BORDERPOL JOURNAL August 5, 2024 S3 Ep25

5 months ago

Our video/podcast theme this week is about the Five I's that affect our lives at the moment. Inflation, Interest rates, Immigration, political Indifference and leadership Incompetence. The other issue we touch on is a unequivocal condemnation of violence created by or directed towards any group or individual for any reason. With street violence becoming common place in North America and Europe there are signs that concern us about the direction that society is headed towards. We are concerned that the justice and law enforcement community is appearing to not act even handedly and risks letting extremists left or right rule the conversation to the detriment of all. Let us know what you think!
This is our last episode for the summer as well take a break for holidays. We will return after Labor Day (USA/Canada) weekend with a new episode.

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