World Fiscal Collapse Energy Vlog

7 months ago

World Fiscal Collapse Energy Vlog title is from the date August 5, 2024 ths # 21 The World universe card, completion of the hero's journey and the cornucopia of teh Earth Mother. The Fiscal collapse is from the r tarot reading I did on the petro dollar failure which is coming now.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed us four amplitudes., the first a power of 21 at 5:45 Thus Temperance is what the world needs to find peace on earth. The second amplitude power of 38 at 9:45 thus the Moon in Virgo demands Justice for humanities best outcome. The third amplitude power of 35 at 10:30 AM UTC thus Death can be trascended by a strong and brave soul. The fourth amplitude power of 24 at 12:00 PM UTC Thus a halt by the Hange3d man to make a sacrifice to change his perspective on his lover. The quality power is 18 The Moon of illusion and i8ntui8ton starts in the sifn of Lo today but transfers to virgo this evening. The frequency average is 7.71 hertz thus we have # 15 The Devil is in this detail, he enslaves you with your addictions and obsessions. So take strength from the Lord to overcome both.

Therefore, we can say about it all: The World is seeking Justice under the
Vi8rgo Moon with strength and Bravery to overcome the Devil. The space weather site shows us a class X flare with a slight CME. The Kp index of geomagnetic activity is calm in the green zone though di have a rise up to level three. I finished with a tarot reading based on a question from Janine on the fiscal collapse of the petrodollar. We had the six of pentacles with the Hermit the hanged man in the past and the three of swords in the a it appears to be broken heart over money. We had two card from the Archangel Metatron Self mastery Oracle. the first cardis Signs, be on the outlook for them in number like 11, 22, 33 or in feathers and Lucid dreams. The secodn was Action card telling us to get moving our thoughts do not manifest until we taike acitonto maike it happen.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather site :

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