“Mericans” by Cisneros and “In Response to Executive Order 9066” by Okita - Essay Example

7 months ago

📄 Essay Description: This essay aims to compare “Mericans” by Sandra Cisneros and “In Response to Executive Order 9066” by Dwight Okita and discuss how they develop the theme of cultural identity.

📌 Text Version: https://studycorgi.com/mericans-by-cisneros-and-in-response-to-executive-order-9066-by-okita/
✔️ Topics: Literature, Comparative Literature
✔️ Language: 🇺🇸 English
✔️ Words: 561

🔍 References:
Cisneros, S. (1992). Woman hollering creek and other stories. Vintage Books.
Gale, Cengage Learning. (2016). A study guide for Dwight Okita's ""In response to executive order 9066: all Americans of Japanese descent must report to relocation centers"". Author.

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