Sharing My Letters to Senator Rand Paul

7 months ago


Trump Media & Technology Group Announces Successful Launch of TV Streaming on iOS Devices


Globalisation is the world’s tyrant

For the record;

Our liberation can only be achieved if the masses wake up and stand up to protest against, among other things, the false information and the unnecessary and dangerous covid injections. All designed to destroy 90% of the population.

Or that the fiat money system collapses and the cabal becomes knights on foot.

Remember this and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!


Scott Ritter's SHOCKING Day


The foreign agent registration act if enforced right would get the entire US Congress in jail!

As a lawyer of over 40 years, I am utterly disgusted with the Bar Associations for keeping quiet while the Constitution is trashed. And WHERE IS THE ACLU????? CORRUPT THE CORE.


Restored Republic August 7, 2024

“Democratic Party Behind Attempted Assassination of President Trump According to Leaked August Barack Obama Phone Conversation With David Axelrod.”
…Mel Gibson on Telegram Tues. 6 Aug. 2024


COBRA INTEL - Dragon Activation

Since July 21st, the Light Forces have started operations to remove this network, and it will be gone soon.

Geopolitically, during the July 11th to 22nd period some significant things have happened.

First, Pleiadians used ATVOR technology to move the head of Donald Trump just 0.3 seconds before he was hit by a bullet, effectively saving his life:

There is a Dragon meditation which you can join if you feel so guided:

And a very important meditation for peace in the Middle East every 4 hours, which will be very much needed in the next few days. Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to join:

A volunteer for a certain specific mission is needed in northern Italy. If you live there and would like to cooperate, please contact

Victory of the Light!


The Secret Battle for the Planet Earth Part II: Donald Trump takes the stage

This is what a CIA source with extensive knowledge of the situation had to say at the time;

“It’s about time this so-called pizza-gate and the global underground pedophile rings are being exposed. It has been going on secretly since the late 50’s early 60’s in America in the entertainment industry. Most likely before then as well…the main reason Walt Disney built Disneyland, finished in 1955, was to have a central location for his close friends to come pick up children and have a good time. Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope, even the Shah of Iran made visits to his children’s fantasy playground to enjoy more than just a walk in the park. Walt Disney was a well-known pedophile amongst his inner circle of friends. Do you know how many children go missing every year at Disneyland, Disney World, Disneyland Paris and Tokyo? This is a part of the global children trafficking cartel.”

We now know that 8 million children go missing every year. This explains just how horrific the problem is. It also means very many powerful people are involved and that is why no public arrests have been made of the visitors to Epstein Island.


My 2nd Reply

4 April 2012

Dear Senator Rand Paul,

Thank you very much for the reply. I would like you to know I have received a reply from President Obama and I did reply to him.

You said, “Starting in 2002, the Iranian government announced their intent to construct two underground heavy-water nuclear facilities. This action worried many because heavy-water nuclear facilities can be used to enrich weapons-grade uranium for the production of nuclear weapons.” Have you seen this full documentary – The BBC Film That Exposed Israel’s Secret Illegal Nuclear Weapons?

Iran signed the NPT (Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty), Iran joined the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), allowed IAEA inspectors to their facilities, Iran did not Invade Anyone, Iran didn’t have any nukes.


Israel refused to sign the NPT, Israel refused to join the IAEA, refused to allow IAEA inspectors to their Secret Illegal Nuclear Facilities, Israel invaded all of their neighbors, and openly committed genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians & Israel has hundreds of Nukes.

We MUST do our very best to stop Netanyahu's government from bombing Iran because there is too much to risk in the Middle East if he does so. The stability of the entire region would be subject to further threat, and I don’t think the US Israel, or any of the other Middle Eastern countries would want that. Imagine the phenomenal spike we would see in oil prices if that were to happen!

Visit INFOWARS.COM for the truth about what’s really going on….Do it for the United States, Do it for the world.

I have just given my 3rd reply to Senator Rubio. I hope you can find the time to read it.

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong


From: U.S. Senator Rand Paul <>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 2:40 AM
Subject: Reply from Senator Rand Paul

March 28, 2012

Dear Ms. Sun Wah,

Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding Iranian nuclear weapon development. I appreciate hearing your thoughts on this issue.

