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Prophet Amanda Grace - A Powerful Word from the Lord - High Places are Set to be Judged - Captions
Amanda begins with a powerful invocation to release the message in the name of Jesus. She praises the Lord and expresses the belief in His power and sovereignty. Shetalks about the pressure and release, emphasizing that only when the pressure is lifted or removed, there can be a release. She also talks about the crucial hour of switches and swaps and flops, indicating a time of great change and upheaval.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Amanda! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Join Amanda as she shares a Word from the the Lord that warns of imminent upheaval in the U.S. and around the world. She also dives into the significance of Hurricane Beryl. Tune in July 11th at 5:30pm ET!
Music Copyright References:
-21981893-Corporate And Inspirational Cinematic Background Music (1.00 Minutes Version) by StockAudios/Pond 5
-151471022-Uplifting Inspirational Corporate by Patrick_Schlebes/Pond5
-154756307-Magic Fireflies Loop Version2(Modern And Relaxing Background) by Lesya_NZ
-123859534-Successful Product Presentation 60S - P5 by wolfgangwoehrle
-105166597-Believe in You (Inspirational And Uplifting)- P5 by DivaProductionMusic
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Purchase ID/Date: 7365245 / 9-29-2023
Prayer Requests:
Amanda then addresses America, stating that the country has strayed and chased after false gods of greed, power, and indulgence. She emphasizes that the defiance of the nation has led to bondage, perversion, pride, and rebellion. She highlights the need for a change in direction and a return to the righteous path.
The message then shifts to the global stage, mentioning countries like Switzerland, France, Germany, Egypt, and Lebanon. Amanda predicts upheaval and devastation in these countries and calls for a revival in France and a change in Lebanon.
She also references biblical events and spiritual principles, drawing parallels between current events and historical occurrences. Amanda discusses the significance of the eclipse, Hurricane Beryl, and the invasion of cicadas, suggesting that these events are part of a larger spiritual struggle.
She also addresses the role of the church and its leadership, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a strong faith and resisting the influence of corruption and perversion. She calls for a return to biblical principles and the cleansing of the church from demonic influences.
The message concludes with an altar call, inviting readers to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior or to return to their faith. Amanda emphasizes the transformative power of this decision and encourages those who have made it to reach out for support and resources.
So let's begin so we can release this in Jesus name. All capital praise, honor, and glory be to the Lord of hosts. The King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the righteous judge who sits on the highest throne. His glory encompasses his throne and pours into the earth that his will may be accomplished. The Lord goes forth strong and mighty and has come forth from his holy habitation. And to his kingdom there is no capital end. And the spirit of the Lord says this day. The pressure has increased my children. The boiling over has begun. Amongst pressure there is a release that's capitalized says the Lord. However, only when the pressure is released by an act of lifting or removing a covering, says the Lord. This is moments away from happening, my children, this is the precipice. This is the crucial hour of switches and swaps and flops as the great scramble has begun, says the Lord. There is a great scramble and panic as they have caught themselves in their own neck, says the Lord. The pit that they have dug for others has caught and ensnared them, says the Lord. For they are not contending a man says the Lord. They are not mocking man says the Lord. They are contending with me. That's all capitalized. They are mocking and challenging my capital sovereignty says the Lord. They are mocking my capital authority says the Lord. They are mocking the very existence of what I the Lord have held in place since the earth began says the Lord. I the Lord God speak and it is. I am capital says the Lord. They are a vapor says the Lord. A vapor. And that is what their twisted heinous plan shall now turn in to. A vapor before their eyes. And says the spirit of the Lord this day. America has strayed. Yes America has chased after the bales. It has chased after the Gods of greed, power, and indulgence says the Lord. America and its defiance decided they capital had a better way. Man decided they capital had a better way says the Lord and this better way had embedded in it the chains of hell, enslavement, bondage, perversion, blasphemy, pride, and rebellion and such took over America to the highest seats and yes I the lor d allowed it. I allow ed it for a full capital display to proje ct across your nation to see the wickedness in all its ugliness that the people of your nation may see what lurks under every foul stench of a and talking points and plans and bills and strategies says the lord and says the lord of hosts. Isaiah wrote, in the year King Uzziah died, I saw the lord high capital and lifted up, that's capitalized and the train of his robe filled the temple, that's capitalized, the holy place. Uzziah was causing a spiritual