7 Things I Learned As A Man That Changed My Life

6 months ago

"1-Heal the boy within & awaken the man

When a man learns how to become sensitive to his own emotions and meet the unmet needs of his wounded inner boy he creates space for the powerful Man to step up and lead

2-Your relationships as a man are determined on your depth of leadership

The level to which a woman can open and surrender in relationship is determined by the depth he has met himself

3-Success as a man is based his emotional capacity

The more a man can hold emotionally and keep a regulated nervous system the more he can lead from his heart and continue to show up even when things aren’t going his way

4-Dis-cover the core of who you really

Most men are so dis connected from their truth since boys.. discover who you really are and be HIM the world needs your TRUE Self

5-Brotherhood is non negotiable

Men need leaders around them to hold them emotionally and support him to become better, that is not the role of a woman..

6-Your relationship with your breath is a reflection of the quality of life you live

The connection a man has with his breath will determine how regulated his nervous system is and how connected he is with his heart

7-Courage means welcoming fear and choosing to live and lead from the heart

Men need a connection with their inner wild man or warrior and this means to live courageously from the heart as a warrior who is ready to die for a good cause in battle for his mission.

Which one resonates the most?

Become the leader you are suppose to be.


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