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Pascal Najadi DISCLOSURE: Covid PsyOp Democide & all Evil - Ongoing covert US led Global Defence War! #STORM!

6 months ago

Pascal Najadi DISCLOSURE: Covid PsyOp Democide & all Evil - Ongoing covert US led Global Defence War! #STORM!


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  • Unfortunately Ivermectin is bashed by main stream media and genocide doctors. They make false claims like it doesn't work preventing and overcoming covid and flu symptoms. It has been proven over and over again that it works by peer reviewed medical studies. Why do you think Australia banned ivermectin just after it has been found effective? Why the most populated country in the world(India) don't have high cases and death numbers? Because they gave away IVM to their people. In Mexico, where no restriction has applied to anyone since the plandemic started, they gave people covid recovery kit that includes ivermectin tablets. Whereas here we are in USA are blocked from accessing this wonder drug. You can order it from overseas by visiting getmeivm.com

  • I joined your telegram page. I can't figure out the crypto wallets, like Trust Wallet is very confusing. I don't understand what they want me to do. And Coinbase will only give me the options of two old phone numbers and an old yahoo email I no longer have. I think that's the reason that NO ONE has any XRP yet. EVERYONE says the same thing when I ask. "No, I don't want any crypto." I think they don't understand how to buy it with the 12 words either but can't admit it. I'm the only one admitting it and asking for help. I have some silver but was told to get some of both. I'm disabled and have to move, so I'm kind of screwed. My family was Army, brother still is. Thank you Sir. God bless you.

  • And those corrupt agents just go violating people's rights just bcuz their corrupt boss wants them to. THATN WON'T HOLD UP IN MILITARY TRIBUNAL, RIGHT? When you break the law it's on you, not your boss. Thanks Jim. God bless you.

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  • There have been millions of casualties with this war. And will be equally as many or more with the incoming two "vaccines" (bird flu, monkeypox now).

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  • Mr Pascal Najadi we thank you for all your work ,especially this vedeo was so refreshing with good news for all of us thank you may God bless you and give you strength. our love from Melbourne Australia Alex

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  • Wow