The Aeon Clarion Call Energy Vlog

7 months ago

The Aeon Clarion Call Energy Vlog Title is from the date August 4, 2024 thus #20 the Judgement or the Aeon card With its clarion call to wake the sleepiong to the new age.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News Showed us four amplitudes The first is a power of 34 At 8:15 AM UTC Thus Temperance is need to guide your chariot surely toward your goal. The Second amplitude power is 30 at 9:45 AM UTC thus the Moon in Leo brings passion to the Empress the divine female or earth mother. The Third Amplitude power is 24 at 11:30 AM UTC thus Temperance is what the Lovers need to have a harmonious relationship. The Fourth amplitude power of 22 at 1:45 AM UTC thus we have Temperance being suggested to htdeFool as he make his foolish leap of faith. The quality power of 9 the Hermit card a call to retreat go within for inner wisdom. The Frequency average is 7.73 hertz thus the Star card clearly shows our vulnerbility while it gives us Hope.

Thgerfore, we can say about it all: The Judgement of the Aeon moves Swiftly toward the Hermit with i his inner wisdom Toward a clarity of vision about his goals under the sar of hope. The Space weather showed us a geomagnetic storm level with a level six plus for three hours, We showed the astrology of abundance by Meg Moonbeam webinar at 33.00 USD. We pulled two card form the starseed oracle deck the first the void card embrace winter the Cosmic womb. The second Deep Cellular Healing Arcturus energy Phiysical Mental and emotional healing can be found at
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather site:
Meg Moonbeam Astrology for abundance webinar:
SG Anon rumble video :

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