Even though Iran has large oil supplies, the country lacks the refining capabilities to use crude oil as its main source of energy. Since 1991, the Iranian government has looked to nuclear energy as a primary source for their country’s energy needs.

Starting in 2002, the Iranian government announced its intent to construct two underground heavy-water nuclear facilities. This action worried many because heavy-water nuclear facilities can be used to enrich weapons-grade uranium for the production of nuclear weapons.

In January 2012, unnamed sources within the Iranian government announced that the enrichment process at both heavy-water nuclear facilities had begun. According to these sources, Iran was only enriching the uranium to a 20 percent fissile purity. For the production of nuclear weapons, one would need uranium with at least 90 percent fissile purity.

Following this report, Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) introduced a resolution stating that it is the sense of the Senate that United States foreign policy toward a nuclear Iran should not be one of containment – essentially saying the United States should do everything in its power, including the use of force, to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons (S.Res.380).

Issues regarding United States foreign policy are very important to this country; one of the most important votes a Senator can make is on sending our men and women of the Armed Forces into battle. I believe we should only go to war when it is in our national interest based upon an actual and imminent threat to the United States. I have concerns about this resolution because I do not want a resolution such as this to be used as an excuse for military action.

I believe Congress should only vote to declare war as provided in the Constitution. If military action is justified and there is no other recourse, then and only then, will I cast my vote with a heavy heart.

S.Res.380 has been referred to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, of which I am not a member, where it awaits further consideration. Rest assured, as this issue continues to be debated in the Senate, I will keep your thoughts in mind.


Rand Paul, MD
United States Senator


20 February 2012

Dear Senator Rand Paul,

Today is World Harmony Day I have just written to President Obama with the hope that he can stop the Netanyahu government from bombing Iran and let diplomacy succeed because the world cannot afford another war.

Thanks for all your support.


Sunflower Chong


My Reply

7 February 2012

Dear Senator Rand Paul,

Firstly, I would like to thank you for your reply. Secondly, kindly convey my appreciation to your father and let him know that I do agree with some of his foreign policies.

To date, I have received 23 letters from the senators and these supportive responses have been very encouraging and have motivated me to work even harder to share my conviction and hope that the citizens of the world can convince our Jewish brothers and sisters to have compassion for the Palestinian plight for a homeland. To read my responses, please spare some time to read my blog site:

You had earlier said, “The uprising of individuals in Middle Eastern countries calling for governmental reforms and the promotion of freedom across the region, known as the Arab Spring, has given the United States a perfect opportunity to examine our foreign policy. Our government has spent the past few decades policing the world, trying in vain to build nations after destroying them, and bankrupting our children and grandchildren in the process.”

I cannot agree with you more as America cannot just pull out from the international scene as in doing so, it will create havoc for the entire world as America’s overall success and well-being are closely
intertwined with that of the world.

Firstly, let me focus on the Palestinian issue as that is my primary concern. Senator Jeff Merkley said, “I have therefore been disappointed that over the past year, the two sides seem to have moved further away from meaningful negotiations. Actions by either side that seek to change the status quo risk undermining the trust necessary to reach a long-term solution that is critical to the well-being of both sides. There are incredibly difficult issues to resolve, including the final status of Jerusalem and the right of return of displaced Palestinians. Neither side is going to be able to resolve those unilaterally, and I hope that both Israelis and Palestinians will calibrate their words and actions so as to improve the prospects for fruitful peace talks.”

It is high time for the Netanyahu government to conclude the deal with the Palestinians and if they still refuse then the UN must take concrete action to enforce it this was what the UN did when they divided Palestine into 2 parts 55% for the Israelis and 45% left for the Palestinians.

The Palestinians and the world have waited long enough we need to solve this problem once and for all. Fairness is a fundamental value and if America fails to uphold fairness, it would be hard for America to stand tall in the eyes of the world. I hope that whatever Israel decides to do, they must always have America in their heart instead of using America for their personal purposes and motives. How much more land do they want before they can feel completely safe from the Palestinians?

I hope to get your support and the support of the world because the world badly needs us to CARE for our one world.

