Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie - The Attempted Murder of My Son Will Be Exposed - Captions

7 months ago

In this prophetic message from God, it is revealed that there was an attempted murder of "My son" (referring to President Trump) and that this plot will be exposed. The message reassures the nation that God has intervened and will destroy the evil in the land. It also promises that the traitors and enemies behind the assassination attempt will be revealed, and that the nation will be made strong, awake, united, and victorious. The message emphasizes the need for God's guidance and protection in leading the nation in the right direction and delivering it from its enemies.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


Today’s Scriptures:
Ps. 18:48-50
1 Sam. 19:9-10
Eccles. 1:9
Luke 12:2
2 Chron. 20:2-3, 6-9, 12, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24-25
Job 22:28
Josh. 23:10


COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX:www.prophecyindex.org



Good morning, everybody! Today is Monday and it's already July 15th of 2024. I want to thank you once again for joining today's live show, but I also want to thank you. Not only that you Joe, you join every day. Or some of you may join a couple of times a week or even once a week. How many are times you join?

I want to thank you for joining. No one to watch, but being a participator by standing, by praying, but take those scriptures that God has given you by saying the things that God you just say. By doing your marching orders, decrees, and declarations, and things that God needs you to say and need to do in this very hour.

Because we are in the army of the Lord. We've seen the battle. We've seen a war. We've seen our enemies try to take out our rightful president. We've seen the greatest attack in this country in a long time. But, God. And that's one thing that I love to say all the time. We not only, that was supposed to be a very dark day in our history.

It was supposed to be when our rightful president was destroyed, but at the same time, so was our nation. But God, you know that God had his angels protecting him when that happened. Because we know that God not only hears the cries of his people, but he promises us in his word that he delivers us. out of it all.

Our nation was delivered that day, and so was our rightful president, and that's why we continue to never surrender, and that's why we continue to hold the line, and that's why we continue to stand and fight the good fight of faith. We saw a miracle that day. A miracle for our rightful president and a miracle for our nation.

We saw El Shaddai at work. We saw something that was so virtually impossible become possible because of Almighty God. How he just tilted his head at the very right time in order for that bullet not to touch his head, but only his ear. God said that they were going to try an assassination attempt, but it would not work.

That's where he said in several different prophecies. But you know what God is telling us today? Their enemies have been desperate. Armies are trying to overreach what God said that they were going to do. God said we were going to hear a shot heard around the world. He said that multiple different prophecies.

And we did. But the enemies failed at their attempt. Whatever they were trying to do to this country. It did not work that day. It was a very dark day for the enemies of Almighty God. But not for the children of Almighty God and not for this nation. This is why we do what we do every day. This is why we have that firm, focused foundation on our Father.

Because only our Heavenly Father could have protected our rightful president. That's it. And so, we have to pray over this Republican National Convention that starts today. We have to pray for that divine intervention and protection of no matter what the enemies are trying to do. God has his armies all around the angel armies, protecting every single person that goes in and out, protecting that event.

And no matter what the enemy has in their arsenal, no matter what type of form of attack that they would try, it doesn't matter because God is bigger. And this is what God is telling us today. We're not supposed to fear what they try to do to this event. God has already proven to us, no matter the desperation and no matter the plan of that attack, God is there to stand in, God is there to intervene, and God is there to protect.

So what do we do in this time? We have a duty. We have a job to do. Pray for the protection of our nation. Pray for the protection of the Republican National Convention. Pray for every person that's chosen by Almighty God. That's what we do. We're not gonna say, well, what if this, and what if that, and what if they want to do this, and what if they try to do that.

Doesn't matter. Do you remember he also has been telling us and warning us about chaos in the streets? Warning us about protests, warning us about they're going to try to do these things. But what did God said He was going to fill the streets with? They were going to try to fill the streets with violence.

They were going to try to fill the streets with chaos and disruptions. But God said He was going to fill the streets with His glory. So that's what we say, that's what we declare, and that's what we decree. We don't get to do that. To sit there and, and, and get into fear. We receive our victory. And I know, this is not proof to anybody else what happened on Saturday.

That God is, not only Donald Trump's protector, but he's ours. He's a protector of this great nation. No matter what it looks like, no matter what the enemies have planned. It's God's plans. It's God's will. It's God's purpose. And God will always have his way and he'll always have his say. So this is what we do this day is declare our protection, declare the deliverance of this nation and your nation, wherever you're watching from, declare that God is bigger and God is more than enough.

All I kept hearing this morning in my spirit, the enemies are on the run, run, run, run. Okay. Because God is after them. God is the one who is moving his hand. And God is the one who is going to kill this land. And I heard another prophetic word regarding the enemies on the run. And then God said in his word, The enemies are on the run even when there's no one chasing them.

But we are. Because we are in the army of the Lord and we're holding that line. We've seen, God, a Red Sea moment, you might say. We saw something that was so impossible for a millisecond or a half a centimeter or whatever it was that was so close to destroying our country and destroying our president, our rightful one.

But God, that's why I love that statement, but God, God is bigger than anything we see. And God is definitely bigger than our enemy. So I want to get into this prophetic word now if you guys did not see yesterday I know that we had shared it out. I shared it out Yeah, actually yesterday afternoon or yesterday last night sometime.

I actually heard two different prophetic words before I went to church yesterday morning, and so i'm going to give one of those out to you right now Then I got to church service yesterday In the middle of praise and worship, the Lord had me sit down and write more. So then I heard the third one for that day, and the third one I gave out yesterday, and I will give it out sometime again this week.

