In A Terrible Omen, Democrats Compare Kamala's Campaign To Jimmy Carter's "Beautiful Mosaic" Era

7 months ago

Posted • August 7, 2024: President Jimmy Carter has been in Hospice for over a year, but apparently, the Democrats have decided to invoke his campaign style. That's certainly a choice. -- “Jimmy Carter called American society a beautiful mosaic of all kinds of people. You take a look at this ticket, this does this pretty well” – Michael Beschloss on NBC. It feels like Jimmy Carter's America and that is not a good thing. When you are invoking Jimmy Carter as a model in presidential campaigning, you've already lost… What would we do without MSNBC Historians? All ten of their viewers would be devastated. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - In a Terrible Omen, Democrats Compare Kamala's Campaign to Jimmy Carter's 'Beautiful Mosaic' Era

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