2 months ago



20:04:13 From Dilara Esengil : This is for the teeth - apply 3x a week. leave on overnight.
20:04:33 From Dilara Esengil : It has changed my life. No more cavities.
20:10:59 From Brenda’s iPhone : I’ll try it on my daughter. Thanks Dilara.
20:11:30 From Martha : Are we concerned that “Mi Paste Plus” releases bioavailable calcium and phosphate (no problem) but also FLUORIDE…
20:12:18 From Brenda’s iPhone : Yes, maybe a little
20:13:13 From Brenda’s iPhone : I tried to join from my computer but it’s asking for a meeting Id and I didn’t know what to enter. Do you all know the meeting I’d?
20:14:55 From Martha : Replying to "I tried to join from..."

Brenda – I did not have to use a Meeting ID to enter… – just got right in with – https://zoom.us/j/95229312303?pwd=NTlJMGlMdmo0Z3V1N0E3aDZlS21JUT09
20:17:44 From Steve : As my NO test strips indicated "not detected" I've stopped all oral disinfectives, incl essential oils, coconut oil, colloidal silver, etc.from any source (toothpaste, etc.)
20:18:09 From Brenda’s iPhone : With biocidin, do you have to use the probiotics?
20:18:09 From Dilara Esengil : Perry A. Sorry typo first time
20:18:39 From Brenda’s iPhone : What is the per A?
20:18:57 From Dilara Esengil : Reacted to "I’ll try it on my da..." with ❤️
20:19:18 From Steve : absolutely re dairy
20:19:34 From Doris Fellenz : I packed the clay on my gum area, I was eating a chip and it split my gum. The clay paste worked.
20:20:58 From Martha : Did you say the fellow speaking is Ari Whitten?
20:21:24 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Thomas deLauer
20:22:06 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Beans are butyrate providers
20:22:38 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I believe everyone works on probiotics but are we doing enough with insoluble fiber?
20:23:09 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Seed is OK - has about 36 strains - but equilibrium and bravo have more.
20:23:15 From Martha : Thank you, Tom. Actually, he sure looks exactly like the very knowledgeable Ari Whitten!
20:23:21 From Paul Mondello To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : eat artichokes daily .. olive oil based
20:23:38 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Paul Mondello(privately) : Great to have you on Paul
20:24:23 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Inulin is a nice sugar substitute in cooking. It has a slightly sweet flavor while providing lots of fiber.
20:25:13 From Steve : butyrate, acetate, and propionate SCFAs need to be in a certain ratio
20:25:16 From Dr. Tom Lewis : No I cannot spell that
20:25:47 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Steve: do you know the ratio and reference? Or is that a question?
20:25:55 From Dilara Esengil To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : FYI Inulin is considered high FODMAP on the low FODMAP diet. It’s super painful for people that have IBS that are on this diet
20:26:12 From Martha : Replying to "butyrate, acetate, a..."

short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs)
20:26:17 From Brenda’s iPhone : Regular artichokes?
20:26:24 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Inulin is considered high FODMAP on the low FODMAP diet. It’s super painful for people that have IBS that are on this diet
20:26:29 From Steve : I'd have to look it up again. No, not a question. Had the GI-Effects done recently and my buty is sky hight.
20:27:34 From Tommy : For sore gums teeth use white oak powder. I use tooth powder that I make mixing charcoal and cinnamon, no more problems with teeth.
20:28:48 From Martha : Reacted to "For sore gums teeth ..." with ❤️
20:30:04 From Doris Fellenz : What does one do if the dentist wants to replace the 4 top front teeth with implants because they are loose.
20:31:11 From Martha : glyphosate (RoundUp)
20:31:50 From Dilara Esengil To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : when i was trained for whole foods nationwide up at the oregon tilth, and they rolled in a sack of powder in a potato sack filled with white powder. they handed us a spoon and made their point: each american eats 22 lbs of pesticides every year when not eating organic.
20:32:19 From Steve : The optimal ratio of the short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) acetate, propionate, and butyrate in the colon is generally considered to be approximately 3:1:1. This ratio is supported by multiple studies and sources:
20:33:37 From Brenda’s iPhone : Dr Lewis, will you put a link to that document in the chat, or send via email?
20:34:02 From Martha : This “chart” (8 Rs of Gut and Whole Body Health) is FABULOUS!!!
20:34:29 From Doris Fellenz To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Yes, please put the link of that chart in the chat.
20:35:42 From Brenda’s iPhone : Which fulvic/humic?
20:35:50 From Brenda’s iPhone : Goldenseal root
20:36:36 From Brenda’s iPhone : Replying to "I tried to join from…"
Thank you.
20:36:49 From Martha : Replying to "Which fulvic/humic?"

