
7 months ago

The Hebrews before the time of Jesus had developed books full of interpretations of God’s Laws. Most of these “interpretations” became laws unto themselves that were not God’s laws, but the traditions of men. Well, the ancient Jews certainly do not have a corner on the market of human traditions. Christianity has had 2,000 years to build some traditions of men, and how we interpret the word holy is one of those.

This teaching looks at the original Hebrew words that are translated in our English Bibles into the word holy and examines what the ancient Jews were thinking of when they penned the word holy. This teaching looks at the context and the middle eastern mind to help look at the word without any preconceived notions. Then, the teaching verifies the meaning of the word holy with context in the Old Testament and shows how New Testament writers used a Greek word to continue the definition of the word holy in their time.

What you will find in this teaching is that the word holy is used to describe existence and core being, not human behaviors or attitudes. You will discover that we modern Christians have been using the word in a way that sets us up for unreasonable expectations that might actually lead us into sin.

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