block in the land of Israel. His actions capital caused events to occur that caused the temple to be unclean and a nation to suffer. When King Uzziah was removed, says the Lord, that block lifted. The bondage broke. However, the people still needed to turn, says the Lord. Oh America, change your direction, says the Lord. Oh eagle, turn from your direction and reroute because of the treachery ahead, says the Lord. Be ready and alert, says the Lord. Be sober minded in this hour. For the desperation as mounted that the most outlandish, destructive, heinous act shall be attempted To hold on to a platform that is now become dry sand and is crumbling piece by piece in this hour. America is in the valley says the Lord. Yes it is a valley of decision. However it is also a valley of dryness of lawlessness capitals and I am your shepherd oh America. I the Lord God am your shepherd. If you stay in this valley you will stagnate and fall. In this hour there must be a great push of faith to get through such a valley. For the pressure system in such is causing nothing to grow and a decaying of what is. Thus says the Lord, the government, the highest seats in your nation are about to make a very capital sharp maneuver that those of both parties shall look on in shock as the sharp maneuver shall cause a derailment and tracks to break and wheels to lose their security and fall off says the Lord. I the lord raise kings up and I bring them low and I the lord will not capital be challenged by men thinking they can circumvent me that's capitalized almighty God and keep their seats for in this hour you have attempted to challenge and ascend inequality to the throne of almighty God in your delusion and puffed up grandeur you have thought such you have thought as well oh judge who sits on the Supreme Court that you will be the one who fled and sabotages what I the lord have set out to do and there shall be hard capital correction for such says the lord for you have made deals in the dark and have been lord into such and your foot is one step away from the trap closing you losing your footing and falling off your seat and says the spirit of the lord this day the high places says the lord how they have attempted to claim territory in this time you shall begin to see these places fall in unusual and unexpected ways. For my power that's capital shall tear them down says the Lord. In ways that will shock the nation and cause those in their corruption to become very uneasy as such occurs. Thus says the Lord. The church is being measured on my capital righteous scales. And wade in this time. Many who call themselves shepherds are attempting to publicly justify what they have done in the dark. How they have turned unnatural feelings and lusts have developed because of such perversion they let claim their podiums and their seats. Perversion and permissiveness have taken the seats of shepherd and judge within the church says the Lord. I the Lord have given time. I have given mercy capitals here. And you know better says the Lord. Your fathers gave you a righteous and secure foundation and you and your papa's thinking and philosophical exploits have desecrated that Foundation. You have desecrated the altar of the Lord with strange spirits and strange sacrifice and unnatural sounds that are ascension my nostrils says the Lord. This says the Lord shall be exposed and cleaned out. For many churches have become a sanctuary for demons and devils and a place to hatch their agendas and have the church promote them. Capitals here. Enough says the Lord enough. Rectific in this time says the Lord. Correction in this time. It is time says the Lord to move on from the dysfunction. It cannot swirl around you any longer. And create disorderly effects in your lives. This says the Lord must be cleansed as well. And says the spirit of the Lord this day. Watch Switzerland in this hour. Watch France as more upheaval and a deep excavation of their government and ruling practices shall bring forth devastation to that country. Call on to me the Lord God oh people of France in an hour your government is attempting to rob you and you have allowed it with your progressiveness in liberal wonton ways says the Lord. Revival shall hit France says the Lord. Renewal and revival shall break out in France. In New Zealand says the Lord. Watch Germany as they make a very capital sharp move that will shake up Europe. Says the Lord. And says the spirit of the Lord this day. Watch Egypt says the Lord and Lebanon in this time. For a Jewish shall be raised up in Egypt to be positioned for such a time where Egypt must be restrained or there shall be a triangular war in the Middle East says the Lord. Lebanon says the Lord. Oh Lebanon you harbor what is not of me says the Lord. You harbor those who claim they serve me. However serve a very false capital and bloodthirsty ruler of the darkness. That is not God. It is not that's capitalized. It is the Baals and the Molex who have cloaked themselves as such says Lord. They have cloaked themselves. Your conscience is seared and Lebanon has gone the way of Cain attempting to kill Abel because Abel was favored by me the Lord God Almighty El Shaddai. You have gone such a way and now the grace has thinned and the hour of judgement and correction is upon you. Forsake your Gods and call on the name of Jesus oh people of Lebanon. The ruins of Lebanon will be left for the younger to be rebuilt says the Lord. And says the spirit of the Lord this day. Phenomenons of nature, of