7 months ago



20:15:54 From Doris Fellenz : I looked at all of that
20:18:13 From Doris Fellenz : It relieves pain but it is temporary, how temporary is temporary?
20:19:13 From Harut : https://patents.google.com/patent/US8097284B2/en
20:25:37 From WG : So what Hp potency of the venom are they making?
20:27:09 From WG : But what potency? or you will prove the remedy?
20:27:48 From Doris Fellenz : The venom treats the pain but not the cause, right?
20:28:06 From Steve : Replying to "But what potency? o..."

Hopefully the remedy has already been through the prove process.
20:28:54 From WG : Pain is just a Ssx of what is going on, not the cause.
20:31:10 From Steve : Homeopathic BHI Migraine is very effective
20:34:39 From WG : If someone has been stung by the blue Scorpion what are the Ssx that a pt displays initially?
20:36:30 From Steve : What is the homeo potency of the B/S remedy?
20:37:01 From Harut : Replying to "What is the homeo po..."

20:38:57 From Sharon : is it expensive?
20:38:58 From WG : 3x is a very low potency of a Hp remedy and that is why it can be repeated, especially if it is taken with water
20:39:43 From WG : With a 3x, you probably will not prove the remedy
20:40:47 From Sharon : I just joined in but wondering if it gets heavy metals out of brain?
20:41:56 From Ferd : Concerning inflammation and long covid - a UPenn study found that long covid sufferers harbor viral gut pockets that cause inflammation that prevents synthesis of serotonin. Might blue scorpion venom address this particular inflammation? Thanks!
20:42:20 From Harut : Replying to "Concerning inflammat..."

20:43:09 From Maura : We always used dock leaf for nettle stings
Pick it - crush it and apply - works like magic
20:43:34 From Maura : https://www.discoverwildlife.com/plant-facts/do-dock-leaves-really-soothe-nettle-stings
20:43:36 From Steve : Replying to "We always used dock ..."

FYI dock==yellow dock
20:45:30 From WG : The Hp dose will only undo what the original venom causes ....Ie. pain
20:47:45 From Maura : Replying to "We always used dock …"
Good to know Steve - dock leaf grow s all over the place in Ireland

My cousin boils the nettles and soaks her horses hay in the nettle juice - helps with the flies
20:48:29 From Doug Leonard To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : do you see the cytokine strom with brain inflammation as basis for 'brain fog' migraine, visual changes?
20:48:51 From WG : Any studies of what the venom does to the body long term?
20:51:34 From Steve : Replying to "We always used dock ..."

Dock could also imply Curly Dock
20:55:00 From Maura : Replying to "We always used dock …"
Crikey - I think we only have one type of dock leaf - we have the mother load of nettles - they are everywhere 🙂
20:55:35 From Sharon : Not findiong Save CHAT option like usual?
20:55:37 From mchelle’s iPhone : Great presentation look forward to hearing Dr. Arthur speak!
20:56:19 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Sharon I often put the chat in the rumble video when I upload it.
20:56:19 From Donna : Thank you, Harut.
20:56:21 From Steve : Replying to "Not findiong Save CH..."

you don't see the three dots at the top right of the chat window?

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