No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 026: Finally fixed audio and started multi-line text

5 months ago

Streamed on 2024-08-06 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

I finally slayed the audio demons today. No more annoying popping at the end of every sound. There were two issues, both of them in the process that embeds the audio in the code. One was an erroneous offset increment which appended some trash data on the end of sounds, the other was the wrong size being written to the file, resulting in yet more trash data being appended to the sound data. Removing both left all the sounds minty fresh.

Then it was on to updating text rendering. The first task was to fix the y-axis popping when different characters are typed depending on how it fits relative to the text baseline. The initial y alignment algorithms just used the glyph heights. Instead it now uses the max height and min depth relative to the baseline to compute adjustments. It looks much better.

Finally, I started updating text to handle multi-line text. We didn't have much time, but there is a start. It does show things on multiple lines, but we ended before finishing vertical alignment or even looked at horizontal alignment. There will also be other fallout from these changes, like to the cursor handling of a TextEdit.

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