Exodus 32 Bible Study - The Golden Calf - Moses is tested

6 months ago

In this (longer than usual) study we look at the “Golden Calf” incident and the many sub-topics found within that. We look at Israel fall back on their old ways of Egypt, we look at why they might have done this, why a calf was made, and what it may have symbolized. We also ask why Aaron made the calf and where was his fellow leader, Hur in all this. Through all of this, we see that Moses was being tested by God. We also look at Anthropopathism, God’s book (vs the Lamb’s book of life), and we ask the question, can God change his mind? In addition, we see God’s judgment poured out in Exodus 32 and ask what we can learn about God (and about Christ) through that judgment. So much to cover!!!

00:12 - 3-part series around Moses (Exodus 32-34)
00:52 - Context is key for this chapter - who, what, where, and when. Ex 19.6, Ex 19.8, Ex 24.3, Ex 24.7, Ex 6.6-8
06:16 - Exodus 32
13:15 - Ex 32.1 - “so long” - Ex 24.18 & Dt 9.9-12
20:17 - Ex 32.4 - why did they make a golden calf? A calf (or a bull) was a common idol in the ancient Near East; they were thought to be able to support the god on their back. As a conduit to the deity.
22:43 - What is Aaron’s role in the Golden Calf incident? Ex 24.14 - Aaron & Hur are left in charge. Aaron does not seem to fight this at all. Ex 32.22-24, Duet 9.20
27:43 - Where is Hur in all this? Ex 24.14 puts BOTH of them in charge. There is no account. One of two things must be true, either he is complicit or complacent in the matter. IE: either he helped or he did nothing.
30:22 - What does Ex 24:6 mean by Revelry? NIV: “Indulge in Revelry.” NLT “indulge in pagan revelry.” AMP “to play (shamefully, without moral restraint). NASB “engage in lewd behavior.” BBE (Bible in Basic English) “they gave themselves to pleasure”
32:02 - Ex 24.7-10 - The Lord tests Moses. God says he will destroy Israel and make a new nation out of Moses. Moses pleads with God and reminds him of the Abrahamic Covenant (that he swore on himself to fulfill). The Abrahamic covenant is covered in Gen 12, 15, 17, 22,
36:11 - Ex 32.14 - God Relents? Can God change his mind? Num 23.19, Mal 3.6, Jas 1.17, Ex 32.14, Jonah 3.5-10, Gen 6.6.
39:35 - Anthropopathism., “Anthropopathism is the attribution of human feelings, emotions, or passions to a non-human being, especially a deity. For example, Bible translations may use words like "regret" and "repent" to describe God's reaction to human sin, but anthropopathism doesn't mean that God actually experiences regret and repentance like humans do.” Isa 55.8-9. What is a conditional statement vs an unconditional statement? Gen 12.2-3, 2 Sam 7.16, Jer 18.1-10, Rev 1.8
47:19 - Application - We are to be like clay in God’s hands.
49:20 - Moses comes down off the mountain.
50:16 - Ex 32.26-29. God’s wrath and judgment in the Old Testament. Num 16, Num 25, Gen 19, Gen 6-9, Rev 6-16, Rev 20:11-15, 2 Pt 3.09
59:24 - Exodus 32.30-33 What is God’s book? What is the Lamb’s Book of Life? Rev 20.11-15, Rev 3.5, 13.8 & 21.27, Rom 8.35-39, Ex 32.30-33, Psa 69.28
59:25 - Exodus 32.30-33 What is God’s book? What is the Lamb’s Book of Life? Can you be taken out of God’s Book of Life? Can you lose your salvation? Rev 20.11-15, Rev 3.5, 13.8 & 21.27, Rom 8.35-39, Ex 32.30-33, Psa 69.28
1:05:43 - Exodus 32.30-33 - Moses offers his life in atonement for Israel’s sin!
1:08:02 - Conclusions and application. 1 Cor 10.1-14 - Paul uses Israel’s mistakes as a warning to the Corinthians (and us today).

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Books/resources used or referenced:
Dave reads from an NIV (New International Version) of the Bible.

Enns, Peter. The NIV Application Commentary, Exodus. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2000.

Tenney, Merrill. New International Bible Dictionary. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1987.
Purchase: https://www.christianbook.com/niv-dictionary-of-the-bible/j-d-douglas/9780310534891/pd/0534891?event=ESRCG

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