land, of ocean, of weather will continue in such a year says the Lord. They will continue to call such biblical that's capitalized. Events they will continue to call such biblical events. And they are such says the Lord. And I shall continue to allow such to separate the people from that same spirit that ensnared them in Egypt says the Lord. It is being allowed to dem demonstrate my power. The earth is my capital footstool and I the lord do what I please because the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof that's capitalized and says the spirit of the lord this day. A double fall within family lines within party lines. Falls in twos says the lord. This you shall see for an emergency meeting has been called and the elephants in the room have sat with the most boastful of donkeys and developed an elaborate plan they have moved to distract and switch. Distract and switch. And both parties are involved says the Lord including those on the high committees says the Lord. Those two who have been in Congress the longest will fall because of such a meeting says the Lord. For when they attempted shall hit a snag. And tear before the people of the nation and it shall be a crisis for both parties says the Lord. Both parties that's capital Hold on one second here. Stay in my capital truth says the Lord. For another sifting is set to take place both in the church and in leadership. My truth is your shield and buckler. Your faith is your shield. It is the gift of faith that must be activated in this hour. It must that's capitalized. For it shall be a light in this valley. Idols were taken and destroyed in the Kidron Valley in my word says the Lord. This is your Kidron Valley Moment America. Leadership the church take your idols and destroy them in this valley and bring them to ash in order that you may stand on the hill for it shall be a very bumpy tumble off the hill of this nation says the lord a very public capital tumble in threes says the lord off the hill that's in quotations for that hill has been smeared and stained and littered with every detestable thing to me where the seders dance and the jackals and wolves The hill is more like a deaf valley. It is not raised up. It has been brought very low. The White House shall be smeared with every charge written upon it and written upon it says the Lord. For the charges are great and the scrolls are being positioned and that house shall shake. Their ground shall shake says the Lord. Their vegetation shall uproot and die for that ground has been cursed says the Lord. Cursed that's capitalized by those whose fee has touched that, operated in rebellion and witchcraft to keep their seats. Oh capital first lady says the Lord. You have indeed dabbled and gone to the dark arts for such. Instead it shall bring defeat says the Lord. For the darkness does not have an answer all capitals. For my words that go forth from my throne and are spoken into the earth. Yes the justice of Yahweh the joy is entering Washington DC. Call California, New York, Michigan, New Mexico, Kansas says the Lord. New Orleans shall be turned over says the Lord and the tables of the psychics and high priestess and money changers shall be turned over says the Lord for the time of your judgement and correction has come. Revival shall break out in Chicago says the Lord. Banned gang shall surrender to me says the Lord. Drug dealers shall throw their drugs in the street and repent. There is a moo soon coming out of Chicago says the Lord. The winds of change are blowing in and blowing out the leadership that has made deals with gangs and dealers to keep their seats. Like a whirlwind it shall be blown out says the Lord. Thus says the Lord. Around the time of September there shall be events in tandem. Multiples capital says the Lord. That are going to attempt to throw your nation into upheaval says the Lord. Do not fall for the charade or the public parade they attempt to put on to punish the people of this nation. For the upheaval shall be a desperate attempt that shall look as if it is succeeding. However, ultimately shall cause much devastation through the branches of government. For all three branches simultaneously are about to be shaken and shaken hard capital says the Lord. For a whirlwind of their own making has turned on them. And their already weak branches shall shake and cause much to fall. I am God, there is no other, meaning the lord, my capital children. Stay the course with me that's capitalized. Do not get spell bound by the prognosticators and puppets who allure you to allow fear and rage to enter. Anchor in my capital word and you and your household shall and will be saved. For the enemy is desperately looking for weak areas right now to exploit, to steal, to destroy, to cause chaos. He is attempting any way he can and your authority through Christ Jesus and continually bringing that onslaught of power will stop serious attacks in this time. This is the hour for you to keep your sword of the spirit and shield of faith up continually. Do not let down your guard says the Lord for I am your front and rear guard says the Lord. Know this day what has been spoken forth will be accomplished. And that I the Lord your God and with you my capital children even until the of the age. The Lord is with you and will fight for you in this hour. As you surrender and submit to my capital word, my will, my plans, so my capital purposes may be accomplished to their fullest in this unique time within the earth. Thus says the Lord of