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong


From: U.S. Senator Rand Paul <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2012 5:42 AM
Subject: Reply from Senator Rand Paul

January 31, 2012

Dear Ms. Sun Wah,

Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding American foreign policy in the Middle East. I appreciate hearing your thoughts on this issue.

The uprising of individuals in Middle Eastern countries calling for governmental reforms and the promotion of freedom across the region, known as the Arab Spring, has given the United States a perfect opportunity to examine our foreign policy. Our government has spent the past few decades policing the world, trying in vain to build nations after destroying them, and bankrupting our children and grandchildren in the process.

In May 2011, President Obama spoke on the current situation in the Middle East in regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The President encouraged a two-state solution in which Israeli borders would retreat back to the 1967 borders. The United Nations and the Arab League have been threatening to impose a Palestinian state without any guarantee of safety for Israel. The call for Israel to return to the 1967 borders – giving up land, security, and sovereignty – demands that Israel act against their own strategic interest in the name of a false peace. It should be up to Israel, not President Obama, to decide what is in the best interest of Israel.

The United States is good at promoting freedom, encouraging trade, and inviting those willing to participate in peace and benefit from its prosperity. At the same time, we need to respect the sovereignty of other countries if we wish to have our allies respected as well. Rest assured as this issue continues to be debated in the Senate, I will keep your thoughts in mind.


Rand Paul, MD
United States Senator


From: Sunflower Chong <>
To: U.S. Senator Rand Paul <>
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 1:06 PM
Subject: My concern for the Palestinian's plight for a homeland

Dear Senator Rand Paul,

I have received 18 letters from the Senators and I have replied to them. It would be highly appreciated if you could reply to me in regards to the petition for a Palestinian state instead of just sending me the newsletters. Now let me resend you the petition letter with the hope you can give me your sincere support.

We have often heard that the Israeli government has been telling the world that the Palestinians are trying to drive the Jews into the sea. But now who is trying to drive who into the sea? Just look at the Gaza Strip and you know what I am talking about. In the Gaza Strip, one and a half million people live virtually under siege, behind barbed wire, and without a chance to escape this prison camp. The living conditions are unbearable due to a severe shortage of food, medicine, and clean water, with a strictly limited power supply and worsening hygienic conditions. Despite this situation, the blockade of the Gaza Strip has been tightened and the Israeli Army launches military actions and bombardments on an almost daily basis. The civilians are the ones who have to suffer.

Israel’s survival depends on a strong America and in no way should Israel jeopardize its relationship with America by not honoring the 1993 Peace Agreement signed in Oslo by then PM Yitzhak Rabin. Israel, in fact, could help America be stronger in the eyes of the world by allowing America to be a fair broker of peace.

The Jews have already won; from a people with NO LAND, they got 78% of the disputed land. Now the Palestinians are only asking the Israeli government to honour the Peace Agreement for 22% of the land. This is the Palestinian's right, and if the Israeli government, under Mr. Netanyahu, still refuses to honour it and United Nations fails to enforce it, then the Citizens of the World must carry this responsibility to make the world right and for the world harmony to be a reality.

The first responsibility we have on behalf of world harmony is to call for the support of a homeland for the Palestinian people. May I take this opportunity to invite all of you to support the online petition for a Palestinian State?

The success of the “Arab Spring” tells us that a “Global Spring” is possible to achieve, too. And it can begin with nothing more than a click of your mouse supporting our petition. The Palestinian people need our support now more than ever, for a “Global Spring” to finally achieve a homeland for their people. To build a better world, everyone must care. We must have strong faith that we can build a better world for all.

On behalf of the Palestinian people, I thank you all very much for your support. Please spread the word.

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong


3 December 2011

Dear Senator Rand Paul,

I hope to get your support for this Petition for a Palestinian State.

The success of the “Arab Spring” tells us that a “Global Spring” is possible to achieve, too. And it can begin with nothing more than a click of your mouse supporting our petition. The Palestinian people need our support now more than ever, for a “Global Spring” to finally achieve a homeland for their people. To build a better world, everyone must care. We must have strong faith that we can build a better world for all.

On behalf of the Palestinian people, I thank you all very much for your support. Please spread the word.

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong

Founder of

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