Three Stories from Real Raw News

2 months ago

Harris Speaks to CGI Fans at Atlanta Campaign Rally

The Deep State has all but forgotten its former puppet, Joseph R. Biden, supplanting him with the most detestable woman to wade into the political realm, Kamala Harris, broadly considered the most liberal politician in American history and an imminent threat to the constitutional values governing a magnificent nation. Since replacing Biden, Harris has enjoyed a media honeymoon–CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post, and Newsweek—all the usual suspects—granted her Queen-like stateliness. The failed “border Czar” who had rarely shown her face in public suddenly became the media’s majesty. The Fake Stream journalists have leaped to her defense and shielded her against legitimate criticism, even fabricating polls showing her overtaking President Trump in battleground states and criticizing anyone lampooning her.

When Elon Musk shared a video last week featuring an A.I. representation of Harris’ voice belittling Biden and referring to herself as the ultimate DEI candidate—the video was obviously a parody—the media and liberal lawmakers accused the Tesla CEO of instigating election interference. They cried out to the federal government to install guardrails to stop people from using A.I. to emulate Harris, with some begging the DOJ to charge Musk with a crime.

Although Musk had a few laughs at the liberals’ expense, Harris and her campaign, and their MSM colluders, have taken digital subterfuge so deep that it transcends parody.

On Tuesday, Harris held a Georgia campaign rally at which she was mocked for speaking with a pretend Southern accent before 10,000 fawning fans. But there were no cheering fans, only a cornucopia of sinister Dem delegates and a healthy heap of computer-generated imagery the Deep State had cunningly created to make it appear as though Harris’s popularity had suddenly surged.

On Wednesday, a digital forensic specialist at Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command told Real Raw News that they had reviewed footage of the rally and concluded that the audience was comprised of five percent people and 95% CGI. He said that even an untrained eye should spot evidence of fakery, pointing to a segment where one Harris supporter holding a “Harris 2024” sign above her head is standing motionless, catatonic, while those around her are highly animated, bouncing on their toes and seemingly applauding Harris at the top of their lungs. The woman stands motionless for three minutes without moving a muscle or blinking an eye, a physiological impossibility.

“It’s a glitch in their delivery, or sloppy programming. But that’s no person; it’s Deep Fake. The Deep State wants the nation to believe Kamala has an army of supporters out there, and, yeah, there are plenty of hive-minding bootlickers in the country, but they weren’t at her Atlanta shindig,” our source said.

He showed us another anomaly, a rally attendee with six fingers on one hand and four on the other.

“We found 23 similar glitches,” our source said. Those alone prove the deception, but it gets worse.”

He said Cyberspace Command’s 8K resolution footage of the rally was clean enough to isolate audience members and perform facial recognition searches against the Department of Homeland Security’s Next Generation Identification (NGI) database—he wouldn’t say how Cyberspace Command accessed it. An analysis of 2640 faces yielded alarming results: 2136 “no matches,” bolstering the CGI claim, 458 “inconclusive,” and 46 matched known Dem superdelegates—the people who will nominate Harris at the DNC this month.

“Is it theoretically possible the 2136 aren’t in the database? It’s possible but highly improbable. We’ve been living under a government police state for a long time now, and by our estimate, four-fifths of U.S. citizens are in Homeland’s database,”

Additional evidence of duplicity came from security footage after the rally. Although 10,000 purportedly attended the event, only 500 people, including Harris, her handlers, and media personalities, can be seen leaving the venue through three exits.

“The Deep State’s in a desperate bid to generate enthusiasm for the bitch,” our source said. “Simple fact is she couldn’t fill a bus with fans. No one likes her, just as no one liked Biden. Unbelievable levels of trickery, and some gullible people fall for it.”

