China Ambassador to UN lash out at the USA for their belligerent behavior

2 months ago

Video: China Ambassador to UN lash out at the USA for their belligerent behavior in creating distrust and sabotage against “not only” China but against the world and the American people. Short of blaming the Zioinist, the world must stand up against the influence of the Zioinist-AIPAC on the US foreign policy. 中國駐聯合國大使猛烈抨擊美國的好戰行為,不僅對中國,而且對世界和美國人民製造不信任和破壞。除了指責猶太復國主義者之外,世界還必須站起來反對猶太復國主義者對美國外交政策的影響.

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