If A Crisis Happens, You Better Be In Shape!

6 months ago

Yo fam, the world has a lot of tension right now. Just like everyone else I would like to pretended like nothing could ever happen. But after covid, we should all know anything is possible!

Do not wait for bad things to happen. Be proactive! One of the most proactive things you can do for yourself, your loved ones, friends and family and community is getting physically healthy & fit.

You should be able to do basic task in the blink of an eye. Run a quarter mile, carry heavy things, pull heavy things, pick items up, duck, crawl, jump, etc.

It’s time to regain your health and be a functional fit man. Lift weights 2-4 days per week, walk every day, clean up your diet and get healthy now!

You do not want to be someone who can’t help, or worse even, makes a situation more difficult for the people around them.

Hopefully nothing insane happens in the world anytime soon, but it’s better to be safe than sorry right now!

Get strong & stay strong Gents.

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