But it wasn't just about the prophetic word that he was giving out yesterday, it was also the teaching that went along with it. God is on the move, and light wins and destroys. The power of darkness, because we know this is not Republican or Democrat. This is good versus evil. This is light! Destroying darkness.

This is what God's been preparing our hearts for for the last several years. He's been preparing us for this war. Preparing us for this battle. Right now. This is where he's been saying a chain of events with unprecedented chains of events were gonna start taking place. While I would say Saturday was very unprecedented and started a chain of events.

It took place no matter the attack and no matter what they do, it should be clear to each and every one of us and clear even to President Trump and his family. God is the one we look to for everything. He is our protector. He is our victory. He is a God that shows up in the impossible. God knew he had traitors in his midst.

I'm going to go through that today. God's been warning us about that. God knew it, saw it, and did something about it. God knows the plans of the enemy and God stops it right in their tracks. They're allowed to go so far, but they can't go any farther. So this is what we have to do this day is to stand and pray.

That's what we do. All right, so let's go into this word

and it's actually called, this is the first one. I heard three yesterday. This is the first one I heard yesterday. The Attempted Murder of My Son Will be Exposed. The Attempted Murder of My Son Will be Exposed. And this is the first one from yesterday, July 14th.

For I, the Lord, this day, am telling my children in the land of My Eagle, you shall live and not die as a nation. Your enemies tried a great attack on your country by trying to end the life of my David. Well, they did not and could not succeed. I have intervened for this nation and I have intervened for my David.

My children, your warring and your constant prayers were heard by El Shaddai. An awakening has begun in my nation, but now it will explode everywhere.

I will destroy the evil that you've seen in your land, in the nations, around the world.

My children, I will expose this plan. I will expose the murderous plot. I will show you where the instructions came from, and who ordered the hit of My David. I told you the ravenous wolves were coming out of their caves to devour any truth or any freedom you had left in this nation. I will unmask these *wolves* and these *treasonous traitors* in your country.

I told you my children President Trump had traitors in his midst. And this should prove to you that that is true. Things were allowed to show you who these traitors are. Some close to him are working for this other side. Those that were to protect him let things slip, slip through the cracks ever so subtly to make it look like they were doing their job, but they weren't.

Some *are* there for the right reason, and some did their jobs. As I told you, I have infiltrated the infiltrators, and I'm smoking them out of their holes and their hiding places. And they will be revealed who they are. My David's real protection comes from me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Secret details of your enemy's plan to take down My David as they were taking down your nation. They failed. This nation belongs to me, says the Lord. My David is mine and he's protected by me. As your enemy's desperation has grown in this time, I told you they would overreach. They would make mistakes.

They would walk into traps, I had set for them. And this was a trap they walked *right* into. They thought they had the opportunity without thinking, and they acted. This plan came from Washington, D. C. And it came from your Capitol. And not just who you think was involved. It was many of your leaders. that wanted this.

Proof is coming. Oh yes, proof is coming. Secret conversations they thought were secret. And the locations secure. And their servers would never be found of this secret way to communicate and plots and plans like this. Well, I have it all. And I will say this again: they will not get away with what they did on that day in your nation.

I will not only reveal this attempt, but I will reveal the ones behind it. And the attempts and the assassination of others that were successful to previous leaders and presidents in your country.

This action marks a time in your nation when a shift is taking place, and the momentum has shifted. Your enemies will regret these actions taken against my nation and the land of My Eagle. Days of Haman are here, and their defeat is near. So watch what I do to deliver my nation from the hands of the *murderous* and *treasonous traitors*.

I Am making my nation *strong again*. I Am making my nation *awake again*. I Am making my nation *united again*. And I Am making my nation *victorious again*. My children, do not fear what you hear. Do not fear what they say or what your enemies try to do next because of this failed attempt at my son. The tides have turned.

They will fall faster now. Just wait and see how fast your enemies flee like rats from a burning building. Their plans have been set ablaze, with no way to recover this disastrous decision that has been made.

Wait and watch for my David's triumphant return in front of your enemy's ultimate defeat. It's near, and it will be clear that I Am here, saith the Lord of hosts. Now in this prophetic word, now again, he's saying the Lord of hosts repeatedly. The Lord of hosts is a Lord of angel armies. We have angels that protect.

God leads and God guides. God is our fortress. He's our high tower. He's our strength. He's our peace. He's our victory. He's our healer. He's our provider. He's our deliverer. He is everything that we need him to be right now that we need him to lead and guide this nation in the right direction. We need him to deliver and protect our country from our enemies.

We need God and that's evident. We need God and God and God alone. This is what the nation is waking up to. Yes, he's anointed and appointed president Trump. Of course he has. He's been talking about it. He calls him as David, but we have to realize that it's God who is going to deliver a nation. It is God that will save us from the wicked schemes and the plots and plans.

Of our enemies we can only do so much as just human beings but with God It's unlimited. And so what we have to know as a nation and what we have to know as the body of christ That this nation is a nation that is one nation under god It is protected by god almighty and so is our rightful president. I want to read a scripture to you One I did read yesterday But then Chris pointed out to keep reading and do a couple other scriptures after that.

So I want you to first turn to Psalm 18. This is something that's very important that we all have to write down. We all have to read on a continual basis. God's been talking to us about violent shaking. He's been talking to us about things intensifying where this is where we have to dig in and This is where we have to press in.

This is where we have to fight more than we've ever fought before. Don't get relaxed right now. Yes, we saw a great miracle. And now even people are saying that on the lamestream media, they're even admitting that was a miracle. I even heard people say it was unprecedented. Another word that God continuously tells us on a daily basis.

