8.4.2024 - Groovy Jimmy EWYK - Sunday night Groove, there's been a switch up

3 months ago

Jimmy wakes up from a nap at 4pm to find that Jamie Rose had cancelled on him, they will not be going out on a date. Her client in Katy cancelled and she postponed until Tuesday. Jimmy took the day off of work to go on the date so he is saddened.

He plays GTA, watches GTA, makes shitty rap beats, and gets surrounded by 100 other autists. The retardation levels have never been higher.

He comes up with a dastardly plan to send Tony's 17 year old sister a dick pic on her 18th birthday. this eventually snowballs into Jimmy sending every one of his non existent hoes a dick pic on Christmas.

The music he attempts to make on bandlabs sounds like a cripple walking on the life sized keyboard from "Big". He is the worst beat maker alive.

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