America’s Fall? Lessons from the Collapse of Rome

5 months ago


Dive deep into America’s potential fall as Jeremy Ryan Slate and Vincent Oshana dissect lessons from the collapse of Rome. In this fiery segment of The Unusual Suspects, Jeremy unpacks the historical comparisons between Trump and Caesar, challenging the left’s narrative. Discover how the Roman Empire's political and economic struggles mirror today’s issues in the U.S., from inflation and immigration to central power woes. Are we headed for the same fate as Rome? Buckle up for a thought-provoking discussion that merges ancient history with modern-day politics. Don’t miss this deep dive into #RomanEmpire #RomanHistory #AncientRome #RomanReforms #PoliticalHistory #Diocletian #TrumpVsCaesar #FallOfRome. Join us as we explore this controversial topic that’s sure to spark debate!

#FallOfTheRepublic #RomanRepublicHistory #JeremyRyanPodcast #AmericaFall #21StCenturyRome

#PoliticalComparisons #RomanEmpire #ModernParallels #SuperpowerDecline #InflationCrisis

00:00 - Intro
02:31 - People of Rome
05:26 - Rome's Course Reversal
06:50 - Rome vs. US Today

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