hosts. In Jesus name. Amen. And amen. Well, I felt that. That word carries a lot of weight. What happened this morning I was in prayer. I got up at 6 30. I was walking around in prayer feeding the animals again in my office in prayer and as I I I just put praise music on and I was praying and reading the word. The spirit of the lord just entered the office and just hit me so hard. This is why I wait on the lord and I don't have hazardly give words. I don't do it haphazardly. I don't do that because I want to wait on the lord and make sure it is the presence of the lord coming in and filling me in order to give the word. So, this is why I wait on him for that because I take these very seriously and I'm accountable for what I say. So, this is why I have to wait on the lord and wait on his timing and wait on his presence to enter. So, praise the lord, praise the lord. Okay, this will go up on the blog. Now, There's something else that we gotta talk about. And it ties into the word. But we have to talk about it. Now I know many of you heard of Hurricane Barrel. We actually have a team member that was affected by it on Arc of Grace so please keep them in prayer. Uh but barrel came barreling I guess in is the way we should we should say it. Um and I went barrel. That's in the word. That's in a Ezekiel. So, we're going to go to Ezekiel for a moment because something happened during Hurricane Barrel that should truly just put the exclamation point on how God feels right now and how he's moving. So, let's begin as Sadie's cleaning herself in the doorway. Okay, let's go to Ezekiel chapter one verses ten to twenty-one and this is what it says. Regarding the form and appearance of their faces, they each had the face of a man and had the face of lion on the right side and the face of an ox on the left side. All four also had the face of an eagle. Such were their faces. Their wings were stretched out upward. Two wings of each one were touching another and two wings were covering their bodies. And each went straight forward wherever the spirit was about to go. They would go without turning as they went. Among the living beings there was something that looked like burning coals of fire like torches moving back and forth among the living beings The fire was bright and the lightning was flashing from the fire and the living beings moved rapidly back and forth like flashes of lightning. Verse fifteen, now as I looked at the living beings, I saw one wheel on the ground beside the living beings for each of the four of them. Regarding the appearance of the wheels and their construction, they gleamed like barrel. And the four were made alike. Their appearance and construction were a wheel within a wheel. Whenever they moved, they went in any of their four directions without turning as they moved. Regarding their rims, they were so high that they were awesome and dreadful and the rims of all four of them were full of eyes all around. Whenever the living beings moved, the wheels moved with them and when the living beings rose from the earth, the wheels rose also. Wherever the spirit went, the beings went in that direction and the wheels rose along with them. For the spirit or of the living beings was in the wheels. Whenever those went, these went and whenever those came to a stop, these came to a stop and whenever those rose from the earth, the wheels rose close beside them. For the spirit of the living beings was in the wheels. So, that's the excerpt from Ezekiel. What barrel is, that's when I heard it, I immediately knew barrel was in Ezekiel. I I remembered immediately and I went to it. Barrel is varieties of barrel that are familiar to us are emerald or aquamarine. So, barrel is a stone, right? Emerald is green, right? Aquamarine is blue and This is what it says. Uh the mineral barrel can come in many different colors but one of the most notable and precious is the emerald. Isn't that interesting? Green. Green. Okay. So, this could mean that the wheels and their workings gave off a green color. That is from Enduring Word Commentary. So, you have barrel that came barreling in as a category five. Something happened during Barrel in Texas that because it ties to New York. Texas and New York right now are connected because somebody tried to spiritually connect them in a corrupt way and now the Lord is dealing with it. So let's show the article of what happened during Hurricane Barrel in Texas. Okay, Shazia Sekander Sculpture beheaded at the University of Houston. Remember the one that's atop the New York City Courthouse too? There is a bigger one that was moved from New York to Texas. Well, during this barrel interesting. This category five this statue was beheaded. The 18-foot-tall bronze monument to women injustice was beheaded meaning attacked at the head, attacked at the place of power. Attacked at the place of power at the head was was its head was taken off in the early morning on July 8th while the campus was experiencing harsh weather and power outages due to Hurricane Barrel. Isn't that interesting we had the night of prayer on July seventh? And we talked about this stuff and on the eighth, is this interesting? We have the night of prayer for the nation on the seventh and on the eighth, that sucker is gone. Praise God. That statue didn't stand a chance. So, I just I just think that's too I just think it's too. All glory be to God but that is just too coincidental. We have the night of prayer for the nation night before. We go after this stuff and the