Sharing My Letter to Senator Joseph Lieberman

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Scenario After Pre-emptive Strike in Iran

If Only Life Is So Simple with BOMBS and All the World’s Problems Will Be Solved

My Reply

22 March 2012

Dear Senator Lieberman,

“Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it” – Albert Einstein

Firstly, I thank you very much for your reply. I kept wondering when I would receive a reply from you because I know the Iran nuclear issue is close to your heart. After reading your letter, I am very happy to share my inner thoughts with you.

You said, “While I believe tough sanctions offer our last, best hope of peacefully preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability, I also believe that it is important that the Obama Administration keep all options on the table. If a nuclear-armed Iran is unacceptable, as the President has stated, we must make clear to the world that we are prepared to do whatever is necessary to prevent the unacceptable.”

As long as the United Nations gives the green light count me in. BUT a pre-emptive strike is not acceptable, no matter what excuse Israel is going to give. Have you read this article from Reuters?

The Reuters paper published on 10 March in the local paper, the Straits Times, an article entitled “Israel ponders fallout of an attack on Iran.” In the beginning paragraph, it said, “There is a gathering view, expressed with growing insistence by senior officials, that the resulting conflict would be a price worth paying.”

Worth it for who may I ask or is it because the estimated death is less than 500 it is worth taking the risk to bomb Iran? This was what Reuter had written, “Defence Minister Ehud Barak has gone so far as to predict that “maybe not even 500” civilians would die in the wake of a strike on Iran. Fewer than 50 Israeli civilians died in the 2006 Lebanon war and 2008-2009 Gaza Strip conflict.” The Netanyahu government takes the lives of their fellowmen very lightly, this is very worrisome. Why is the urgency and what is the real reason behind Netanyahu's government's need to go to war within 6 months? The Reuter Mar 20 article, “Despite Iran jitters, Israeli anti-war camp muted” says it all. Dan William has written, “The organizer of one anti-war artistic exhibit in Tel Aviv has accused Netanyahu of fuelling a showdown with Iran to distract from domestic ills. The cost-of-living protests last summer forced his government to alter economic policies.”

Netanyahu and Ehud Barak must be out of their minds playing with fire on top of fire. They see things so simply, like the “Jewish Hawks” that had painted the entire picture to the naive George Bush Jr. when they justified and encouraged a pre-emptive strike on Iraq. They are self-serving people who only look at a situation from one angle, their angle, and only their interests. I am a visionary and an outsider, so let me paint you the whole scenario about how Netanyahu will bring the whole world down.

These Israeli leaders and Jewish Hawks talk like they are playing a new computer war game. A computer game is a fixed scenario in a box and you can’t introduce any new element into the game, but in real life, you have additional elements, RUSSIA & CHINA!! It is sure that Russia and China will not sit still and allow the world to be destroyed because of the Jews’ constant fear and insecurity. Russia and China will likely always side together. And America should not even attempt to separate them because it is just wishful thinking on their part…can Russia and China convince America to separate from Israel? Don’t blame them because you made a wrong move in using your veto on Palestine, and it is natural for them not to stand by you on Syria. Partnership is a two-way street.

America today and the old America are very different. In the 60’s, America is so rich and powerful that no one dared to stop America when it decided to give the Jews a homeland in Palestine. But now it is a different story altogether. If Netanyahu ever pre-emptively bombed Iran, it would give the excuse for Russia and China to give support to their allies, just as America had always done for its allies like Israel and others. Do you think Russia and China are going to be spectators when their own stability is at stake? The wars in the past were about OIL! Russia’s and China’s interests are in Iran, so do you think they will allow Israel to destroy Iran? Will America allow anyone to destroy Israel or Saudi Arabia? Of course not, because American OIL is in Saudi Arabia! Now do you know why America came to the rescue of Kuwait in 1991?