By Michael Baxter -August 1, 2024

Biden Regime Paid Putin a Billion Bucks for WSJ/CIA Spy Evan Gershkovich

The Deep State Department paid Russian President Vladimir Putin a billion dollars for the safe return of Wall Street Journal Reporter and alleged spy Evan Gershkovich, who was detained by Russia’s Federal Security Service on charges of espionage in March 2023 and later sentenced to 16 years in prison by a Russian court. Last week, the criminal Biden regime announced it had struck a deal with Putin to secure Gershkovich’s freedom; in exchange for him, the cabal arranged for the release of several Russian prisoners held in the U.S. and other Western nations—but there has been no public mention of the cash payout.

Info about the billion bucks came to Real Raw News via FSB agent Andrei Zakharov, a tenured member of Russia’s Federal Security Service and an invaluable source of information on Putin’s protracted Special Military Operation in Ukraine. According to Zakharov, Gershkovich is a CIA asset working for Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the U.S. State Department. He said Gershkovich was caught in March 2023 trying to remotely access a Ministry of Defense mainframe that held classified details about Russian Special Forces activities in Kyiv. At the time of Gershkovich’s arrest, he allegedly had an SSD card concealed in the sole of his shoe. When Zakharov’s FSB comrades inspected the drive, they found a “bait” file with false tactical data. The MoD, Zakharov said, often seeds its network with enticing false data a spy or criminal would find irresistible.

“This filth, this man Gershkovich, he probably thought he hit, how you say, the jackpot, but all he gets is bad information. The only way file got on that card is him copying it there. Of course, the pig said he knew nothing about it—it was planted, he said. But, no, he is a spy. We could have executed him,” Zakharov said.

The U.S. State Department, he added, had been begging for Gershkovich’s release since the day he was caught, but Vladimir Putin wanted reciprocation: the safe return of Russian “patriots” incarcerated in the U.S., the U.K., and German prisons, particularly Vadim Krasikov, a colonel from Russia’s secret service who was imprisoned for life in Germany for killing a Chechen dissident in Berlin in 2019.

In November 2023, it seemed as though the State Dept. and the Kremlin had reached an agreement on the Krasikov for Gershkovich exchange, but Putin moved the goalpost a day before the swap was scheduled to take place, demanding the return of two more Russian prisoners.

“President Putin wanted to see how badly the CIA wanted him back. If they give him up so easily, maybe they give more, that kind of thing,” Zakharov said.

The State Dept. accused Putin of reneging on the deal and swore it wouldn’t sweeten the pot to appease the Russian president. However, in June 2024, the criminal Antony Blinken requested that Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev meet him in Warsaw for negotiations, to hammer out a deal favorable to both the U.S. and Russia. That meeting, Zakharov said, was terse and concluded with Blinken conceding to Putin’s demands. Again, a deal seemed set in stone.

And again, the deal collapsed when Putin, two days ahead of the prisoner swaps, changed the conditions of the bargain, this time demanding the release of six Russian patriots. Blinken accused Medvedev of blackmailing the U.S., and the deal stalled.

For reasons unclear, the regime contacted Medvedev in June 2024 with a tempting offer: Gershkovich for eight Russians, two more than Putin had asked for.

“Prime Minister Medvedev gave President Putin the information. Putin said the deal must include one billion dollars and the eight men. Putin does not need the money; he is already wealthy and wise. But he really interested to see how badly your regime wants this man back. Well, Blinken told Medvedev that, yes, he’d do the billion but no more,” Zakharov said.

Putin, he added, received the payout in cryptocurrency before Gershkovich’s release.

“Your regime is generous, and President Putin will put money to good use fighting Zelenskyy and pedophiles in Ukraine,” Zakharov said.

By Michael Baxter -August 5, 2024

Marines Fight Criminal Feds in Florida

United States Marines on Monday fought a deadly battle against armed Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and FBI agents in Sarasota County after Hurricane Debby crashed ashore, bringing with it catastrophic flooding and life-threatening storm surge, sources in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Expecting that resilient FEMA goons would once again exploit a natural disaster, the general last week deployed three Marine platoons to coastal communities within the storm’s projected cone of uncertainty, his decision based on FEMA’s penchant for tormenting and burglarizing storm victims. Our source said FEMA has been looting storm-stricken homes and citizens since the Clinton era.