statue the next day in Texas is beheaded. They're claiming it was vandalizers. They would have had to have strapped sandbags to every inch of their body and walked out in a category 5 to stay on the ground in order to do that to the statue. No, almighty God decided to make a statement through barrel and this was the statement. This was the statement and you know what it reminds me of too? In first Samuel chapter five verses one through five. This is when the Philistines capture the ark, right? Israel's going into battle with the ark. They think they're going to come out victorious. The Philistines actually capture the ark, right? And I have it right here. I'll show you what they captured. Hold on. I have it right here. Okay. So, this is what they captured right here, right? I have a replica of this on my desk at all times. So, here's the ark of the covenant, right? And in the ark of the covenant, there was Ebola Manna, there was the butted olive branch to determine the of the priest and there was the ten commandments within the ark. So, within there, that's what it was. So, the Philistines capture this and they're celebrating and they're carrying it off, right? To the temple of their half fish, half-man hybrid, Daegon, Starbucks, okay? You want to know the truth? Half man, half fish hybrid. So, they put it in the temple and let me tell you what happens to it. So, now God is mad because what have they done? They have taken the covenant. Their Gods, right? They're false Gods. They're rulers of the darkness because that one looks like Ashtereth has taken the covenant of God and illegally has it in their possession. There are spiritual laws about attacking a covenant or stealing it that go into effect when these things happen. Just ask Goliath because those same spiritual laws applied there. So now, first Samuel chapter five verses one through five. Oh, let's see here. Hold on one second here. I have it up. Here we go. Hold on. I have it up right here. I'm just getting it. I'm getting it in so we can read. Alright, I got it. Then the Philistines took the ark of God and they brought it from Ebenezer to Ashdod. They took the ark of God and brought it into the house of Daegon, half man, half fish and set it beside the image of Daegon who was their chief idol. When the people of Ashdod got up early the next day behold Daegon had fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the Lord. So they took Daegon and returned him to his place. But when they got up early the next morning behold Dagon had fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the Lord and his head and both palms of his hands were lying cut off on the threshold. Only the trunk of the of the body of Daegon was left on him. This is the reason neither the priest of Dagon nor anyone to Daegon's house step onto the threshold of Daegon in Ashad to this day. So when they attacked the covenant and they stole a covenant God responds by knocking their idol out taking its head off with its palms as well, okay? So, the fact that this same idol of Ashtereth is above the New York City Apella Courthouse next to Moses. Watch that idol because Texas and New York are connected by this and if this sucker down in Texas, right? Just lost its head and this happened. Watch what happens to this idol above the New York City Courthouse. I'm telling you that idol's going to be struck. I am telling you, this is coming. You can market the day it left my mouth that idol is going to be struck now because they are connected and isn't it interesting the similar paths because they projected Barrel to go up into New York so they projected actually it's funny because the same path that this idol traveled to get to Houston they projected actually Barrel initially to take that path okay and then it kind of just I will show you what happened with Barrel because it's very interesting it took a little bit different of a path but I am telling you. This is prophetic for this time. This is prophetic for the announcement that the high places are about to be torn down, that the idols are about to be struck, that they're about to lose their limbs. Because they have attacked a covenant, and there are active spiritual laws and God is not playing around right now that have been activated and gone forth in order to deal with this. That Is a symbol for the nation right now that the head of the power where this is getting its power from is going to be lost. This is the prophetic sign and I want you all to take note of that because it's so so important. Now, another thing interesting about Barrel and Ezekiel. Barrel was a category 5. If you read Ezekiel one four to fourteen, it tells you about these creatures and they there was four of them and they each had four faces. That's six Right? And the four of them each had four wings. That's also sixteen. Right? 