We're in a time of unprecedented things. We're in a time of unconventional things. But we're in a time to focus on Almighty God. And one way we focus on Him is by reading His Word. And seeing what His Word is declaring and decreeing for us to believe. God has given us His Word. It's a double edged sword.

It's that, that sword of the Spirit. It's a weapon. And we have to use it as a weapon because we are in battle. Psalm 18 in verse 48. Psalm 18 in verse 48. Who delivers me from my enemies? Yes, you lift me up above those who rise up against me. This is something we have to know as a nation. This is also something that we need to know as a children of Almighty God.

That God lifts us up above our enemies. Let's keep reading in verse 49. This is David. David was thanking God for this. Therefore I will give thanks and exalt you, O Lord, among the nations and sing praises to your name. Verse 50 Look what 50 is saying. Great deliverances and triumphs give he to his king.

And he shows mercy and steadfast love to his anointed, to David, and his offspring forever. Now I want to read this out of the CEV translation. This is Psalms. 1848 through 50. Now I read it in the amplified. Now I'm going to read it in the CEV and see how much more that you're going to learn from these scriptures.

This is what David, again, he was saying, you protect me from violent enemies and make and made me much greater. We saw God protect his David of today, protected him from an assassination that God was saying that was going to, they were going to try. God protected him in this country. Verse 49. I will praise you, O Lord, and I will honor you among the nations.

Verse 50, you give glorious victories to your chosen King, your faithful love for David and for his descendants will never end. We are descendants of David because Jesus was part of that family line. And we have our Lord and Savior that lives on the inside of us. So we are an heir. And so we have to realize that God is our protector.

He lives up, up above those. Who rise up against us and he delivers us. We saw a nation delivered in a day just like he's promised, and we'll continue to see that. We saw him save our rifle president in a day, and that split second where he turned his head, so the angels were standing there and just had him turn exactly at the right time.

And then we've seen our rightful president give glory to God just as David did. This is where we rise up above our enemies. Right now, as a nation, and right now, as the children of the army of the, in the Lord. We are in the army of the Lord, and we are rising up above our enemies, and their defeat is inevitable.

It's set in stone. Remember, God told us several different prophecies, but the handwriting is on the wall, just like King Belshazzar. His defeat. Was written on that wall and his defeat took place just as God said it would. All right, let's turn to Here's another one. Let's go to Psalm. Oh, sorry 1st Samuel go to 1st Samuel and Chapter 19

1st Samuel and chapter 19. I want to read this out of the CEV translation again

1st Samuel 19 and start with verse Nine.

Again, we're talking about David because God keeps calling President Trump as David. And this is, if you look at all the times that David was protected by Almighty God, no matter if it was a lion or a bear or Goliath or mighty armies or King Saul, God over and over and over and over and over again protected David.

Because David was his anointed and and appointed for that time to be that king. So let's read in verse 9. One night David was in Saul's house playing the harp for him. Saul was sitting there, holding a spear, when evil spirit from the Lord took control of him. And Saul tried to pin David to the wall with the spear.

But David dodged it and stuck it in the wall. And David ran out of the house and escaped. Do you see what happened? Saul had a weapon and a spear in his hand and tried to kill David. But David ducked and that spear missed him and hit the wall. What just happened the other day? The enemy, you could say a king, or opposing side, tries to kill him.

You know it was not a 20 year old kid. Yeah, that was their fall person. It's like I talked about yesterday. Lee Harvey Oswald was that fall person for the deep state to kill JFK. And that's not proven. You had a fall guy. Same thing. You had a fall guy on a building. Sniper saw him. A police officer, even.

talked to him and came down off the ladder. Minutes later, the shot was heard around the world. A sniper could have stopped him. A police officer could have stopped him. People were shouting and telling the Secret Service and they were telling the police department. Do something. President Trump asked for more Secret Service in that place for that day.

And he was denied. Similar to the National Guard that he wanted on that day in our nation's history of January 6th. Do you see the pattern? It was not just by any chance that this 20 year old just happened to get lucky. That's not the case at all. He was paid or he was told. Either way, it wasn't him. He was just a fall person.

They'll want you to pay attention to this one person and not look any deeper. Remember, this is a time of disinformation. There was gaps. That structure over there to wherever side he was, that they were on, that should have been protected easily. The snipers took him out right away, but you know the snipers saw it before that.

Do you see what God said even that night? Before any of this was known, God even said that night when we were praying with Dr. Manuel Johnson, I was in prayer and I was praying over president Trump and he said there was traitors in his midst then this was allowed to take place. And so I'm gonna have to go over that prayer once again, because it was very detailed and it was very powerful prayer over president Trump in this country.

And so now all of a sudden we're seeing more and more stuff come out in the last 24 hours or more. It was a failure by the secret service. If you don't know where the Secret Service is headquartered, you'll never guess. Actually, I know you will. Washington, D. C. And so again, he said there were people that protected him and did their job.

So not everyone is bad. But God also showed and has been telling President Trump that he's going to reveal the traitors in his midst. People just thought it was politicians. Or people in his inner circle. It's also his security. Again, not all of them are bad. And thank God for the ones that did their job and their hearts were right.

But not everyone's hearts are right. And that's why it's so important as we as a body of Christ to pray for that protection. Just as you guys know when you guys were watching on Saturday night I was revealing to everybody what happened to me on Thursday. Going to Kansas City to do this three hour interview with Flapper Conservative.

I was overwhelmed with the life and death situation and could not figure out at first what it was about. Got the team on a prayer call for like an hour, hour and a half, or longer. And we sat there, and we sat there, and we interceded, and we sat there and prayed. And what I knew was a life and death situation, and I was all excited to start revealing it to it, not only was President Trump and his family, but he was also intervening on behalf of our nation.

