ZUBY: Biggest threat to America, global freedom, and humans everywhere

7 months ago

ZUBY: Biggest threat to America, global freedom, and humans everywhere

Playable Characters Show - PC066
Presented by @Bitcointradingcards

Zuby's Bio:
Zuby is an independent rapper, author, podcast host, public speaker and creative entrepreneur with nearly 2 million followers on social media. He was born in England, raised in Saudi Arabia and is a graduate of Oxford University.

He has sold tens of thousands of albums and books independently, performed in 10 countries, and gained 50 million+ online video views. His podcast 'Real Talk with Zuby' has surpassed 5 million downloads and reaches thousands of listeners every week. He has done interviews with Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Piers Morgan, Ben Shapiro, and many others.

Zuby is the author of two books, 'Strong Advice: Zuby's Guide To Fitness For Everybody' and children's book 'The Candy Calamity'. He is currently working on his third book.

Connect with Zuby here:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZubyMusic
Website: https://teamzuby.com/
Youtube: @ZubyMusic

00:00 Zuby's story
06:00 Biggest global problem we are facing
09:30 Are there a few guys at the top controlling the world?
17:30 This part of world excites him most
26:00 Why does he live in UAE/Dubai?
36:00 The American brain-drain
43:40 Why parents are taking kids out of compulsory schools
47:00 The inversions of the west
52:00 Why everyone says its "for the kids," but no one really cares
58:00 Why did he break the women's deadlift record in the UK?

Strike ID: brandongentile@strike.me
Cash App: $ThinkingBig811

Twitter - https://twitter.com/brandon_gentile
Nostr - primal.net/p/npub1r6xc8z27uv9dy4zd55z6rjxe2vcdu40jrygla0wcug56klfeh4nshta9je
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brandongentile811
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandongentile
Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@brandon_gentile?_t=8knOkrkTtlO&_r=1
Spotify - https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/brandongentile
Substack for full transcription - https://brandongentile.substack.com

PRODUCER: Murphy @Studio-BTC

DISCLAIMER: “Playable Characters” is for entertainment purposes only and does not intend to be taken as financial advice.

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