16 plus 16 is 32. Three plus two equals five. And barrel was a category 5. So that's just something interesting to point out to you as well. And there's one other thing with barrel also we're going to get into right now because our team found this and sent this to me and I was like and then I went and dug a little deeper and I went this is all taking the same path so let me show you first the path of barrel and the path of the eclipse from April 8th 20 twenty-four. So we're going to show this. There you go. There's the eclipse path and there's Barrel coming right up and aligning with the path of the eclipse of April 8th, 20twenty-four do I think this is a coincidence no far from it these things are all happening in tandem for a reason okay so while Barrel's coming up alongside the eclipse that astrath looking statue basically now doesn't have a head anymore because you know something happened and I do not think it was vandalism by any stretch okay On top of it, on top of it, I have something else to show you. Let me show you if you all remember this invasion of trillions of cicadas that hasn't happened in 200 years happens to happen the same year, right? Of all these other events happening. Let's show you the map of where the cicadas concentrated. Oh look where they concentrated. They concentrated in the path of the that the eclipse took in the path of barrel. This is not a mistake that these things are happening. Something is happening right now in the middle of the country here that we have to pay close attention to because there's you have three serious events that are all coming in the same path. So, the cicadas are coming in the same path as the eclipse are coming in the same path as Barrel. It is a biblical trifecta here that is going on. Why? Because this is a year, a prophetic year, a biblical year. A year that requires God to put on a demonstration of his power. He had to do it with Egypt and the Jews had to go through every plague. They had to go through every plague in Egypt before they were delivered. It's let me tell you, we had a plague of gypsy mods, the likes I have never seen in New York state. They called it biblical and they are absolutely right. It is biblical. It is being allowed. It is all happening in the same year for good reason because when a nation is on the verge of breaking free of its chains. When when the Jews in Egypt were on the verge of breaking free of those chains, these events happened and the heart posture of the Jews really wasn't right in that case because Egypt was still in them. That's how they got themselves into that mess in the first place. They allowed Egypt into them while were living in Egypt when Joseph brought his family and they settled in Goshen they allowed Egypt in their ways in they slowly just integrated in and Egypt had to come out of the people so first the people had to be taken out of Egypt and then Egypt had to come out of the people This is why this is happening. What are gypsy mods? They are caterpillars that look like they're wearing masks. I I sometimes I wonder if the CIA engineered them. I'm not even kidding you. Because these suckers can eat anything and everything of vegetation. I mean there are trees that are bare. Because so many of them just ate the vegetation which is what happened in Egypt. You had the locust right? That ate everything. You also had lies, a plague of flies as well, and I think one more plague of insects with the ten plagues of Egypt but We're seeing all of this in the same year. The gypsy moth invasion has been its worst in 10 years. So the same year as that as the cicadas, as the eclipse, as barrel, as I mean, I could keep going on. It starts to look a little funny after a while. It starts to look a little funny and you gotta stop and say to yourself, you know what? Something spiritual is happening here. I don't care if you're an atheist. You better start examining this stuff because something spiritual is happening here and it's because of the spiritual struggle in the realm of the spirit to break this nation free that we see these effects happening in the natural and this is why the church has to push through this valley. Hi I see too many pastors right now who call themselves pastors with their philosophical exploits like socrates sending their congregations into a tailspin because they're straying from the word they're taking a left turn because they they're going down I know better street that's exactly what they're doing they're going down I know better street and they're bringing the congregation with them and that's when they start welcoming everything in and saying oh this is not so bad you have to allow this in you have to allow that in oh no we have to be sensitive to this Jesus himself let me tell you he was not sensitive to the Pharisees one bit one of them that came to see him during the night he was he showed mercy in cases like that but he was not sensitive to the garbage that they were preaching he wasn't saying to the people oh you have to be sensitive to the Pharisees oh you have to be sensitive to Rome Jesus didn't do that. He didn't and he wasn't permissive. He ate with sinners and prostitutes. He loved them. He ministered to them in order to deliver them and set them free. Not once did he permit them to keep standing on the corner and doing what they were doing. Not once did he permit it and say, it's okay for you to keep doing that. It's okay for you to act. Oh, God hasn't answered your prayer. Oh, it's okay for you to stay as a homosexual. That is a sexual bondage spirit. That has a capacity to lie like no other and I'm serious about that. Sure, they welcome to come listen. Hey, you know, if you want to wear a tin foil hat and come listen at Arc of Grace. You know, you're you're welcome but we have a standard here and I'm not changing that. We have a biblical standard and I'm not changing that to make you feel better about your bad habits. That's not what this is about. This is about us being delivered and set free and growing as people in God and growing as the church and occupying and doing what the church is meant to do. You know, Lance Wall now sets a very interesting about occupying