It was a life and death, and I even said terrorist attack, or some type of attack on this country. And there was an attack on this country two days later.

And then that's when I started talking over, even over in that interview with Flavor Conservative. And I know it just wasn't our prayers as a team. Or what God was revealing to me because it was revealed to millions of people all over the world. We've all been praying for years for protection of not only President Trump, his family, this nation.

We've been praying for Benjamin Netanyahu every day and praying for Israel and praying for the peace of Jerusalem every single day. And millions of people are doing that. God is hearing our prayers. And right now, all of us should be more confident. That God is standing in the gap, that God is intervening.

How many times has God told us that he's in between us and our enemies? Here's our enemies, here's God, and here's us. God is standing in the middle. He's holding back the enemies. Just like he's been saying that there are pharaohs of today. Just like he held back pharaohs of old right before the Red Sea.

He held them back until his children got to a protective place. Then, that wall came down, they were allowed to walk right into that trap for their ultimate defeat. What they did solidified their defeat. And there are things that are coming out of their mouth! They're speaking their own defeat! They don't even realize it.


that they're taking, they're not repenting. Just like the Pharaoh of old did not repent. He hardened his heart and kept going in the same path. God loves these people. He knows that love what they're doing. He wanted them to repent. They made a choice. And they didn't say, Julie, what are you saying? This was not done by a 20 year old by himself.

And do not believe that lie.

And we're going to find it out because God said he's going to reveal it. This is remember the enemy. There's nothing new under the sun. Similar things happen with JFK. The similar things happen to our rightful president. And we know who was involved with JFK's. Remember what God's been saying, and he's going to reveal.

every single agency

and the darkness and the evil that's in them. This is much deeper than that. They have a fall guy. They wanted it. It's not going to happen. God will reveal because this is what he says. I'm gonna I'm gonna read that right now Even though yeah, I know you guys know why I'm probably gonna be turning.

Let's look to Luke 12 This is how we know because you don't even reveal with JFK's and JFK's was like 60 years ago It was finally revealed was revealed by Tucker Carlson actually on When he was still on Fox News at that particular point They suppress the information again, and then some people knew about it and some people didn't It was an inside job.

Luke chapter 12 and verse 2. For there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be made known. Nothing. As a matter of how many years it's been. It will be made known. This will happen much quicker. Because now you have a praying army of the Lord. What did he say on Saturday when I was doing that live stream?

He kept saying, and we kept praying, Expose, expose, expose. That's what we should be declaring and decreeing on a daily basis. Expose, expose, expose. You have them coming out and saying their speeches. To make it look like they don't want violence. They're making it look like they are wanting, you know, a peace.

Let's look at something. I'm going to share my screen with you for a second. I'm going to show you their rhetoric that they've been doing for a long time. Let's expose them today. I know they're not gonna like this stuff, but that's okay. Let's look at let me look at this one. Let me share this one with you.

You guys all know this one. You guys probably seen her come out a few weeks ago. This was right after the supreme court had ruled on the case of President Trump and his immunity. Actress, Ms. Lea DeLaria, however you pronounce her name, calls on Biden to assassinate Trump. This is war. You have somebody from Hollywood saying to assassinate Trump weeks before he did it.

Weeks before it happened. Let's read on. She was provocative measures in the wake of the Supreme Court immunity ruling. Trump is Hitler. This is 1940. Take him the blank out. Does this sound like peaceful to you? Doesn't to me. Let's look at another one. This is

from the BBC. Presenter calls for Trump to be murdered by Biden. This is on national news. They want him to be killed. And let's look at an ad that President Trump had put out about the violence and the rhetoric That the left had been putting out, even though I'm going to show you this article is actually making fun of President Trump and saying that President Trump is just full of himself and that he's, you know, he's, he's the one who has the violent rhetoric, but let's see this video.

Let's watch it.

Don't I wish I were debating him. No, I wish we were in high school. I could take him behind the gym. That's what I wish I said. No. I said if we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. I, I, I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all of the country. Maybe there will be that you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to.

Destroy what you stand for, what you care about. You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. Enemies of the state. Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite. And peaceful. President Walker, how do you resist the temptation to run up and wring her neck?

When they go low, we kick them. They're still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. Yes! I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. Please, get up in the face of some Congress people.

But now all of a sudden they're calling for peace. This is the rhetoric that they've been saying for a long time. They've been calling him Hitler. They've been calling him all these things. So why do you think these things take place? They wanted this type of stuff to happen. One of the things that the Lord even showed us over and over and over again, because the desperation is growing.

They're not even hiding the fact that they're coming out and they're saying this on national TV. Biden even said a couple of days ago, I think it was like July 8th, that he had a bullseye on Trump. But all of a sudden he's saying, Oh, peace. We don't want violence. Really? Because that's what you've been saying for the last how many years?

They've been saying it the whole entire Trump presidency and that that's all most of those clips were from his presidency And then of course when I showed you About that actress was just a couple weeks ago and the BBC guy was just a couple weeks ago, too This is war that we're in. This is a battle that we're facing.

But what do we do? Oh, we're gonna have violent protests. No, that's not how we fight. That's not how we war That's not how we win. We win by standing and praying. We win by God saying, That vengeance is mine. That's what God says. We win by praying, praising God. Remember that God gave us a W A R? Worship and resist.

And at the same time, the wicked are restricted. W A R. That's how we war.

They want violence. And then they say the other party is violent. We're not. We want peace. We want our freedoms. We want justice. We want liberty. We want what belongs to us. But we know how this has to take place. It has to be God to do it. If you read, okay, he's bringing up, while I was talking, 2 Chronicles.