I think he has recommended Vital Earth in the past…
20:38:10 From Susan : Can we copy this chart?
20:38:49 From Doris Fellenz : Brenda, this is a very good one: Supreme Fulvic & Humic Complex™ offers a significantly richer, easily digested, full spectrum of trace minerals, amino acids, ...

20:41:35 From Brenda’s iPhone : Replying to "Which fulvic/humic?"
Thank you!
20:45:02 From Steve : According to United Plant Savers:

Goldenseal is considered to be one of the most at-risk medicinal plants in the United States

There are many alternative instead of goldenseal
20:46:16 From Brenda’s iPhone : Replying to "According to United …"
What does that mean?
20:46:38 From Steve : Donnie Yance is big on quercetin for everything :*)
20:47:03 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Thanks Steve for pointing that out.
20:47:46 From Brenda’s iPhone : Can niacin raise Uric acid? Dr. Perlmutter mentioned that.
20:50:08 From - : What about copper? Lots of talk about copper being the traffic cop for zinc.
20:51:40 From Susan : Try to talk about 7 & 8.
20:52:06 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Susan: I will but probably not this time - at least in depth.
20:52:17 From Susan : Okay!
20:53:22 From - : Big Bold Health’s buckwheat is the best…source of Putin.
20:53:58 From - : *rutin* NOT Putin spell check.
20:54:01 From Steve : Replying to "Big Bold Health’s bu..."

Rutin :*)
20:54:43 From - : Replying to "Big Bold Health’s bu..."

Yes Steve rutin. Spell check just changed to ruin
20:55:13 From Steve : Replying to "Big Bold Health’s bu..."

Going to search for fermented TB that Perlmutter discussed today.
20:57:26 From - : Modified Citrus Pectin from Clinical Synergy/ecogenics or Apple pectin
21:01:57 From - : Replying to "Big Bold Health’s bu..."

The sprouted is supposed to be exponentially better BUT commercially sprouted foods are considerably more costly [$75+ /lb.] https://bigboldhealth.com/products/himalayan-tartary-buckwheat-sprout-powder-2023
21:03:21 From Martha : Fantastic video, yes!!
21:03:31 From Susan : #5. Our soil here, (So. UT.) is full of radiation from Atom Bomb Testing.
21:03:43 From m. nario : what is the video again
21:03:44 From Martha : Replying to "#5. Our soil here, ..."

21:04:04 From Paul Mondello : Replying to "#5. Our soil here, ..."

what town
21:04:48 From Brenda’s iPhone : Video is Emma Bryce how your digestive system works
21:05:01 From - : Is there a heart-gut-heart axis?? I logged on late.
21:06:15 From Steve : Replying to "Big Bold Health’s bu..."

Too bad fullscript doesn't carry that product as they do w the HTB
21:06:21 From Brenda’s iPhone : Dr Lewis, will you send the document in an email?
21:08:01 From - : Best meetings ever…can’t believe this exists…labor of LOVE
21:08:26 From Brenda’s iPhone : For antihistamine, still 500 mg a day?

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