Ruaumoko, a Maori mythological god, rumbles the Alpine Fault line every 300 years!

7 months ago

Ruaumoko, a Maori mythological god, according to Geonet, a government-funded earthquake commission, rumbles the Alpine Fault line every 300 years!

The Bible says that when a nation turns its back on God, things will happen like floods, earthquakes, famines, and violence, "for sin is a reproach on any nation."

So, who is to blame for the state of our Nation? Ruaumoko, Sin, the Devil or God, the creator of heaven and earth? Some may say “Mother Nature” - really?

If you don’t think sin has consequences, read what Jesus said to someone he just healed, "Go and sin no more lest something worse does not befall you”. Amazingly, Jesus died for our sins. God loves every person, and if we are prepared to turn from our sins to Christ, He forgives us, redeems us, and will heal our land.

The truth is “ it rains on the righteous and the unrighteousness", so in adversity, sadly, even innocent people get hurt, and sadly, homes get destroyed in floods, fires etc, etc.

On Christ's Day, a tower fell on eighteen people and killed them. The question was asked of Jesus: "Were they worse sinners than others?" Jesus answered, "No, but unless you repent, you too will perish.”

My heart breaks for people when their homes get ruined or destroyed. And often this happens to good innocent people but we all now live in a “godless secular nation”, ( thanks to the past liberal government) and there are consequences to that.

The 1st of the 10 commandments is: “You shall have no other gods but me”. Maori, Hindu, or what or whoever. How many people have a Buddha sitting in their garden? Yet even Buddha said, "I am not the way; I don’t know the way.” Not much good rubbing his fat belly for good luck!

Think about it: Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life“. He was either telling the truth, or He lied when He said, “No one can come to the Father except through Me". In fact, the Bible is very clear that there is salvation in no other name but the name of Jesus, so Biblically, these phenomena are the result of our nations turning away from Christ.

Ruaumoko is not to blame, for he is mythological and does not exist. It is the devil that comes to rob, steal and Destroy and unfortunately, we have let him into our country. I am just wondering why Christians have a hard time telling the truth, yet in the name of PC / Culture, it is accepted to acknowledge other so-called gods.

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