The Global Mafia & Their World Domination Project. Mees Baaijen 8-5-2024

7 months ago

The Global Mafia & Their World Domination Project. Mees Baaijen 8-5-2024
Aug. 8-5-2024
Geopolitics & Empire - Mees Baaijen
About Meeuwis Baaijen Meeuwis T. Baaijen (1952) was born and brought up in simple-life rural Holland, where he developed strong ties with nature. As a veterinarian and later also entrepreneur, he worked in 7 countries on 4 continents, which allowed him a direct experience with different cultures, political systems, languages, and above all, people.
His international background served him well when he decided to dig deep into global history, to write his first book, The Predators (and its six translations). After 50 years as an atheist, this study convinced him that the Enlightenment was in fact an Endarkenment, to alienate us from Nature and the Universe, from which we derive our power to move mountains.
*Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon)
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