Remember Jehoshaphat. And I've read this to you several different times before. It was actually even in a prophecy that I had for President Trump is God told President Trump is David to read 2nd Chronicles 20 This was quite some time ago. I don't remember how long ago it was. I just remember that he had something about it

So 2nd Chronicles 20 in verse 2 then came and told Jehoshaphat saying a great multitude is coming against you from beyond this beyond the sea From Syria and there from Hazmar and to Hazan and Tamar Verse three, and Jehoshaphat feared and set himself to seek the Lord and proclaim a fast throughout Judea.

So again, there was a great military army. There was a great army coming against Jehoshaphat and his people. Did Jehoshaphat go and just start panicking and start getting in fear and start getting worried? To start just going and protesting and do violence? No. Jehoshaphat, he said to pray and fast. Pray and fast.

That's what they did. And then they encouraged themselves in the Lord Let's let's read some more in verse go down go down to verse 6 2nd Chronicles 20 verse 6 again Write these scriptures down read them and get this revelation of what God has to do because even though you may not be in the fivefold ministry even though You may not be a prophet or evangelist a pastor a teacher, you know, you may not be You Any of those you still are a child of most high god.

You're in the army of the lord You're still part of the body of christ and you still have a significant part to play In the battle that we're facing today.

We have a righteous indian nation Yes, that's different than a violent or angry hateful anger That's totally different if we have that kind of anger, then we're trying to do it ourselves And god is telling us not to do that God is telling us to let go and let god but we have to stand we have to pray and we have to remind ourselves You That God is bigger than what we're seeing second Chronicles 20 in verse 6 and said Oh Lord our father Are you not God in heaven?

Do you not rule over the kingdoms of the nations and in the hand of that that not power and might so that no one is Able to withstand you they were encouraging selves themselves and reminding themselves That God is bigger than the nations and God's hand is bigger and most powerful than anything in this earth I want to read that again.

This is a revelation. Your hand is there not power and might so that no one is able to withstand you. There is no one able to withstand the power of Almighty God. The hand of Almighty God. No one and they reminded themselves that he's bigger than the nations They reminded themselves that he was bigger than the army and they were reminding him father God We know that your hand is bigger.

We know that you're bigger than our enemies. We know that you are protect us verse 7 Are you not our God who drove out the inhabitants of the land before your people Israel and gave it to the sense of Abraham? You're friends forever forever. He's talking they're talking about how God removed You The giants out the land the promised land that he had given him

Verse eight and they dwell in it and have built you a sanctuary in it for your name's saying verse nine If disaster comes upon sword and judgment pestilence or famine We will stand before this temple in your presence for the name is the temple On this temple and cry out to you in our affliction and you will hear And you will save so god look what they're saying.

I'm gonna say this again verse nine if disaster comes upon us Disaster has been trying to come upon us for four years Well been longer than that But it's just been intensified in the last four years and then we see what happened how it intensified even more On saturday night a disaster comes upon our nation

with sword judgment pestilence or famine We will stand before this temple and in your presence for your name is in this temple And cry out to you in our affliction. You will hear and you will save god heard You God saved. Even when it's been the darkest and the toughest for a lot of God's people,

no matter what people experiencing their life and remind them how much the enemy was trying to do against them. They will still standing and they were so praying and expecting God to deliver. And we're going to continuously see that in a month's moving forward because they're not done. And I'm not saying that to you for you to be in fear.

We should be encouraged even though they're not done and they may try some more things. That God has warned us about.

We know that God will hear, and we know that God will save.

Go to verse 12, 2 Chronicles 20 verse 12. O our God, will you not judge them? People are asking right now. God, will you judge them?

We have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us. No, do we know what to do, but our eyes are fixed on you. We have a great multitude against us and against our rightful president. We saw it. We've been seeing it. Impeachments, indictments, you know, trying to take money from him, false and fake guilty verdicts.

And now an assassination attempt. They tried taking his company, and now they tried taking his life.

They're not playing, but neither is God. We may not know how God is going to do any of this.

God used a tilt of a head to save our president and to save our country. A slight tilt at the very right time.

We don't know how God is going to do all these things. And I say this a lot because people want to know how. He's not going to give us the how. He's given us He will. He proved it and He will continue to prove it.

Let's go to the latter part of verse 15, still in 2nd Chronicles 20. Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude for the battle is not yours. But God's. God fights for us. I'm gonna read that scripture in Exodus again here in a minute.

Verse 17. You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves and stand still and see the salvation of the Lord who is with you. We don't need to fight like they're fighting. You fight with Almighty God. You fight in prayer. That's the greatest weapon against our enemy. Prayer. The power of the name of Jesus.

That's how you fight.

Don't let them get you and think that you have to fight another way. That's a weaker way. You fight in prayer.

Verse 17 again. You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourself. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord who is with you.

He's telling him you don't need to fight in it. Not the way you have always fought in the past. Not a way to win a war. You fought physically. He's telling him don't fight physically. I will do that for you. You just trust and believe in me and hold your peace and remain at rest.

Do not fear or be dismayed. Tomorrow go out against them. For the Lord is with you. God is with us. God is with President Trump and we saw it. God is with his family.

So then you'll see,

in the latter part of 2020, 2nd Chronicles 2020, in the latter part, Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established. Believe in his prophets, and you shall prosper. Then verse 22, Now when they began to sing and praise the Lord, set ambushes. Against the people of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah, and they were defeated.

How did they win that battle? By praising and worshipping God. How do we win this battle? By praising and worshipping God. I showed you the enemy's rhetoric, their narrative. Their constant coming out and saying things over and over and over again. They wanted violence!

