Episode 7 - Jamy Brock

7 months ago

Obedience. What does that mean? Better yet, what does it look like? How am I supposed to know what God is calling me to, and how do I know what is from Him and what is just the world?

All good questions, none of them easily answered. In our interview with Jamy Brock you’ll hear what it looked like for him to work through all of those questions and more.

Whatever you’re going through now, or will one day in the future, it might not look anything like his journey. You might not win a Battle of the Bands contest, or almost not finish college, or have a successful career in law enforcement, and you probably won’t end up on staff at a church. But no matter how different the journey is, we’re all being guided to the same place…surrendering our lives to Jesus.

If you would like to find out more about Real Life Ministries TX you can reach their website at this link: https://reallifetexas.org

*We appreciate your prayers for this ministry to grow in its reach to the people who need to be encouraged. Another way you can help a bunch is if you’d give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel. Thank you so much for being a part of our mission!

Host - Chad Beck
Guest – Jamy Brock
Produced by Church Merch Ministries
Recorded at Sonic Rehearsal Studios in Houston, TX

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