Message from UFOPR.

6 months ago

PROCLAMATION: All videos, texts, quotes and opinions are Unique Content directly obtained from UFOPR® Ashtar Command, Cyber Unit and delivered to Authorized Personnel by advanced methods of Telepathy, Telaesthesia, Remote Viewing, and ESP (Extra Sensory Perception). It is your duty to use them with Respect and Appreciation as they derive from the Source’s Purest Mode and they carry the Infinite Creators’ Unconditional Love & Wisdom.

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Medical & Viewer Disclaimers in Full:
This Video contains material that may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.
Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention

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