I didn't say that to get angry, righteous in a nation to pray for judgment and justice. We all, we can't just sit back and do nothing. What if 80 million people, you know, that was more that voted for him in 2020, just even say it was 80 million people prayed for our president and prayed for our nation.

Just think how much farther ahead we would be if we were united in God.

If we were being united that he's our deliverer, being united that he's the one who'll protect and save our country. If we could just, just agree on that.

Look what happens though. So God's people are praising and worshiping. Remember God already said that, that the enemies are turning on themselves. We've seen that since the debate. What God said a landslide of events and a landslide of things are gonna take place after that. Again, all prophecy.

They're turning on one another. You have two different camps. You have a Biden camp and you have an Obama camp because they're definitely not the same. You see it. You have some people fighting for Israel and some people fighting for Palestine. You have another divide. You have some extremely extreme and some that are modern, you know, they're not, they're not as extreme as other people.

They're. More modest, or whatever you want to call them.

So, you have, like, JFK Democrats, and then you have, like, AOC Democrats. That's the example I'm trying to give you.

So they're fighting. They're in disarray. They're not agreeing. And then you have God's people praising and worshiping God. And then what happens to the enemies? Well, God sets up ambushes and we're praising and praying. Let's look what happened. Verse 24. So when Judah came to a place overlooking the wilderness, they looked toward the multitude and there were dead bodies falling all over the earth and no one had escaped.

The God's people have to lift their finger. Nope. The enemies turned on themselves and destroyed themselves.

Because God's people did not get in fear. They did not get anxious and worried about that great multitude. They fasted. They prayed. They looked to God. They reminded themselves how big God was. They reminded themselves the promises of God, the covenant that God had with them. They reminded themselves Of how he got rid of all the inhabitants of the promised land and then they started praising and worshiping him And as they were doing that the enemies defeated themselves and god's people didn't lift a finger

Verse 25 when jehovah's fatness people came to the take away their spoil. There was restoration There's restoration that god keeps talking about they found among them an abundance of valuables on their dead bodies and a precious jewelry Which stripped off from themselves and more they could carry away and they were three days gathering spoil You Because there was so much.

God restored to him. God restored what really belonged to them, just like he did in the book of Exodus. Okay? Let's go back over this prophetic word again. It's extremely important. So what are we learning from what God is telling us? Prayer. That is the greatest weapon against your enemy. Is that violence that they want?

They want to provoke you.

They want you riled up, so you hit them back the way they want you to, just kind of like January 6th. Even though January 6th was very peaceful. They made it turn out to be something it wasn't. They twisted it, lied. But God is gonna reveal all the lies in the end. Let's go back on this prophetic word, the first paragraph.

This, again, this is the title of this prayer, of this prophecy. God names the prophecies. I don't. The attempted murder of my son will be Be exposed

and heard. This is the first one of three yesterday for those are just joining for either Lord this day I'm telling my children the land of My Eagle you shall live and not die as a nation That's what we should be saying every single day We will live and not die as a nation our nation is united not divided Our enemies will not get the Civil War.

They so desire and they so have to eloquently what God says designed and planned for No, we are going to unite as one nation under God, in the name of God, in the power and authority of that name of Jesus Christ. That. Is what we're going to do. We're going to live as a nation and we are not going to die.

We're going to stand strong. This says your enemies tried a great attack on your country by trying to end the life of my David. Well, they did not and could not succeed. I have intervened for this nation. I've intervened for my David. Remember who's the protector. God, even the news, like I said earlier, is even saying it was unprecedented and it was also a miracle.

People are astounded by how close that was. You couldn't have gotten any closer without a different result about God.

My children, you're warring. We've been fighting that good fight of faith. We've been praying. That's what they talk about, warring. We've been having these marching orders, decrees, declarations. We've been saying and declaring and decreeing our victory. Declaring and decreeing our protection. Declaring and decreeing our deliverance.

When we decree a thing, it shall be established.

My children, your warring and your constant prayers were heard by El Shaddai. Who's El Shaddai? For those of you who don't know, I think the majority of people do know, El Shaddai is the God who nothing is impossible. That the other day was an impossible situation that turned possible for God.

El Shaddai showed up. He's a God who nothing is impossible. He shows up in the impossible situations. An awakening has begun in my nation, but now It will explode everywhere. So what Satan meant for harm, death, destruction, calamity, chaos, darkness, the opposite will take place.

Memory's been talking about the Tower of Babel, confusion, chaos. He's cutting the lines of communication off. They're not getting what they want. Pray, and we're gonna pray at the end of this, for the Republican National Convention. Cause you know they have stuff up their sleeve. I mean, that's just common sense.

God. I will destroy the evil that you've seen in your land and in this nation and the nations around the world. God is destroying the evil in this country.

People say, God's not a political God. That's not what he's talking about. It's not a political thing. It's a good versus evil thing.

Politics just got involved.

My children, I'll expose this plan. I'll expose a murderous plot.

Oh, the ones who think they got away with something because they had a fall guy,

God is coming for them. They're not gonna get away with it. I will, I will show you where the instructions came from and who ordered the hit of my David. He's gonna show you the big fish. Or the architect, along with the blueprint of this plot against President Trump. I told you the ravenous wolves were coming out of their caves to devour any truth or any freedom you had left in this nation.

Again, they were going to kill two birds with one stone. You kill Trump, you kill this nation.

I will unmask these wolves and these treasonous traitors.

So he's talking about in our country, so the establishment or the deep state, the swamp, the globalists, wherever you want to call them, they're all the same. Look what he says right after that though in the next paragraph.