Let’s say that even if Israel decides to go it alone to bomb Iran, would America get off scot-free? It’s not likely because even if Israel decides to do it without America, they will still pull the US into the conflict. If the Israelis bomb Iran, Russia and China will likely bomb Israel. Does anyone really believe that America will just stand there and watch, and say, “See I told you so, why did you not listen to Netanyahu?” But by then it is already too late because too much damage would be done and this is going to be a third world war!

If ever Israel takes action against Iran, this might be the opportunity for the Palestinians to have their country back with the help of China. The Chinese government is everywhere doing very good public relations with many countries and wherever they go, there is the appearance of a win-win situation in their business dealings. But as for the West, they have taken great advantage of third-world countries for many years with the result of destroying their environment and polluting their water. If this conflict in Iran erupts, it will give Russia, and especially China, a great opportunity to take over the world. Since the Middle East is all about oil, and if China is willing to share it with Russia, how long do you think Saudi and the other Arab countries will still stand by America?

Don’t forget you are cutting your own defense budget while Russia and China are increasing their many fold. Over the next ten years’ time, if America is not treading carefully with all the other countries, this superiority will just slip away without you noticing it. The Chinese go around quietly and diplomatically, but America keeps making their loud noise, especially the Republicans. So, please consider where your standing with Israel is in the eyes of others, especially if Israel is not attacked, because they do not have the right to attack others unprovoked. If America can be a fair broker of peace, America will forever stand tall in the world and all nations will want America to be a leader. But not if you still stick so blindly with Israel. This is a pragmatic world, and who knows; maybe all the ASEAN countries will go with China too. Just like when America was strong, everyone ‘kow-tows’ to you because of money, but there is NO LOYALTY in this game!

Another drastic scenario, could Singapore be an interesting “acquisition” for China? Behind closed doors, the conversation is always the same; if Singapore cannot make it as a sovereign country, should we go back to Malaysia? Some quarters said why must we return to Malaysia? Others say maybe Indonesia will take us back because, during the Gaja Mada period, it belongs to Indonesia. People would say, that’s not possible…but why not if Netanyahu has destroyed the sanctity of the rule of law, then every country is free for all. Whoever has the military might will be the winner as it was in the past for the UK or America. Who knows, maybe the fight will be between America and China because Singapore is a very important hub for these countries. Therefore, I hope you can see the danger and the spiraling effect or chain effect if Netanyahu is going to preemptively strike Iran. We must stop such madness because if the world cannot stop it, it is the beginning of the end of the world as we know it. If there is No Law and Order, it will be Lawlessness and Disorder, and our One World cannot withstand it because we are also so closely linked now.

I am not a Palestinian but a Singaporean living from hand to mouth and yet I cannot take the Netanyahu government’s NONSENSE anymore. For this reason, I will continue to dedicate my entire life to helping the Palestinian people in whatever way I can within my capacity as an ordinary citizen of the world to make a homeland happen for them. I would like them to know that over in this part of the world, we do care for them but unfortunately many are helpless to do something concrete to help. I will pray for them to have forgiveness for the Jewish people because the majority of the Jewish people are very good people. But I sense great danger from the “Fundamentalist Jews in the Israeli government” called the Zionists who are stalling the peace process by demanding (not accepting the 1967 borders) and stealing (building more settlements) more land using the same old excuse, Security!

If every country behaves like Israel, it would be the end of the world, and we don’t need Armageddon to come! If the Jews do not want to live their whole life with fear they must be fair to the Palestinians by giving them a homeland that is long overdue. Instead, Netanyahu keeps pointing to the one reason why they still don’t have peace in the Middle East – The Arab refusal to accept the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state. Before, it was the “right to exist”, and now it has been twisted too, ‘A JEWISH STATE’, and once again, there is no end to all their reasons for not implementing the peace agreement. The Jews were a people without a land, and now that they have one, they are unhappy with 78% of Palestine. It seems it is not enough to make them feel safe, they want all of Palestine.

