Kid Pulls Prank With Pull-Up Bar

6 years ago

Little kids are strange about exercise. Some are really excited to jump in on it and others, like adults, hate it and want nothing to do with anything that even looks like exercise. A lot of kids try to create work arounds for themselves when they attempt any kind of exercise. Whatever it is that makes it easier for them to get through something they don’t want to do. Lazy kids are some of the most creative kids.

If only because they put more work into not doing work then they do into actually getting the work out of the way. The kid in this video is doing pull-ups, or attempting to do pull-ups. At the end of the video it appears that he is definitely not doing the act. However, we have to say he is probably still working out his legs considering the pose that he is standing in. That would appear to take a certain amount of strength. I could be wrong though, I was never able to do the spider poses like that.

I don’t have much else to say about this video, it’s pretty funny and the final shot is pretty good. However, we do have some interesting pull-up records that we thought we would share with you because it blew our minds. Astoundingly, most of the records were only logged by Guinness World Records in the last two years. The oldest one is from 2010 when a man named Stephan Hyland did 1009 pull-ups in an hour. Last year Andrew Shapiro got the records for most pull-ups in 6 and 12 hours with 3,515 and 5,742, respectively. Those are crazy numbers.

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