Now he's been talking about traitors in his midst for a very, very long time. Now some of those traitors have been removed, but obviously some are still there. I told you my children, President Trump had traitors in his midst and this should prove to you this is true.

That never should have happened. Just like he had allowed the 2020 to happen, he had allowed certain other things to happen to show not only the enemies of Almighty God, they don't have the power to take him out, but also to show the people that it's God is the one protecting this country and his David.

Again, God knew he's the Alpha Omega Beginning and he knew what they were going to do. It already had plans to intervene and stop it.

Some close to him are working for the other side. The ones that were supposed to protect him. I don't know how many there are. One, two, three, four, I don't know. I have no idea. God didn't say. But the ones with a job to protect him, Some are traitors.

Those who were to protect him, listen to what he says, very, very detailed. Those that were to protect them let things slip through the cracks ever so subtly to make it look like they were doing their job, but they were not. Remember God says things are not how they appear to be. They appeared to be doing their job when they weren't.

Some on purpose. Now, some really had no idea and some were really doing their job and to the best of their ability and they would have taken a bullet for him.

There's some that are good

and some are not.

Some are there for the right reason and some did their jobs. God bless them, the ones that were there that actually did their job.

I told you I've infiltrated the infiltrators and I Am smoking them out of their holes. And they're hiding places, and they will be revealed who they are. Now, my David's real protection comes from me, saith the Lord of Hosts. Now, I think it was yesterday early, early morning, President Trump had come out and he truthed.

You know what? Let me read it really quick. I think pretty much everybody's probably seen it, but He was giving glory to God, just like that.

to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. He gave glory to God, just as David did in the Bible. And God said that President Trump is as David now. His next words. In bold fear not but instead remain resilient in our faith and defiant in the face of wickedness Our love goes out to the other victims and families.

We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded And hold in our hearts the memory of a citizen who was horribly killed. And we prayed for that family that very same night. He was a firefighter, and he shielded his family.

He saved his wife and his daughter from that gunshot, and he died.

And that never should have happened. An innocent bystander, and again, we also pray for the victims that were also injured. They would live and not die. Keep praying for that firefighters family, for them to have peace and comfort in the most horrible time that they are dealing with

in this moment is more important than ever. Look what he says is more important than ever to be stand united and show our true character as Americans remaining strong and determined and now allowing evil to win. I truly love our country and love you all and look forward to speaking to our great nation this week from Wisconsin.

He gave glory to God. He knew that it was God and God alone that protected him.

Again, my David's real protection comes from me. His real protection comes from God. So does our nation's. Our nation's protection comes from God and not a man. It comes from God.

Then he goes on. Secret details of your enemy's plan to take down my David as they were taking down your nation. Remember it was twofold. Take down Trump, take down the country. Kill two birds with one stone.

He's revealing that to us. They failed. Why did they fail? God said, this nation belongs to me, says the Lord. This nation belongs to God. They can't do it. They can't do what they want. My David is mine, and it's protected by me. As your enemy's desperation has grown in this time, I told you they would overreach.

God told us about an overreach that would take place, of power. I would say by trying to eliminate your political opponent from an election is an overreach. They would make mistakes, they would walk right into a traps I have set for them. In this trap, they walked right into it. They thought they had an opportunity without thinking, they acted.

This wasn't a well thought out plan. This plan came from Washington, D. C. and it came from your capital. And it's not just who you think was involved. There's many. You can't just pin it on one person. It's multiple people.

Many of your leaders wanted this. We can see that. Their rhetoric has been the same thing. Their stuff has been, they've been talking about this over and over and over again for how many years? Proof is coming. Oh, yes. Proof is coming. Secret conversations they thought were secret and their location secure and their servers would never be found of the secret way to communicate plots and plans like this.

God's got them. Remember he said he has it all. Well, I have it all and I will say this again They will not get away with what they did on that day in your nation So again, they have that fall guy They want you to just pay attention to this person and God says they're not gonna get away with it

Oh, I will not only reveal this attempt, but I will reveal the ones behind it and the attempts now listen Not only will they just do to President Trump, but then he also goes on the attempts and assassination of others that were successful to previous leaders and presidents in your country. He's going to reveal more people that were killed by the establishment, the swamp, the deep state, whatever you want to call them.

This action, now look at what he says, and he had me put this in bold. This action marks a time in your nation when a shift is taking place. Now remember he said the winds of change are happening and he says he's changing them. But now he's talking about the shift again. This marks a time in your nation when a shift is taking place and the momentum has shifted.

Your enemies will regret these actions taken against my nation and the land of My Eagle. Days of Haman are here. Look at the Book of Esther. Look at the buster. Look what happened with Haman. Haman tried to kill Mordecai and said Haman was killed. Dates of Haman are here. Their defeat is near. So watch what I do to deliver my nation from the hands of the murderous, treasonous traitors.

He's calling murderers again.

Then he says I Am making my nation strong again. I'm making my nation awake again. I'm making my nation united again, and I'm making my nation victorious again. That's what God is doing. Now all we have to do is get an agreement with Almighty God and say what he's telling us to say. And do what he's telling us to do.

My children, do not fear what you are about to hear. Do not fear what you're gonna hear. They're gonna do something else. He's telling you that. Just like he told us on the day of that guilty verdict. He said, there's not gonna be no guilty verdict. They're not gonna stand. They're not gonna last. Don't give into that.

Don't bow your knee. Don't believe in that. Because God told us that exact day of those verdicts. He said, do not fear what you're about to hear. Why? Because God's gonna change it.

And obviously, he was supposed to be, you know, sentenced on July 11th. And then they postponed that. Why? Because they had other plans.

