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Social Studies Sunday

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Ok, it's a policitically HOT time for our country. Add THAT to it's time to make a VERY IMPORTANT decision on what you want for YOUR Future and the FUTURE of THOSE coming up.
Our school systems have changed so much, they no longer teach the childfren how to be adults, boy & girls, right v wrong, or HOW to be adults, let alone GOOD. NO I'm NOT saying it's JUST the Schools responsibility, what I AM saying is children learn from the School settings and believe THAT MORE than they do their parents because there are more pressures there, AND they don't SEE the imperfections of their education teams.
So, WHAT do people know? That the REPULICAN Party is who Lincoln belonged to? I remember in my hood, we were told he belonged to the DEMOCRATIC party. WAIT, was THAT word salad, and NOT really a Lie. Of course.
So today, I thought we'd just take a good old fashioned lesson in Social Studies 101. From a true Medium STUPID individual who is more than WILLING to state, I don't LIVE in the political arena, and vote my gut NOT the retoric.
DISCLAIMING: The LOVELY Power company I live under, pulled my plug while preparing for this stream, so please BEAR WITH ME. I got creative and am using my phone as a hot spot, and a laptop (I SUCK at these) to finish the set up while HOPING power comes back on.
Remember to Support the Channel, and those who make it reasonible to afford to do this.


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