Israel Under Threat: A LOOMING Disaster Under Weak Leadership

6 months ago

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Reports have surfaced from mainstream media that the nation-state of Israel may soon be attacked by Iran, furthering the possibility of World War 3. After the horrifying attacks of October 7th, 2023, by Hamas on Israel there have been no shortage of leftist activists across America feigning outrage over the response.
However, much like the rest of the world, it is the Palestinian leadership that continue to fail their people and refuse any peace talks. Under the weak leadership of the Biden administration, who have failed miserably to stand in solidarity with the people of Israel, tensions may have already escalated to the point of no return. And this ultimately harms America. And We the People.
#jamesanthonyreport #israel #israelpalestine
Partial Transcript:
Long before the American Revolution, and even longer before the America First movement in the United States, stood the belief that all men are created equal in the eyes of the Creator. This idea arose from ancient Judaism and later carried over into Christianity.
About one-third of the entire New Testament was written by the Apostle Paul, influencing the Western World and ultimately the framing of the Constitution of the United States, in ways that are difficult to calculate. In 2024, Jews make up about .02 percent of the world's population. Though the contributions to America from the Jewish community far outweigh this number, Jews are still often looked at as somehow both subhuman and superhuman. And both cannot be true. Right now, political strife and human rights violations are taking place in the Sudan, in Burma, in North Korea,
in China with the Uyghur population, and so on all over the world.
And yet, the United States is criticized for supporting an ally with shared values on college campuses with many protesters claiming that Israel shouldn't exist. When it comes to civil rights, there is no moral equivalent in the Middle East. 2 million Arabs live in Israel and are recognized with the same rights as Jews, are allowed to sit on the Israeli Parliament, as well as those who live an alternative lifestyle. While everyone should be concerned about the failures of agencies designed to protect against the attack
on October 7th, deliberate or not, what is happening in Gaza is not a genocide. Much like most places on Earth (including America), the Palestinian government continue to fail its' people. Remember that religious people do believe in a final battle to end all battles. But the people pushing us closer to this reality are hardly religious. They could care less about the lives of innocent Palestinians or Jews. Still, there is only one country in the Middle East that cares about a strong America. And the political left in America have galvanized the collective Jew hatred from different groups to serve their own purposes. Remember this when you vote in November.
This is James Anthony Reporting.

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