My son, do not fear what you're about to hear. Do not fear what they say or what your enemies try to do next. Because this failed attempt at my son. Their desperation just grew even more. Exploded in desperation now. The tides have turned. They will fall faster now. Just wait and see how fast your enemies flee like rats.

I love how he says in these analogies, They fall, they will flee like rats from a burning building. Your enemies will flee like rats fleeing a burning building. Their plans have been set ablaze with no way to recover this disastrous decision that they have made. So God is saying right then and there, Look, they're gonna, they're gonna be destroyed for the decision that they just made.

They made the wrong decision. Then he says, Wait and watch my David's triumphant return, and for your enemy's ultimate defeat is near, and it will be clear that I Am here, saith the Lord of hosts. God is here. The angel armies. Are here. That's why the Lord of hosts means God of angel armies. God is here. So what are we going to declare?

We're going to declare our victory. What are we going to say? We're going to keep saying every day that we are united and not divided We're going to say that we have our nation our nation As God even showed us and he keeps saying our nation wasn't delivered in a day and it was But he will continue to deliver our nation But it was delivered in a day and whatever else he does to deliver our nation.

We just as powerful and undeniable You That only God could do what just took place. Only God. So let's pray right now. Let's pray over President Trump and his family again. For their strength and their pressing in more to our Heavenly Father.

So Heavenly Father, right now in Jesus name, we lift up President Trump to you and we thank you for sparing his life. We thank you for saving him from the violent. And murderous plots of our enemy. We thank you for not only saving president Trump, but you're saving our nation. Father God, we thank you that we declared now this day that we are one nation under God.

We declare this very day, father God, we're protected by the Lord God almighty. We're protected by you, father God, and the angel armies that are surrounding this nation and surrounding our rightful president, surrounding Jerusalem, surrounding Benjamin Netanyahu. In all of Israel, you are the God El Shaddai that did show up and we thank you Father God that you will continually, continuously show up in the impossible.

We thank you for giving President Trump and his family strength and revelation knowledge of your power and of your goodness and of their assignment that you have for them Father God that nothing is impossible to you or for you. But pour out your love upon them like never before. Show them a power like you said that they have never known.

Show them, Father God, that you are that driving force behind that stone that President Trump has to take out the Giants.

Heavenly Father, we also lift up this earth. Republican National Convention to you. We thank you that no matter what they try to do in the streets It won't come to nothing. What they try to do inside will come to nothing. Father God, I thank you for exposing. I thank you Father God for also your protection, your peace, to be in that place, to joy, your joy to be in that place.

We plead the blood of Jesus over that building, surrounding that building, every person in that building, every person that's attending it, to

And instead of violence in the streets, instead of mass chaos, Father God, I thank you for stopping it in its tracks. And it'd be like a dud, and it'd come to nothing. Because Father God, we know that your chariots, just like you showed Elijah and Gehazii when they were surrounded, you told Elijah to open the eyes of Gehazii to see the chariots of fire that was surrounding them, protecting them.

Why, I thank you for the same chariots of fire surrounding and protecting You're David and every person with him and every person attending that Republican National Convention. There will be no more death and violence the way they want. But Father God, I thank you that again, you told us about unconventional and unprecedented things taking place in this nation.

And we thank you that you are our deliverer. And we thank you, Father God, for all the things that you've already shown us that you've done. But all the things that you will continuously do to save this nation. And to protect your son and every single one of his family members. We thank you father, God, for this triumph and victory that we will not fear.

Just like you said in this word, you told us to declare it. This is what we're going to declare right now together. This is what we're saying that you are making our nation strong. Again, you are making. You are making our nation awake again. You are making our nation united again. And you are making our nation victorious again.

We declare it. We decree it. We declare and decree it shall be established. So that's right now. Father God, it says one could put 1000 to fight, but two could put 10. And you also said in your work that whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven and wherever we loose on earth is loose in heaven. So we bind every attack of the enemy and we loose our angels.

And protect for their protection around our country. And we thank you father God for expose, expose, expose, expose, expose, expose all the lies, expose all the treasonous traitors and expose all the traitors and president Trump's myths. Be like a magnifying glass or a spotlight will know exactly who they are by looking at them Reveal it to him and we thank you father god for it in jesus name.

Amen. And amen So again, this is not a time to get into fear This is not a time to you know Even be like what are they going to do next if they missed? And what are they also going to try to do doesn't matter what we need to focus on is having that firm focused foundation On the father that our god reigns that our god delivers and our god You Is bringing us a triumphant victory in a return of his David.

And so continuously to pray for their protection, continuously pray for their strength and for their relationship and their fellowship with almighty God to grow every single day, even greater than it was the day before. And the same thing goes for you. Pray the same thing for your behalf, protection, strength, that you have a greater relationship with God than you did the day before.

And that God reveals stuff to you. Because he has prepared our hearts. He's prepared us for this battle. He's strengthened us for it. God is our Strength and God is our protector and our Avenger and he says vengeance is mine So let God let go and let God because God will do it So and again if you want make America pray again If you want buck God or God wins any of that go to threesunstrides.

com And of course if you want any prayer requests You have any of those we've been praying actually i'm going to go into prayer here pretty soon my prayer team For each and every one of you we pray for you each and every day if you have any of those prayer requests In the description box is our address A physical address and our website.

You can go on our contact page We know we pray for you. We have a very powerful prayer team. We love you We appreciate you more than you will ever know. We love you We thank you for your prayers because everybody needs to be banding together being united and praying for one another Praying protection and praying for strength.

Okay, so until tomorrow unless something else God decides you know change something but until tomorrow god loves you. I love you. God bless you and have A wonderful day, wonderful day.

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