ad quamcumque sectam pertineant?' Resp.: 'Negative. Sed in conversione haereticorum, a quocumque loco vel a quacumque secta venerint, inquirendum de validitate baptismi in haeresi suscepti. Instituto igitur in singulis casibus examine, si compertum fuerit, aut nullum aut nulliter collatum fuisse, baptizandi erunt absolute. Si autem pro tempore et locorum ratione, investigatione peracta, nihil sive pro validitate sive pro invaliditate detegatur aut adhuc probabile dubium de baptismi validitate supersit, tum sub condicione secreto baptizentur. Demum si constiterit validum fuisse, recipiendi erunt tantummodo ad abiurationem seu professionem fidei.'

The Reception of Converted Heretics *

[From the Decree of the Holy Office, Nov. 20, 1878]

1848 To the question: "Whether baptism should be conferred conditionally on heretics who are converted to the Catholic religion, from whatever locality they come, and to whatever sect they pertain?" The reply is: "In the negative. But in the conversion of heretics, from whatever place or from whatever sect they come, inquiry should be made regarding the validity of the baptism in the heresy which was adopted. Then after the examination has been established in individual cases, if it is found either that none was conferred, or it was conferred without effect, they shall have to be baptized absolutely. But if according to circumstances and by reason of the localities, after the investigation has been completed, nothing is discovered in favor either of validity or invalidity, or, probable doubt still exists regarding the validity of the baptism, then let them be baptized conditionally, in secret. Finally, if it shall be established that it was valid, they will have to be received only for the profession of faith."

ASS, XI, 605-606



Ago tibi gratias Deo per instrumenta de Rev. Antonio Vivaldi et. Y.C. pro bono rei publicae, cf. (Creative Commons Acknowledgement): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09vEvlSWd9k

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