'What does BORN AGAIN mean?' | Proverbs part 2 | Learn the deeper TRUTHS #bible #christian #nature

7 months ago

--Book of PROVERBS-- Hardest book made easy!
#Jesus #God #bible #truth #Jesuschrist #wisdom #christianity

Welcome to the PROVERBS SERIES part 2!

Today we will be looking at the book of Proverbs, one of the three books of wisdom. Please join us as we examine the deep meaning of the introductory writings, which reveal the theme threaded through the entire book! These amazing insights will greatly assist in your understanding of God and Christianity. This video will also answer the popular question- 'What about those who've never heard of Jesus and His Gospel?' Join us as we dive deep into the examinations of life and considering the best way to live it! God's Way!!! Can't wait!

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