Bill Eigel, Candidate for Missouri Governor, Meets with Johnson County Residents

6 months ago

Bill Eigel, candidate for Missouri Governor, meets with Johnson County residents at the conservative grassroots headquarters in Warrensburg, MO on Saturday, Aug. 3, in advance of the upcoming primary election on Tuesday, Aug. 6.

Eigel discussed his platform and the issues he plans to tackle when elected governor.

He answered residents questions about issues pertaining to: Republican candidate vetting, pardoning Eric DeValkenaere, school choice, Aaron Dimmock (a Missouri state government employee) running against incumbent U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL), political polling, lottery money not going to the schools, red flag laws, plandemic and jabs, cutting income tax and personal property tax, term limits for executive branch positions, and liberal prosecutors not prosecuting criminals.

As part of this meet and greet, Eigel introduced Lori Rook, Missouri state treasurer candidate. Rook discussed her platform.

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