in the past week and a half and I just happened to catch it. Occupying actually means being in the marketplace. Buying and selling. Actually being active there in a presence as believers. So I just found that fascinating as well when he when he when he was talking about that and I briefly caught it but I see too many of them lowering their standard right now and saying, you can come on in and we'll permit it and we'll foster your sin and we'll make you feel really good about it and from the pulpit, we'll just make everybody feel guilty for not coming on board with you. Those pulpits doing that are bought and paid for. Watch what comes out. I am telling you right now, they are bought and they are paid for. By corrupt agendas and corrupt people that are blackmailing some of them and holding over their head things they have done in the dark. You know what happens when you let perversion too much around you? That spirit starts to attach to you. And then you start to have unnatural feelings. I am telling you, it is a lethal, cunning spirit. And I see the pastors doing it. And I'm telling you, those are the ones that are going to turn on their wives and that are going to do some things that people are going to find unthinkable because once they start justifying it, they've already allowed it to ensnare and enslave them. Once you start justifying it. Once you start justifying that spirit, you have already allowed it to be head over your church and you have you have caused Ichabod to be written above the doors of your churches, the glory has departed. So, when I'm seeing this, these events happen and I'm seeing what is happening to this Ashtareth statue and I'm seeing these things. The lord is making a statement about how he feels about these things. She had to do with fertility, divine law, war. The lord is making a statement how he feels about these things, right? Ashtareth was also known as Ishtar, the main temple of Ishtar was in Nineveh. You know what they did? Men dressed up as women for Serema they considered themselves non binary and they took part in homosexual practices. So God is making a statement by what has happened to this statue. About how he feels about these things because there is a reason this happened in this time, in this hour because we're entering July twenty-third, that period of three weeks that leads to the ninth of Av on the Jewish calendar and we're fast approaching it. So, we just I just wanted to say that also and put you on notice for that. We will talk about that next week. We will talk about Project 2025 and other things and address them as well next week because there is a lot going on that we need to address and so basically, we will be back on next week to discuss a lot of these things but I'm just we're just talking about this and pointing this out to you because I see what's happening. I see what's happening. You could you could love people who are you know not a Republican. Of course you can love them. Right? You can love Republicans that are intolerable. Hey. But you don't put up with their behavior. You don't allow the behavior on either side of the aisle. You don't allow the behavior when it comes to the Pharisees or when it comes to sin. You don't make a nest for it and feather it so it can get nice and cozy in it and grow and become an enormous problem in your life. So, yeah, Ishtar does emasculate men. Ishtar's main goal is to emasculate men and we have a lot of that going on in this nation with feminism. The goal of feminism is to emasculate men and it's to emasculate men to knock them out of their biblical roles that they're supposed to be in the nation Which sends the nation into chaos. And that's the truth in a nutshell about feminism. Does God raise up women? Yes, he does. Look at Deborah. Look at Esther. Look at Ruth. There's a many many example. Deborah was raised up to be a judge over men. In a unique time, you know why? Because if a group doesn't want to listen to God, he will go to the other. He will go to one who will listen to him but that's very different than feminism. We are not meant to be men. Women have a whole different skill set. We are made different. We are made to rule alongside and compliment the man. And biblical manhood needs to return to the church and I'm a woman and I'm saying it. Biblical manhood needs to return to the church in this hour because that spirit of feminism and Ishtar has tried to drive it out and it has made pansies out the pulpit. That's exactly what it's made. Pansies at the pulpit, feminine men, men who are not biblical men. That's what it's done. And that need to be rectified because I'm seeing it in many of the pulpits. And it shouldn't be that way. It shouldn't. It needs to turn. Because biblical manhood is there for a reason. It is there for headship. And when that is taken away it throws the entire order into chaos. And the whole goal of feminism was to throw everything into chaos. Because in confusion the devil can rule. In confusion the devil can enslave. In confusion the devil can ensnare. The lie they've sold women. Is you have to give up having a family for your career. Here's the option of abortion. Abort the baby for your career. That's what they used to do with Balamolic. They used to go to them and say, if you don't give up this baby, you're not going to prosper. Your life isn't going to prosper. It's the same lie. The same ancient lie repackaged to be spewed and fed to modern day society. Women are meant to be women, men are meant to