As Debby neared landfall, the Marines spread out across Dixie and Sarasota counties, helping residents sandbag homes and board up windows in flood-prone areas while watching for signs of FEMA activity. It’s unclear if Gen. Smith authorized the Marines to moonlight as repairmen or if they charitably, selflessly appointed themselves handymen. The Marines, our source said, went above and beyond the call of duty, even assisting in water rescues as the storm churned ashore and residents found themselves trapped in flooded vehicles and submerged dwellings. In Crawfordville, two Marines pulled a drowning toddler from a street-turned-river, and the child’s grateful mother promised to alert the Marines if she spotted nefarious FEMA types prowling in her neighborhood.

“Despite DeSantis’ past chumminess with [FEMA Director Deanne] Crisswell, Floridians know that when FEMA comes to town, trouble follows. FEMA’s done more damage to the state than any thousand storms combined,” our source said. “And, no, we did not ask his permission to be there.”

Agency officials, he added, began descending on Sarasota after the storm had moved inland and hooked northeast toward Georgia and South Carolina. First came a benign-looking Rapid Response Team, field managers dressed in suits and rain slickers, and driving Toyota Land Cruisers and GM Hummers able to traverse flooded roadways. Marines cautiously tailed the small convoy to the Sarasota Emergency Management public safety office, a two-story concrete building on Porter Way, directly east of Interstate 75, and encircled them in the parking lot.

The Marines fired without warning, their rounds slicing through glass, aluminum, fiberglass, and flesh, shredding four agents who died reaching for their sidearms. One agent took a round to the back of the head. The bullet went straight through his cranium and pushed an eyeball, dangling from a veiny threat, out of its socket. The few FEMA who successfully drew pistols stood no chance against the heavily armed Marines. One agent, apparently the agent-in-charge, said he was surrendering, but the Marines weren’t feeling overly lenient—they gunned him down where he stood.

Suddenly a Marine fell to the ground, blood spraying from his neck. Still alive, he covered the wound with the palm of his hand and shouted, “I’m hit, I’m hit.”

Windows on the second floor had been flung open, and rifle barrels appeared on the sills.

The Marines dove for cover behind vehicles as enemy rounds zipped through the air and ricocheted off of the pavement. Behind one of the windows, a male’s voice, amplified by a bullhorn, commanded the Marines to lay down their arms and surrender by order of the FBI.

Though covered from an elevated position, a tactically disadvantageous situation, the Marines told the feds to f*** themselves and unleashed a hailstorm of bullets at the open windows, hoping to either hit the federal snipers or force their retreat. The Marines and the feds seemed at a stalemate when one courageous Marine emerged from his concealed location wielding an M32 Multi-Shot Grenade Launcher, a handheld arsenal capable of successively firing six 40mm high-explosive or incendiary grenades. He squeezed off four shots, one into each open window. Smoke billowed from the windows. Screams, the wailing sound of death, emanated from within. A man’s face, scorched and blistered, his hair singed to his scalp, appeared in a window, crying out, “Help, I’m burning.”

A Marine shot him in the face, ending his suffering.

The Marines, our source said, cleared the building and found no survivors, only four dead federal agents.

“The oddest thing is that no Florida Emergency Management personnel were in the building. It’s like the feds commandeered it for their own diabolical reasons. The Marines stacked all the corpses inside so the feds could come clean up their own mess. Unfortunately, the Marine who got shot didn’t survive. At least we got 16 FEMA and FBI in total. I guess we can call that a win.”

When asked whether the Marines had violated General Smith’s rules of engagement by firing without determining FEMA’s and the FBI’s reason for being at the public safety office, our source said, “Rules of engagement? When it comes to FEMA, there are no rules of engagement. Those went out the window after Maui. And the FBI, well, they drew first blood.”

By Michael Baxter -August 6, 2024

The Digital Soldier Press

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