Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 11 (Jim Jones & O.J. Simpson)

7 months ago

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Interesting radio show with Columbine researcher William Zabel:

The Florida/Hollywood Mob Connection, the CIA and O.J. Simpson by author Alex Constantine,-the-CIA-and-O.J.-Simpson-(1995).pdf

Most of the series information comes directly from the book: Programmed To Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder by author David McGowan.

American Nightmare: Cults (Documentary 2017)

Investigation in Serial Killers, Assassins, Mass Murder, Spree Killers, Cults, MK-ULTRA, Project Monarch, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Military, Army, U.S. Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, CIA, Mossad, Black Ops, FBI, OSS (CIA), Special Forces, KGB, Intelligence Agencies, Global Conspiracy, Disinformation Agents, Satanic Ritual Abuse, False Flag, Psychological Warfare, Electronic Warfare, Satanic Networks, Occult, Satanism, Wicca, Black Magic, Alchemy, Witchcraft, Devil Worship, Magical Thinking and Secret Societies


Despite the conventional profile of serial killers as lone nuts driven solely by their own internal demons, there is a compelling case to be made that many of the most prominent serial killers are intelligence assets. Countless serial killers appear to be subjects of mind control programs like those found in Project MK-Ultra, exhibiting telltale qualities such as early childhood abuse, dissociative disorders, pedophilia, and connections to known or suspected intelligence fronts (like the military, prisons, mental hospitals, and cults). Many of these murders, far from being random killings, are actually targeted assassinations or clean-up operations on behalf of various criminal enterprises (like murder-for-hire, drug trafficking, or sex rings), which the killers are often associated with. Other murders have no political motive, but fit the profile of Satanic cult killings or a domestic version of the Phoenix Program aimed at terrorizing the public into submission. While this is no doubt a controversial position to take on serial killers, there is often an astounding number of common elements in serial killer cases pointing to some kind of government / intelligence involvement. The "serial killer" presented to the public is often a fall-guy taking responsibility for group actions or (on rarer occasions) an entirely innocent patsy.

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