be men. Now, in some cases, if something happens with the husband, can the lord raise the wife up? Absolutely, I'm living it. I'm living it. When that happens, that's when the woman comes a rules and rules and authority with the man and helps whatever cause along. Those circumstances do happen. If number one goes down, the lord will look to number two and I need you to step in in this time. That does happen but are women meant to totally take over and emasculate men to the point where they are timid little kitty cats in the corner no and that's what that spirit of Ishtar does speaking of masculine Toby's just walked in the room hi Toby come here you want to come up and say hi to everybody oh say yes mom I do I do oh yes okay here we go there's Toby everyone Toby A and I. Oh do you love it? Yes. Do you agree with mama? Yes you agree with mama. Yes. You agree with what mama said. Yes. Yes. Yes. Right Toby? You're fighting for doggy rights in the nation right now. Yes you are. Yes you are honey. Okay. Good boy. It's okay Cyrus. Cyrus is in here too on the floor. You can't see him but he's next to me. So I think this is where we're going to end this. Toby just walked in and Toby hardly makes a cameo. So you know it's gotta be good when Toby's coming in and making a caveo. The spirit of the Lord is moving because he's coming in the room. So Thank you everyone for joining us and sticking in there with us. We're at an hour so I think this is where we're going to end and we're going to we're going to put up for a moment before I end. We're just going to put Givaderm up for a moment. This is Give Aderm. I use it twice a day. It is a plant-based, incredible skincare line that is run by believers and I have to tell you, it absolutely works. It is one of the most amazing skincare lines. I have ever used. It has truly transformed my skin. It is all natural. It is food for your face. So, if you go to Arc of Grace. org forward slash ministry dash partners, use promo code arc 10 and they'll give you a 10% discount. Okay, everyone. Praise the lord. Thank you for hanging in there with us. God bless you. Keep the faith. Armor up according to Ephesians chapter six. Psalm ninety-one, I say it every single day. Psalm ninety1 is a powerful Psalm. Also, Psalms one twenty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, and fifty-one. 51 is the create in me a clean heart of God. I say that multiple times a week. You know why? Cuz we always have to check our heart posture. We always have to understand we are very fallible human beings that need almighty God. Also chapters from Ephesians one and three. That is in the Believers Authority by Kenneth Hagan. The first few pages of that book, there are scriptures from these chapters that I read and say every single day as well as the lord's prayer. If Jesus taught his disciples to pray that way, that should be good enough for us and we should be praying that way as well. So, we just encourage you in these things to sort of give you direction and encourage you in reading the word throughout the week. So, that's we want to do encourage you to read the word and right before we because the lord is prompting me right now. We're going to do an altar call because I feel him tugging on me to do it and so I'm going to obey. So, if you have been watching and you have strayed from the lord and walked away from him, things happened in your life and you walked away from him where you've never accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and you feel that tugging and that and that conviction pulling at you, that is your shepherd calling you. That is almighty God calling you in. So, where you could repeat it After me, we're going to say a prayer together but this is just the starting point of your relationship with almighty God through Jesus Christ. Every relationship has a starting point. This is your starting point. So, if we say, lord, in Jesus name, I come before you. I know I am a sinner and I know I need a savior and I acknowledge you sent your one and only son to the earth and he died on the cross for my sins. He took my place. He purchased me with the shedding of his own blood and he redeemed me and reconciled me back to you. I ask you to Come into my heart and come into my life and be my lord and savior. From this day forward, I surrender my life to you. Make me a new creation in Christ in Jesus name. Amen and amen. Praise the lord. Amen. So, if you've said that, please Email us. Hello at Arc of Grace Tash Ministries. com. We'd like to get you a Bible or other resources that you may need but we rejoice with you if you said that because it is one of it is the most incredible relationship you will ever have. You doesn't mean you won't have trials and tribulations but you'll have almighty God walking them out with you, directing you, and leading you through it. It is so important. So, if you said that, if you came back to lord, if you accepted Jesus as your lord and savior for the first time, please Email us. We would love to hear from you. Our team would love to hear from you. So, God bless everyone. Have a wonderful rest of your evening. Uh we will be back on most likely next week. So, we will be announcing that. We have a lot to talk about next week. There is a lot going on. There's also a hundred-year cycle we have to talk about as well that I want to get into. So, we will announce for that. Keep the faith everyone. Have a wonderful rest of your evening.
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