In my 2nd letter to Netanyahu I wanted to put these lines (but was advised not to) – “If You Dare Bomb Iran Without The Green Light From the UN The Whole World Must BOYCOTT ISRAEL And The First Thing We Will Do Is PUT YOU IN THE HAGUE JUST LIKE MILOSEVIC!” Instead, I have written to President Obama to look into this possibility, because the UN only works with countries and not individuals.

We need to PRE-EMPT Netanyahu and stop his madness with this idea to bomb Iran, hence I was compelled to write to President Obama with the hope he will look into this very important matter for world peace and stability. There were cries to indict George Bush Jr because of the pre-emptive strike on Iraq, and I think this time round, we should not ponder but seriously consider making it very clear to Israel that the leaders could be held accountable before it is too late.

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong


From: “” <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 5:29 AM
Subject: Correspondence from Senator Lieberman

March 19, 2012

Dear Ms. Sun Wah:

Thank you for contacting me about the Islamic Republic of Iran. Simply put, there is no national security challenge that confronts our country in the world today that is more serious and pressing than that posed by the Iranian regime.

As you know, all evidence suggests that the Iranian government has, for years, been secretly pursuing a nuclear weapons capability. In November 2011, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) released a chilling report, laying out the extensive evidence that Iran has engaged in a range of secret and illicit activities whose only conceivable aim is the development of nuclear weapons. According to the IAEA, Iranian production of enriched uranium also has sharply expanded in recent months, while IAEA inspectors have been prevented from accessing sites and scientists. Meanwhile, key components of Iran’s nuclear program are being dispersed and moved underground.

Iran’s nuclear ambitions are all the more alarming and unacceptable because of the Iranian government’s longstanding support for terrorism. According to the U.S. Department of State, Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world today, providing weapons, training, and funding to extremist groups across the Middle East, including Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in the Palestinian Territories, Houthi separatists in Yemen, and even elements of the Taliban in Afghanistan. In Iraq, Iran has given extensive support to militias that were responsible for the murder of hundreds of American soldiers, as well as countless innocent Iraqis. In October 2011, U.S. investigators revealed an Iranian plot to blow up the Saudi ambassador on American soil in Washington, DC. Taken together, Iran’s support of terrorist groups and its pursuit of nuclear weapons makes it one of the most dangerous regimes in the world today.

Some have argued that we can learn to live with a nuclear-armed Iran, just as we learned to live with nuclear weapons in the hands of the Soviet Union. According to this view, the same policies of containment and deterrence that served us so well during the Cold War can be adapted to deal with a nuclear Iran. President Obama, however, has rightly rejected this argument. I agree with the President, which is why I recently joined Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bob Casey (D-PA) in introducing S.Res. 380, a bipartisan resolution that states in the strongest and clearest terms that the consequences of a nuclear-armed Iran cannot be “contained” and must instead be prevented.

As President Obama has warned, Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons would do catastrophic harm to the global nonproliferation regime. A nuclear-armed Iran would likely provoke other states in the region and beyond to pursue their own atomic arsenals, unleashing a cascade of proliferation. Let there be no doubt: the more proliferated the Middle East, the more likely a nuclear weapon will fall someday into the hands of terrorists.

As President Obama has also argued, a nuclear-armed Iran would greatly embolden its terrorist proxies and undermine any hope for peace in the Middle East. Indeed, consider how the balance of power and the prospects for peace in the Middle East would change if Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons and its extremist allies could then attack moderate Arab regimes, Israel, and the United States under the protection of Tehran’s nuclear umbrella.

Finally, I believe we must also take very seriously the violent words of the Iranian regime. I know there are some who dismiss Iran’s rulers when they lead crowds in chanting “Death to America” or when they call for Israel to be wiped off the map. However, we know from history that zealots frequently say what they mean and mean what they say. We should take Iran’s fanatical leadership seriously.

It is my belief that the current leadership of Iran will only consider stepping back from the nuclear brink when they are convinced that, if they fail to do so, there will be consequences so severe that the survival of their regime will be threatened. For this reason, I have helped lead the fight in Congress to impose crippling sanctions on the Iranian government. In June 2010, I was deeply involved in the passage of the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act (P.L. 111-195), which represents the most powerful and comprehensive package of Iran sanctions ever signed into law. In December 2011, the Senate voted 100-0 to adopt new sanctions legislation, which I strongly supported, targeting the Central Bank of Iran, which was subsequently signed into law by President Obama as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2012 (P.L. 112-81). If fully implemented, this measure would effectively cut off Iran’s Central Bank from the rest of the international financial system and curtail the ability of the Iranian regime to derive revenue from its oil exports.

In addition to forcefully and proactively implementing these new provisions, it is imperative that the Obama Administration actively lead a global campaign to encourage more and more nations throughout the world to stop doing business with the Central Bank of Iran and suspend purchases of oil from Iran. This requires urgent and strong diplomacy on the part of the Obama Administration and by the President personally. In this respect, I applaud the recent decision by the European Union to end its purchases of Iranian oil by July 2012, and also decisions by other Iranian oil buyers, particularly Japan and South Korea, to reduce purchases of Iranian oil.

While I believe tough sanctions offer our last, best hope of peacefully preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability, I also believe that it is important that the Obama Administration keep all options on the table. If a nuclear-armed Iran is unacceptable, as the President has stated, we must make clear to the world that we are prepared to do whatever is necessary to prevent the unacceptable.

I also strongly believe that we must make human rights a central component of our policy toward Iran. The fact is, there is a connection between the way that the Iranian regime abuses its own people and the threat that Iran poses to other nations throughout the world. As the renowned Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov once said, “A country that does not respect the rights of its citizens will not respect the rights of its neighbors.”

The thuggish and undemocratic character of the Iranian government has become especially clear in the wake of the country’s patently fraudulent June 12, 2009, election. I have been inspired by the courage of countless Iranians who have repeatedly taken to the streets in peaceful protest against their regime, which has responded with senseless brutality and bloodshed. I believe that America has a moral obligation to stand in solidarity with the people of Iran until they secure the freedom, civil liberties, and rule of law that are the universal rights of people everywhere.

For this reason, in the wake of the 2009 Iranian election, I joined with my colleagues, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and then-Senator Ted Kaufman (D-DE), as well as others, in introducing the Victims of Iranian Censorship (VOICE) Act. This legislation is designed to strengthen the ability of the Iranian people to get access to news and information and to overcome the electronic censorship and monitoring efforts of the Iranian regime. In July 2009, this legislation was unanimously adopted as an amendment to the fiscal year 2010 National Defense Authorization Act, which the President subsequently signed into law (P.L. 111-84).

I am also proud to have joined several of my colleagues in the Senate to introduce S.Res. 193, which condemns the violent actions of the Iranian regime against its own citizens following Iran’s election. On June 16, 2009, the Senate unanimously passed this resolution. In December 2009, I joined several colleagues in introducing another resolution, S.Res. 386, calling attention to human rights abuses in Iran and condemning the Iranian regime’s assault on freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly.

History has shown time and again that when a regime tyrannizes its own citizens, ultimately it will fail and freedom will prevail. Standing in solidarity with the people of Iran is, to my mind, both a moral responsibility and a strategic imperative. I am determined to do everything in my power to help the Iranian people as they demand their fundamental rights and a government that is worthy of their great civilization and to ensure that the tyrannical, fanatical regime that currently rules Iran is not allowed to acquire nuclear weapons.

Thank you again for sharing your views and concerns with me. I hope you will continue to visit for updated news about my work on behalf of Connecticut and the nation. Please contact me if you have any additional questions or comments about our work in Congress.


Joseph I. Lieberman


20 February 2012

Dear Senator Joseph Lieberman,

Today is World Harmony Day I have just written to President Obama with the hope that he can stop the Netanyahu government from bombing Iran and let diplomacy succeed because the world cannot afford another war.

Thanks for all your support.


Sunflower Chong

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